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About Spartan11752

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    Skyrim, whatever's on my Steam
  • Favourite Game
    Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect 2 and 3

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  1. Firefall, its a really great MMO game for people who like Sci-Fi stuff (like Jetpacks) and the great thing is that its going to be F2P when it comes out, you can apply for the beta at www.FirefallTheGame.com (or simply googling it)its really great so far (there has been 2-4 major updates so far) and there is quite a lot to do in it. Everyone should really check it out!
  2. right now im listening to "i feel the sun" by the nexus memeber iansutton91 pretty awesome... And what i do listen to in general is some Dubstep or maybe something from Pendulum or maybe Hollywood Undead x3
  3. wow...amazing work...faved on yt and kudos for you x3
  4. aww i cant re upload my screenshot of the Jerall mountains...Stupid iPad wont allow me to choose the pic and im to lazy to connect it to the PC and then upload it...
    1. Spartan11752


      wait...its up so no worries...
  5. i would suggest Shooter...Its the best movie i have seen. :tongue:
  6. yup, bor nere i skåne. Kul att se en svensk! :D
  7. about an mile out,svensk?
  8. ello! just randomly p..oking...in...

    near stockholm?

    hur nära då? (how close?) if you dont mind me asking

  9. I want to request if someone could make Daxter as an companion to follow you around and stuff heres an pic of him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/688226/images/daxterart_12.jpg
  10. Sorry for not being here for a while
    1. Spartan11752


      since i dont have any Nexus game i havent been here for a while
  11. Happy Easter to u 2!^^
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