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Everything posted by CompanyOfGamers
I would like to play Oblivion because of Skyrim
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
@zwkdiv Thank you for your help. What about "Shivering Isles", does it work for me? -
@Lachdonin Gotcha, thanks for information. Its like same company's two different game teams (For instance Electronic Arts has many game teams), then. One of them works on ESO, another team works on new offline RPG. If there is a misunderstanding, it is normal, i think. Because I am a stranger for developers, publishers or game companies. I just play, not more.
@notmyhome My mistake, sorry. I see that It is developed by ZeniMax according to Wikipedia. I edited poll and my votes, we can continue now. I hope TESVI includes all of these lands; (I vote "The Elder Scrolls: Anthology"s regions, but I want other regions which takes place in the map, too cuz; old games should be remade especially Shadowkey, Daggerfall and Morrowind) http://i.imgur.com/Gn4Az.jpg
Is it possible a Hollywood Movie for Skyrim?
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I know the biggest issue is picking a story but, they should in a short time. There would be even a poll for this. But, any stories which they did choose would be good I think. But, dovahkiin shouldn't be an Elf, an Orsimer, a Khajiit or an Argonian in my opinion. Human races fit much well in my opinion. Especially Imperial or Breton cuz; Dovahkiin didn't know what a Dragonborn is until meet the Nord, so being his race is Nord is much harder than other Human races. What do you think about this? And for gender equality, maybe there would be two Dovhakiins who are twins but, one of them would be male, another one would be female. In other words "Dovahkiin Twins". If Dovahkiin fighted in civil war, the Stormcloak would be better choice than the Imperial Legion, I think. And, Dovahkiin can't be a vampire or werewolf so, he can join Dawnguard. These are my opinions but, they fit so well I think. It can be trilogy. In my opinion, starting with Dovhakiin is good for TES series. Think about that, if the Lord of the Rings was produced after the Hobbit trilogy, would it be so popular like this? Ofcourse, not. Producing the Lord of the Rings is the best choice to start J.R.R. Tolkien's film series cuz, it has much good things you are looking for. Epic wars, magics, dances, romance etc. The Hobbit is much more supreficial than LOTR. People watch the Hobbit because of their love about LOTR. For some series, you shouldn't start with their first episodes. -
http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/10.jpg http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg Second test is broken so, I have used another test to find my color. You can reach this test via clicking "My color is Blue" banner.
Is it possible a Hollywood Movie for Skyrim?
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It is surprising for me there are much people who don't want to movie for Skyrim or TES. Eventhough there are 283 views, there are just 12 votes. So, I cannot tell exactly what fans want. -
LE Mod for Disguising and Being Invisible
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
It was a only joke, but it can be real now :) -
@Kestrellius No, I am not "Spyrocks". I am a new person for the Elders Scrolls Universe, how can I write about it in a wikia?
- 10 replies
LE Protected Lock for Breezehome
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
@mlee3141 I've thought Amethyst Hollows was a place in Skyrim. Sorry. EDIT: I see it is a place which comes with mod also. And I've tough this place is bigger than I wanted, but thanks again. I would rather making my home. -
1st - Amulets, Blessings and MiniShrines(like aedra's which are buildable in home and giving blessings) for Daedra and Sithis. 2nd - Ability for get rid of Daedric Quests. 3rd - More perk trees like Cooking or Mining. 4th - New werebeast forms and their perktrees. 5th - New lands to travel such as Elsweyr, Morrowind, Cyrodiil or Hammerfell. 6th - More weapons and armors for all smithing perks. 7th - More islands like Volikhar Island to travel. 8th - Sky islands which are reachable with flying. 9th - Underwater cities like Atlantis. 10th - Ability to get two permanent followers or hireling until they leave us or they are fired. 11th - More animals to ride such as bears, lions, pegasuses, mules, griffons, hippogrifs, manticores, chimeras, little dragons or oxes. 12th - New divines from other pantheons. 13th - New joinable good and evil factions like Vigilant of Stendarr, Temple of Mara, Battle-born, Black-briars, grey-mane or Mythic Dawn. 14th - Third side for civil war and new holds, new Jarls, new Enemies for this. 15th - Werewolf-Vampire wars. 16th - "Take revenge from Hircine" quest for the Companions. 17th - Aedra-Daedra wars. 18th - Underwater wars. 19th - Earning flying ability with additional wings. 20th - Travelling some little island which are far from Tamriel. 21th - Going to space from Nirn. 22th - Magics for capturing someones body and mind controlling. 23th - Improved training areas, Gladiator wars etc. 24th - Ability to become Jarl of somewhere. 25th - Ability to build your hold and declare your Jarlhood. Naturally, fight original owners of your lands to make them recognized your Jarlhood. 26th - Aedric quests and Aedra's artifacts. 27th - Dwarf and dwemer races to choose. 28th - Make others vampires or werewolves. 29th - Werewolves(Boss werewolves, alpha werewolves, beta werewolves, gamma werewolves and ordinary werewolves) who are all around Skyrim to fight them. 30th - Werewolf caves which are under control Hircine. If you are a werewolf-companion, ordinary companion or not they are not friendly at all. 31th - Werewolf hunters which are under control Hircine. If you aren't a werewolf-companion, they are friendly to you. 32th - Werewolf hunting missions for Dawnguard-like faction but, this faction don't under control Hircine and they just kill harmful Werewolves. Most of their members are werewolves, they have even vampire members(ordinary vampires not vampire lords) which don't drink blood at all. In other words, they are cursed heroes and they use their powers, which have been planed to harm, to get Skyrim peace and happiness. They have conciliation dungeons for their animal times. 33th - Joint missions. Think that, Thieves' Guild and the Companions searches one thing and they gotta work together for one mission or more.
