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Everything posted by greyblood

  1. Well since I can't send the message I'll say it here. I liked the armor and clothing images you uploaded. I must have them :D The Orcish one especially was one of my favorites, they all looked great using the roberts body for skyrim.
  2. Good luck fixing this stuff ^^ I'm glad this site has a nice team working on bugs like this.
  3. Why hello there!!

    Thanks for adding me :D See you on The Nexus!!

  4. Thanks my friend! I actually didn't know about this comment option til recently :P

    Thanks for dropping by to say "HI!"

  5. I've been editing some faces in the CK before and never had this problem before but recently male faces I try to edit show up with weird lines on their temples and spots all over their forehead. These are show as replacements for warpaint and dirt and eyeliner from what I've gathered. Warpaint and dirt wont show up but if I change the color it changes the color of the dots and lines. I'm assuming it's some mod I have on that's screwing it all up but I've tried uninstalling a few but still nothing changes. Anyways I figured maybe it was just a CK bug and it would look different in game. However it still shows up. If anyone's got any info, I'd be glad to hear it. I have been editing for a while but I'm still an idiot with these things so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong :P http://i.minus.com/jp2GkOFIJDvqI.jpg There's the big red dots that are supposed to be face paint and the dark lines on the temple is supposed to be dirt.
  6. ctrl+delete? Really? Haha, I tried everything but that. Thank you so much David. This will save me plenty of time later. It shouldn't be too much of a problem since I only used 1 extra esm. I think I'll go work on it right now in fact. Thanks again!
  7. I added appachi into one of the mods just to test out the hair on a follower but didn't end up using anything from it. I just need to know it I can remove the ESM or do I need to entirely start over?
  8. Bah are you kidding? That NPC Editor has been nothing but trouble for me lately. Thanks for the information pal.
  9. This just happened to me too... It's not a huge bug but it it slightly annoying, especially having to see it everytime i load.
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