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About tohdoh

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  1. Thanks. Here I am internally complaining about how much effort this will take when all the mods are already free... :laugh:
  2. Huge favour... anybody know which programs/versions I need to install most FNV mods? Any popular out-of-date/no-longer-working mods? I only used NMM for Fallout 4, and Mod Organizer/LOOT/TES5edit for Skyrim. If I recall correctly... installing mods for Skyrim was a nightmare. Is it the same story for FNV?
  3. So I go to C/E: drive > SteamLibrary > steamapps > common > Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition > DATA Now I have several routes to take: dsfix (original folder) - tex_override - dsfix > tex_override > .dds files (3 of them) - Screenshots - .dds files (a lot of them) dsfix 2.4-19-2-4 - dsfix > tex_dump - > tex_override So essentially, there are 3 dsfix folders in total and 3 tex_override folders yet everybody keeps saying extract the texture pack into dsfix/tex_override without any specification as to exactly which one. I don't know if I'm just dumb or if this is equally confusing for other non-modders.
  4. Just bought the game after a long wait/decision on whether or not it was worth it... I'd greatly appreciate any recommended mods on my first play-through.
  5. In response to post #39561535. #39561945, #39563550, #39563885 are all replies on the same post. When the power of your sales are driven by the people (modders, etc) it is absolutely the best thing to use that power to let them know what they're doing wrong.
  6. It doesn't hurt to have a ton more high quality looking armors/weapons of all sorts and aesthetic displays to feature them with. There's not much "additional" armor to choose from even though they added trapper and marine sets. It makes sense lore-wise to have clunky pieces of scrap and all, but sometimes it's nice to look like a god or goddess. I was thinking that there could be a huge overhaul/retexture/questline that involved the idea of a fellow vault-dwelling genius designer who spent a few hundred years beautifying all the original in-game weapons/armors, turning them from useful pieces of scrap into modern works of art and death of course. Capes, visible jewelry, masks, glasses, helmets, etc. Faster melee animation is something I always look for too. The current 1h/fist animation replacer mod is decent but I love being "able" to hack-and-slash. More collectibles! So far there's a cars/trucks mod that works well but there aren't many mods of this type yet. Perhaps in every "dungeon" there could be an additional potentially extremely difficult and unfair boss, the reward being a unique and different treasure/collectible that that boss kept personally. i.e. an old pendant, a pocketwatch, etc.
  7. I like the idea of having plenty of houses that are aesthetically pleasing... but I'm worried about overlapping-structures/conflict. Does anyone know if there's any other mod that let's me use non-chest objects as chests? i.e. in the luxury bathhouse mod, the ingots are chests... I find that quite pretty. Oh, and I would be interested in knowing of any house/building that includes a slot or rack for every single obtainable artifical or special weapons and armor...
  8. I read one of the stickies that referred to wyrebash but I never used it before. I played last year with using Mod Organizer v.1.2.9, TES5edit and LOOT I believe. I don't know if anything has changed or if I need to unininstall any old mods. I'm hoping I can just start a new profile tab within Mod Organizer and have it be that simple, but I just have to ask to make sure. edit: Will deleting a profile delete all its saved contents as well? I have a few that are taking up too much space.
  9. I'll work on that today. I actually came across the bath-house mod and it's by far the closest one I had in mind. I never knew that you could use display ingots as chest/storages.
  10. So, I'm about 99.5% sure I'm stuck here. Silly me, thinking I could safely travel places I've been to before. I ended up traveling around the forgotten vale again, and I was running into what I thought was a cave, but instead, a giant hole. I kept falling down lower and lower into water, eventually wound up in darkfall cave. The entrance way in is broken, and the way out (the exit), is on a different level/floor, but the only way to get on that floor is to... fly. There's literally no god damn staircase or ramp that leads to another area where I can actually start heading towards an exit. I'm permanently stuck on the ground floor.
  11. Nope! I'll check that out right now. I'm assuming it's still working without any conflicts? Sorry... I get really worried. ): Hmm.. I cut down on a lot of previous mods I downloaded due to crashing/bugs and whatnot. I also had no clue what I was doing at all... so maybe I didn't do it right the first few times. Is the 3dnpc the interesting NPCs? As for Deadly Dragons, I wasn't sure if that was the culprit for being unable to absorb dragon souls. I held off on downloading any HD textures or high resolution mods, I'm a newbie so I generally just stick with what's fastest/safest. Isn't that hard eh? Lol okay I'll kick myself in the head to try it out. Do I need to download creation kit, or is it part of Skyrim?
