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  1. I am still getting warnings on certain pages (I have only had them show up on certain pages in the first place.)
  2. I use Security Essentials as well, but these things manage to slip by it for me. Actually, last time it got hijacked or something. In fact, I think I probably got that Trojan from the Nexus.
  3. I've managed to get infected with these on more than a few occasions. What I do is restart windows in Safe Mode with Networking, then run TDSSKiller (sometimes it turns up nothing, sometimes it will close explorer.exe; if this happens, ctrl+alt+delete and Run>>explorer.exe. ANOTHER problem with these things is sometimes it screws up the registry for .exe files. If this happens to you, Google "exe fix" and you should find some help). After that, I update Malwarebytes and then perform a full scan. So far this has worked everytime for me when I get this stupid things. I recently registered Malwarebytes so that I can get real-time protection and hopefully avoid this problem in the future. Hope that helps either you or anyone else who gets this crap.
  4. What you're saying makes sense, it's just that since last time I played, I haven't downloaded anything new. Even so, I've went through and double checked all the meshes and textures and I don't see anything out of place. What kind of issue could these things be causing that the game wouldn't start up as normal and then show me some kind of error? I've checked and double checked all of the sub-folders in my data folder. I really don't get it. Is there seriously anything else? LIke.. BSA patching or something?
  5. Ok so I quit playing Fallout 3 for like a week and then when I tried to load it up today it just kept crashing (tried starting a new game too, same problem). I turned off ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated, and it will load up a game then even with all my mods activated. I haven't changed anything since I last played the game, and... I really have no idea about how to go about figuring out the issue short of deleting all the meshes and textures in the data folder (don't really want to do that.) Any suggestions?
  6. I know there are automatic and dynamic timescale mods out there, but what I've seen still doesn't give me the amount of control over the timescale that I would like. Currently, I vary between using a timescale of 12, 30, and 90, depending on what I'm doing. I thought it would be really nice if these three settings (or others, assuming this could be configurable) could be attached to certain custom hotkeys, say for example, J=12, K=30, L=90. This way I wouldn't have to constantly stop my game and pop up the console. It doesn't seem too hard to whip up a script for this, except I know nothing about scripting. Any takers?
  7. I'm already using most of those, but one I wasn't aware (but seems like I should have been) is the Night Eye replacer. Absolutely necessary, thanks.
  8. This is a pretty old conversation, but I'd like to re-open it. I find some of my very favorite mods when they are suggested by other people, and I especially like to hear about favorites that are more "underground" (great mods that somehow don't make it to the top 100). A few of my favorites: -Campfire Behavior -Inebriation -Harvest Flora -No Psychic Guards
  9. I've thought of this too. It sounds complicated, but if it's possible, it's also something I would like to see.
  10. Uglulyx Custom Player Tattoos basically does all the work for you
  11. I think I may have had a similar problem with the maps. I ended up just using GIMP to create them instead of photoshop, and that seemed to fix it. It's worth a shot, since GIMP is free.
  12. Yeah there's Down and Dirty. I was originally having problems making this work but I finally just changed the mod to use a custom race instead of Raider and it's working for me now. Thanks though!
  13. Thanks for the offer. I'll email you the .nif. I don't necessarily need it anywhere in the game, I can put it in myself. I just need the working mesh :) I tried doing what you said, and it finally showed up in the GECK correctly. But when I put it on in the game, it made my body invisible :/ Why is that, do you think?
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