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About HackWithTHeJacket

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  1. You would have just slightly more credibility when going into your aggrieved crying, put upon victim delusion if you hadn't seen fit to insult progressive's first. You're very good at proving the assertion progressives have about conservatives, that being that you have these raging narcissistic delusions wherein you think that you are allowed to freely insult others, but any insults returned back to you are just monstrous. You also continue to spout that you have facts while refusing to give even a single one, forgetting the actual definition of the word facts, and instead giving the game away that you treat right wing talking points as facts. Now, if you are done crying, I asked for what, if anything, Ben "Jewish people who support Democrats are Jews In Name Only" Shapiro has said that you think is worthy of discussion. So far, two of you conservatives have failed to give any answers to that, instead just indulging in your victim complex.
  2. Is there any mod out there that is seen as the best if I want a player home that either can be updated and decorated with unique player weapons in a way that doesn't require dropping them, but affixes them to the wall? Similarly, is there any player home that upgrades its interior decoration as you progress through the game and complete quests? I am aware the Underground home has something like this, I want to know if there is any quest with a larger assortment of in-home decorations.
  3. I wish I could say the same about you, but I am well aware of how conservatives are the same kind of rock bottom ignorant and yet egoistically full of themselves that you are displaying.
  4. And Trump lost BOTH of those, and all voter fraud found has been voter fraud done to support Trump. So, Trump lost the popular vote, AND the electoral College, AND he only got as high as he did because of cheating, both by Republican lawmakers engaging in shameless suppression, and his cult like followers committing voter fraud to support him.
  5. All instances of voter fraud in the 2020 election that have been found were found to be for Donald Trump. So its a fraudulent 75,000,000 to a REAL 82,000,000
  6. No, it would not punish anyone, except those who refused to comply with it, who would be criminals by definition. Nobody law abiding would be punished in any way. Unless you're actually a petulant enough child that you think just having your toys taken away to prevent mass shootings is somehow a "punishment" to you. I assume that you feel speed limits are also "punishments" to car owners who should be allowed to drive at any speed they want? You keep mentioning gun crime, creating a strawman argument that this is about reducing handgun related crime, and isn't targeted at reducing mass shootings. Something the assault weapons ban did reduce, even after Republicans watered it down to exempt weapons made before the bans date to still freely be sold and kept. Banning a class of weapons, (even though the folks that want to ban them, don't have a definition anyone agrees on.) because a few people use them for ill, IS punishing the law-abiding for the actions of a few. Gun crime is ANY crime where ANY kind of gun is used. Want to see Mass Shootings stop happening? Ban gun-free zones. Or maybe you haven't noticed that darn near EVERY mass shooting has happened in a gun free zone. Guns are not people. People, are people. Guns are objects that are sold at high volume to people who stockpile said guns. When the laws are changed so that they can no longer do so, law abiding people are not punished, they merely have their access to something they should have never had in the first place curtailed. Again, "safe" driver who are forced to drive the speed limit are not being punished, since they are still allowed to drive. Oh and, I know conservatives have no concept of how statistics work, but the 10% of mass shootings that happen in gun free zones are not "damn near every mass shooting". Just cause the NRA screeches something at you, doesn't make it real.
  7. No, it would not punish anyone, except those who refused to comply with it, who would be criminals by definition. Nobody law abiding would be punished in any way. Unless you're actually a petulant enough child that you think just having your toys taken away to prevent mass shootings is somehow a "punishment" to you. I assume that you feel speed limits are also "punishments" to car owners who should be allowed to drive at any speed they want? You keep mentioning gun crime, creating a strawman argument that this is about reducing handgun related crime, and isn't targeted at reducing mass shootings. Something the assault weapons ban did reduce, even after Republicans watered it down to exempt weapons made before the bans date to still freely be sold and kept.
  8. Are there any decent mods out there that add a way to gain the Blade of the East sometime before meeting the Legate in battle? Preferably in a way that doesn't break the immersion of the game. Even something like, say, creating a legion corpse dressed in Vexillaurius armor in the Deathclaw Sanctuary, along with a note saying that this runner was dispatched to bring the Legate another sword from back in Arizona.
  9. Gina Carano engaged in the same actions as the Nazis. The Nazis convinced people to hate the jews by portraying themselves as the victims of ooppression by the jews. The nazis, like the right wingers in America, know that once priviliged people are deluded enough to believe that they are the persecuted victims, in spite of all evidence, then they can use it to justify any atrocity, any action, any crime, since it is done in the name of avenging these imagined slights, but since these delusional morons never ACTUALLY suffered persecution, they did not know the empathy or perspective that comes with real affliction. Conservatives who feel consequences for their own actions are not the victims of cancel culture, they are the Weimar era Nazis, desperately trying to make the public think that holding Nazis responsible for their actions is a bad thing.
