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About bethjunkie

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    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. bethjunkie


      ^Whassa matter? I think my Skeeter is pretty hunky. He's almost as sexy as his fat ghoul brother, Scooter o.O
    3. llamaRCA


      Do you have a story explaining how Scooter got ghoulified?
    4. bethjunkie


      Of course I do!

      He was a merc back in the day seeking work at Paradise Falls. Eulogy wanted Princess and Macready for target practice but none of his usual slavers could be trusted to bring them back without a few extra holes in them. Scooter accepted the job and headed to LL but as he approached LL he encountered a Behemoth who smacked him with his fire hydrant. Scooter's pretty hardheaded so the blow didn't kill him but it did send him flying a pretty far piece.

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