LE Mod for Disguising and Being Invisible
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I need a poison to make them deaf then :D Thanks for you help I will take care. -
LE Protected Lock for Breezehome
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
@mlee3141 Thanks for your suggestion. Would you mind if you offer me a mod about it, please? -
LE Mod for Disguising and Being Invisible
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
@kailstark Thanks for helping. It isn't cause any problems, right? -
Hello. I have seen that invisibility potions suck. They don't work anytime, I dunno why. My enemies can see me when I have invisibility effect. I want a mod to fix the effect. In addition to this, I want a disguising effect. If you have stolen a Whiterun Guard's set and put on them, others wouldn't be able to notice your real identification. But in Skyrim they can. Do you have any mod suggestions about it? Thank you very much.
Hello. I'd like to make things, what I want, more clear. Our personal houses in Skyrim aren't secured as you know thus, I don't want them to be peelable at all. Must I hide my things in secured chests? What are book shelves for? Do you know a mod about this(but not just Breezehome ofcourse :D) ? Thank you very much.
LE Adding Dawnguard Crossbow to Vanilla Skyrim Leveled Lists?
CompanyOfGamers replied to Yogogamer's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
@Yogogamer Thank you very much, that's very kind of you. :thumbsup: -
First of all, I am sorry for myself to not read your full text because; I feel tired a bit. I dunno much about TES Universe but, everybody can say that Skyrim's graphics is the best of theirs. Oblivion hasn't got so gloomy or dark world like Skyrim's according to some veteran players. That's all I know. But, you can also check this link maybe this is what you are looking for, http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Differences_Between_Morrowind,_Oblivion,_and_Skyrim
Which Aedra is your favorite?
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
@Lehcar I hate Talos, too. But, even in virtual life, I believe that humans should be able to choice their own religions without giving harm to anything or anybody, that's why I am a supporter of Stormcloaks even though I hate Talos. It will be out of the topic but %70 of Nords are racisist and they like praise their own race, culture or other things what they have. As you know, you can actually hear "Skyrim belongs to the Nord" or equal sentences from Nord People who are bandit or soldier so, I am giving my vote to the Imperial Legion. Even so, I think Nord people can be convinced about ending racism. Let's look at the Imperial Legion and the Thalmor for a while. Even though I dunno much about Elder Scrolls Universe, the Thalmor are tyrant according to my superficial observation. When I see a Thalmor, I want to kill it so much, you can be sure about this, I can even give you guarantee about this. So, my vote goes to the Stormcloaks. Not similar, I don't think the Empire can be persuaded because the Royal Family, the Imperial Legion and the Thalmor see themself as very elite people and look up everytime. And they are liars, hypocrites and the people who can't overcome a fair defeat. Ulfric's victorious was fair but, quite much of Imperials blame Ulfric Stormcloak as swindler or murderer every time when they speak. Where is your fairness, in the Oblivion? I can say there are pretty much dirty things about two sides but; I am a Stormcloak-boy. Cuz; they have less negative sides than the the Imperial Legion and its aliies :smile: -
I've found some ways to not to do Daedric Quests
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
@BlackRampage If I've done this, there would be a waiting-quest then. Whatever, maybe I had better try to get used to original game. Thanks for your attention about my problem. The topic is over, I guess. -
Hi, you probably know a fan of Oblivion has made his own Oblivion Book which includes all virtual book from TESIV:Oblivion and then he has updated the files for use to be able to print them, too but, i cannot reach megaupload, would you mind if anyone upload this book a site if it is possible, please? If it is possible, may you give me a link about Morrowind and Skyrim versions of the book if they has been made, please? Thank you very much. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--jOnVsUVY--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18j1flk1ay4e2jpg.jpg There is a link about this book; http://www.themarysue.com/oblivion-books-bound-real-life/
I would like to play Oblivion because of Skyrim
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thank you very much to give me your opinions and make me more learned about Oblivion game. It would be much better if there was more people who had joined us. -
I've found some ways to not to do Daedric Quests
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
@deRusett Thanks for your help, I will check these mods except "Quest Eraser". @IsharaMeradin Firstly, thanks for your help and suggestion. Let's start with your question. You did answer me why I do not reject Sam. If I reject Sam, this will be a Daedric Quest which is waiting to be done. In other words, I hate leave a Quest, I must see any quests in the game as gry which means quest is over as failed or accomplished. I want to achieve all quests in game except some of them like Daedric missions or Dark Brotherhood missions. Can you understand my goal more clearly now? According to your answer, there aren't anyway to exit from the mind without doing quest. May I ask if you are pretty sure about this? Have it ever been tried? Would you mind if you make me more informed about this, please? Thank you very much. -
Which Aedra is your favorite?
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for your participation but, I should say that, there are less person than I have expected in this topic. For more people to join I want to bring the topic to top. As a result, I am writing this message to be able to do this. I expect more attendance really. -
I would like to play Oblivion because of Skyrim
CompanyOfGamers replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I am sorry to behave against flood rule but; aren't there anybody to answer my questions?