  10. Like how they believe that Trump is responsible for inciting a riot? The GOP believes in blaming the victim, and never, under any circumstances, holding one of their own responsible for a single thing. They CLAIM that they are for personal responsibility, but they feel that it is something other people need to take, and Republicans need to blame everyone but themselves. Oh and, here's Mr Trump saying that Jews who do not support him are "disloyal". https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-doubles-down-calling-jewish-democrats-disloyal-israel-n1044861 And you will,, dutifully, swallow that s#*! and ask for more, while swearing on a bible that there is nothing wrong with what he said. Oh, and if you want to talk about research, more Democrats supported the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights bill than Republicans, in the House, Senate, and Executive Branch. I know conservofascists always try to quote percentages here, and ignore how out of power Republicans were pre-Southern Strategy, but in terms of pure numbers, more Democrats supported the Civil Rights act than Republicans. Ah yes, the classic "Laws don't ever stop criminals, so why bother" excuse that, curiously, never seems to stop conservatives when it comes to abortions, weed, or voting. Adding a bunch of faux-intellectual blather to it doesn't change the fact that you are just saying "Democrats keep saying things that make me mad, and that makes it their fault I will start killing Americans to shut them up" You realize that you could end the division whenever you wanted by just moving over to the Democrats side, right? Oh, but you won't do that? Cause you think that the things you believe in are more important than unity? Well, how about that, huh? Well, I'm not a fascist, racist, narcissistic white supremacist, so why would I join the Democrat party? The party founded, and sopported by such? The Democrat party hasn't done anything to help anyone but themselves for virtually their entire existence. You could always disavow those things, and start believing in personal and individual freedom and responsibility and join the Republican party. That too would end the division, and at the same time make the world a better place for everyone. Hey look, its an attempt by a conservative fascist to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened. Can you name a single thing after 1965 that the GOP has done for anyone but themselves, in their sociopathic single minded lust for power? The government banned drugs too, we see how well that worked. Sure is lucky how Guns will literally grow out of the f*#@ing ground, and can be smuggled in inside someones colon, or that argument would be incredibly disingenuous and moronic. So your argument is that these laws would affect an incredibly small number of people, and yet, you will visciously, psychotically oppose them anyway? Ah yes, I recall that time cars were designed solely to increase their efficiency in killing as many civilians as possible Chevy doesn't run ads encouraging people to run over civilians, and Chevy does not sociopathically rely on mass vehicular homicides to cynically pump up their own sales on high profit car models. While gun manufacturers continue to put out advertising that tells the sad, lonely, bitter angry morons out there that the world will have to respect them if they have a weapon, and that the world is dangerous and they need a gun to protect themselves, they are contributing to these mass slaughters. While they do this, they profit as morons mass buy guns every time theres a mass shooting, like clockwork. The only way to stop this depressing cycle is to make it so those monsters actually feel pain when there is a mass shooting, instead of seeing dollar signs. Which is a reason why the far right stacked supreme court needs to be balanced out by one that has a better understanding of the 2nd Amendment, one that does not value your need to grip your phallic symbol over the liberty of others, one that actually understands a sensible position on guns. You do realise that conservofascists are trying to argue that Kyle Rittenhouse broke no laws by driving with his gun to shoot protesters, right? Weird how they will argue that the existing laws already cover enough, and that a murderous far right gunman broke no laws. No, the end goal is to stop mass shootings. You were TOLD that the end goal is to disarm everyone, because you are an easily manipulated sheep who is being conned into buying expensive surplus military equipment at an obscene markup. Well, when that happens, the people who are illegally holding those weapons, will be bad guys with guns. According to conman Wayne La Pierre, they will then shoot themselves in the head, since a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. Ah yes, the classic "Laws don't ever stop criminals, so why bother" excuse that, curiously, never seems to stop conservatives when it comes to abortions, weed, or voting. Adding a bunch of faux-intellectual blather to it doesn't change the fact that you are just saying "Democrats keep saying things that make me mad, and that makes it their fault I will start killing Americans to shut them up" You realize that you could end the division whenever you wanted by just moving over to the Democrats side, right? Oh, but you won't do that? Cause you think that the things you believe in are more important than unity? Well, how about that, huh? Well, I'm not a fascist, racist, narcissistic white supremacist, so why would I join the Democrat party? The party founded, and sopported by such? The Democrat party hasn't done anything to help anyone but themselves for virtually their entire existence. You could always disavow those things, and start believing in personal and individual freedom and responsibility and join the Republican party. That too would end the division, and at the same time make the world a better place for everyone. Hey look, its an attempt by a conservative fascist to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened. Can you name a single thing after 1965 that the GOP has done for anyone but themselves, in their sociopathic single minded lust for power? The government banned drugs too, we see how well that worked. Sure is lucky how Guns will literally grow out of the f*#@ing ground, and can be smuggled in inside someones colon, or that argument would be incredibly disingenuous and moronic. So your argument is that these laws would affect an incredibly small number of people, and yet, you will visciously, psychotically oppose them anyway? Ah yes, I recall that time cars were designed solely to increase their efficiency in killing as many civilians as possible Chevy doesn't run ads encouraging people to run over civilians, and Chevy does not sociopathically rely on mass vehicular homicides to cynically pump up their own sales on high profit car models. While gun manufacturers continue to put out advertising that tells the sad, lonely, bitter angry morons out there that the world will have to respect them if they have a weapon, and that the world is dangerous and they need a gun to protect themselves, they are contributing to these mass slaughters. While they do this, they profit as morons mass buy guns every time theres a mass shooting, like clockwork. The only way to stop this depressing cycle is to make it so those monsters actually feel pain when there is a mass shooting, instead of seeing dollar signs. Which is a reason why the far right stacked supreme court needs to be balanced out by one that has a better understanding of the 2nd Amendment, one that does not value your need to grip your phallic symbol over the liberty of others, one that actually understands a sensible position on guns. You do realise that conservofascists are trying to argue that Kyle Rittenhouse broke no laws by driving with his gun to shoot protesters, right? Weird how they will argue that the existing laws already cover enough, and that a murderous far right gunman broke no laws. No, the end goal is to stop mass shootings. You were TOLD that the end goal is to disarm everyone, because you are an easily manipulated sheep who is being conned into buying expensive surplus military equipment at an obscene markup. Well, when that happens, the people who are illegally holding those weapons, will be bad guys with guns. According to conman Wayne La Pierre, they will then shoot themselves in the head, since a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun.