  12. Unfortunately, I'm really picky. All of the houses/castles/abodes/lodges/etc and whatnot have been great, but it's always missing a few too many things. If only I could strip parts of each design and incorporate them together. Which... may happen eventually depending on the difficulty :/ But, it would still be wicked to have someone else make it for us right? (: I'll refer to several mods and what I would like to extrapolate/mention from them: Breezehome Trophy Room - Almost perfect. I would (with permission from the creator) definitely expand on the amount of trophies a player can place. Probably redesign the room to be a little more aesthetically pleasing. I have a lot of extra quest rewards/trophies that are still sitting in a chest or in my inventory. There's a couple questionable "bugs", but I'm sure it's a minor fix... just wasn't able to display Miraak's robes even though I had them in my inventory. It's a small, uncluttered, and likely compatible mod. Me like. Alastherium - One of my favourite homes I've seen/installed. Idea-wise. Unfortunately, it's so vast that if I decide to start decorating the place, my frames will always drop whenever I enter the home. I don't mind waiting 4-5 seconds, but I also don't like feeling like I'm going to crash at any moment. * I definitely want to install (and know, if possible) something similar to the jukebox setup. Perhaps a bit more selection, or even better, if I could choose my own songs! Maybe 15-20 tracks? The "crafting" room, was almost what I needed. A few additional chests is all I can think of. The mannequin hall was slightly too large and a bit too cramped. I wanna be able to see the back/cape as well. I don't need anything too fancy, i.e. no gender changes, resizes or position changes, etc... although, it would be awesome if I could stick a weapon on a mannequin for display. (Not possible?) I would probably restructure the "hallway" setup to something simple/easy, something that doesn't force me to remember which corner to turn. There was also a handy dandy blade for us in this mod, which makes me want to include a lot more rewards and quests/puzzles. Archagruhn - What's notable here is the location. Solstheim. The land of the nothingness. Any place that won't cause conflicts will do. Old Mansion - By far the hardest and longest... "quest", I've done on Skyrim. Though, it wasn't so much a factor of thinking, but a matter of time. The riddles/hints weren't helpful in the least bit, nor was the final edition tutorial which included the player dieing within the first 1/15th of the playthrough. So I was thinking, creating an equally long quest(s), though not mandatory, and only for extra items/rewards or perhaps aesthetic additions. Definitely something to due with spending/requiring vast amounts of gold. The riddles/hints will/should be a lot more helpful and thought-crunching. This is my first mod request, so bear with me :pinch: My intents: Having a well-designed, beautiful yet organized abode. Learning whatever I need to help take part in making this mod a reality. I probably have to do some online tutoring/learning soon anyhow.
  13. I had thought I had a lot of mods running, but apparently there's only 48 esps active so I'm hoping I can keep adding more. So far I have: All the unofficial patches for Hearthfire, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, etc, mandatory/important stuff like SKYUI, etc Apachii Hair Race Compatibility High Level Enemies Harvest Overhaul Katana Crafting Non Essential Children Race Menu Infinite Gold for Merchants Left Hand Rings Lunari Race Ningheim Race Skulls for all Races Achieve That Draw Bows Faster Unique Dragon Priest Masks Enchanting Awakened or Double Effect Perk Tree (Different save files) Become Jarl of Ivarstead Crafting Overhaul Smithing Overhaul Evil Mansion Cloaks of Skyrim Tera Armor Tera Weaopns Sofia Follower Alastherium Breezehome Trophy Room Unlimited Dragon Aspect ( I like looking like a badass :] ) Goldpiles Skyrim Uncapper Two-handed Rebalance "Miscellaneous improvements and fixes" I'm level 90 + so.... I'm not sure what else there is to do. I'd appreciate if you guys could let me know what mods you "can't live without". Also, is modding as hard as I think it is? Vague question I know.
  14. Ugh... I'm almost certain I did everything correctly this time but I'm still crashing .__.
  15. I'm having difficulties with the Mod Organizer... When I try to install certain mods, this message pops up and I don't know how to work around it, "none of the available plugins were able to handle that archive"...
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