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About bethjunkie

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    United States
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    Fallout 3

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    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. bethjunkie


      He landed with a kerthump right at the entrance to Vault 87. Unfortunately, there had recently been a freak thunderstorm in the area, turning the ground to irradiated muck and Scooter's girth hindered him in freeing himself from the mud. He was trapped for what seemed like months until the LW freed Fawkes from his cell in Vault 87. On his way out, Fawkes spotted Scooter and gave him a helping hand, pulling him out of his muddy grave along with much of his skin :(
    3. bethjunkie


      Sick of the rain and the mud, Scooter headed west for a much needed vacation in the desert to dry out and try to come to terms with his new situation.
    4. llamaRCA


      and.... this is good!
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