  11. Ah yes, the classic "Laws don't ever stop criminals, so why bother" excuse that, curiously, never seems to stop conservatives when it comes to abortions, weed, or voting. Adding a bunch of faux-intellectual blather to it doesn't change the fact that you are just saying "Democrats keep saying things that make me mad, and that makes it their fault I will start killing Americans to shut them up" You realize that you could end the division whenever you wanted by just moving over to the Democrats side, right? Oh, but you won't do that? Cause you think that the things you believe in are more important than unity? Well, how about that, huh? Well, I'm not a fascist, racist, narcissistic white supremacist, so why would I join the Democrat party? The party founded, and sopported by such? The Democrat party hasn't done anything to help anyone but themselves for virtually their entire existence. You could always disavow those things, and start believing in personal and individual freedom and responsibility and join the Republican party. That too would end the division, and at the same time make the world a better place for everyone. Hey look, its an attempt by a conservative fascist to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened. Can you name a single thing after 1965 that the GOP has done for anyone but themselves, in their sociopathic single minded lust for power?
  12. Adding a bunch of faux-intellectual blather to it doesn't change the fact that you are just saying "Democrats keep saying things that make me mad, and that makes it their fault I will start killing Americans to shut them up" You realize that you could end the division whenever you wanted by just moving over to the Democrats side, right? Oh, but you won't do that? Cause you think that the things you believe in are more important than unity? Well, how about that, huh?
  13. Are we discussing UFO's, or actual aliens? Cause there's a pretty simple answer behind UFO's - people now knowing all the facts. A literal unidentified flying object is, by definition, coming from a place of ignorance, due to it being unidentified. Thus, it defying our understanding of what it should be able to do comes simply from us not knowing what it is. In the case of this particular video, its most likely some mundane explanation that, when the facts come out, will just make everyone feel like idiots.
  14. Any company that could actually fire that many employees to save money, would do it now, and just pocket the difference. We'll either see these businesses go under, or no change, but I don't see mass firings coming from this for any real reason, outside maybe just using the wage increase as an excuse. And that excuse would follow in pretty much any wage increase of any size.
  15. Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about. I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape. You know, there was this group of people, in the 1930's and 1940's, who justified the killing of millions of other people, by redefining what "human" is and claiming that those others didn't qualify, in their opinion, so it was okay to butcher them by the train car load. You then have the newly sworn in El Presidente, who, among his first acts, decided to remove the bust of a leading politician who fought against those same murderers, and replace it with the bust of an avowed Totalitarian, and Authoritarian, who heroes and influences include both Hitler and Mao. Kinda makes you think ... And I don't believe either HeyYou or anyone else on these forums has ever claimed that they approve of murder. The psychopaths are defined by the psychiatrists as extremely greedy for power, rejecting the least constraint, loving manipulation and ready to commit any crime as soon as it serves their unavowable interests and beyond help lost causes. In other words the psychopaths are naturally evil beings with a dictator's mentality. Do you still want to continue your pathetic diversion? Oh, my yes :smile: For one, you don't deny or refute the willingness of yourself or those whom you support, of dehumanizing others and condoning the murder of those who don't think as you want them to think. You also don't deny the irrefutable and undeniable similarity between yourself, and those you support, to figures from the past with ... less than exemplary human rights records. Remind me again what actually happened to the leaders of Nazi Germany in the end once the allies got a hold of them? Did we all sit down and come to an understanding with them, and eventually, just move on, letting Goering, Keitel, Rosenberg and the lot of them just go on their way, free to spread more of the poisonous lies about how they were betrayed?
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