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Everything posted by lordaloa

  1. minigun i made from scratch i would be delighted to see it in fallout NV or fallout 3 doesn't matter
  2. minigun i made from scratch i would be delighted to see it in fallout NV or fallout 3 doesn't matter
  3. a minigun i made from scratch i would be delighted to see it in fallout NV or fallout 3 doesn't matter if you have a scrath made post it here
  4. a minigun i made from scratch i would be delighted to see it in fallout NV or fallout 3 doesn't matter if you have a scrath made post it here
  5. i've got a problem with oneo f my mods that makes my hair not on the right place on my head and the with hats this since i installed nevada project
  6. can't download when i want to download something grey screen nothing appears hope you're doing something to fix this thx ;)
  7. can't download grey screen but nothing appears :(
  8. when i try to create a creature or npc, i want to see them in full, but the window next to it is split in three so i see the partial the creature ? can anyone help me plz i never had this before
  9. when you wear a helm or glasses that actually see it in 1st person mode if you know what i mean
  10. i though why are all NPCs and Creatures the same size and why can't you change your size in the begin of the game?
  11. that is all fine to me i can't moddel but i agree with you (srry my bad englis)
  12. i don't understand why should't it be possible? i've seen a lot of mods in fallout 3 who made immpossible things possible (Srry Bad Englis)
  13. i've been thinking about a mod that gives you a perk to equipe two guns in each hand maybe? if some-one can realise this thx
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