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Everything posted by sinlessorrow

  1. The CC mods can be anywhere in load order. They don't affect anything.
  2. So some of the CC stuff is overpriced. How is that bending over mod creators though? None of my mods have been affected or taken down. I still have the CK and can still make mods. I mean it's cool to be mad at the pricing because some is retarded, but I'm not seeing how it's destroying modders either.
  3. Same thing here, if this continues I'm done with this game and uninstalling it. Not a fan of them storing crap on my HDD I don't want and taking up gigs of space.
  4. At their current price, I'll be giving that a miss :wink: But.. you can make your own plugins and go your merry way using paid content for free. The furniture mod is ridiculously easy to integrate. Have you tried it? These require .ESL unlike the standard .ESP we use, I've done some digging and it looks like they use archives as well that link back to the .ESL.
  5. Just a heads up, if you update all the CC mods will be downloaded and installed in your Data folder. When you buy a mod(used my free credits) you get a .ESL that activates them.
  6. Does anyone know how to do this? I know it is controlled by the MPSMuzSparksLazer01. However I am making a custom rifle using a green laser beam, ive gotten the beam and the muzzle blast green, but it still shows the basic red muzzle sparks. Does anyone know how I go about adding green muzzle sparks?
  7. You should play Fallout 3. It'll explain the Danse thing better. A lot of your issues really boil down to Bethesda's poor writing in Fallout 4 which is a universal issue imo, that and gameplay balance in regards to the vertibirds.
  8. CC content will be compatible with all other OFFICIAL content. Beth is well aware that they have no control over the free mods folks may install. and how often do we see people having problems with the vanilla game because of something included in an official patch or the DLC? just look at how many problems are caused by the HD textures alone. HD textures alone are fine, they do however not play nice with a lot of free market mods.
  9. I just checked that mod out and did not find any grip. Are you mistaking it for a different mod maybe?
  10. Has anyone been working bringing the concept art grips to life for the laser weapons? Would love to see these come to life, however they are far more advanced than my beginner knowledge of Blender will allow me to create atm.
  11. Lord forbid anyone make money putting hundreds of hours to make a mod.
  12. They work. Perhaps not if all you're interested in is money but they work just fine. If all you want is money pick another way, don't destroy our community. You just contradicted yourself. So mod authors earning money from their mods is a bad thing now because it's 'destroying our community'? and how exactly do donations ensure quality and promote creativity? Following this logic of yours, that must mean that all the mod authors who don't/have never recieve/d any donations must (according to you) not produce quality or creative mods?Please provide actual proof that donations work to back up your assertions. You've already had three mod authors telling you that they don't (at least one of them is a veteran modder, but the fact remains that mod authors are in a far more qualified position to state whether donations work or not) so if you want anyone to actually believe you, give us evidence. Back up your claims, or it shows that what you say is irrelevant.   I clearly said if your interest is purely monetary driven, then no, the donation system may not be your first choice. If however you want to maintain the creative atmosphere and the free flowing of information on modding, resources and assets etc then the donation system will be the way to go.  It's like health care in the US. We know that a Single Payer program is the most efficient cost effective and  accessible form of healthcare, but a few people want to make a buck so they are willing to let these thing go as well as let b people die to do so. Modders wanting to monetize mods are essentially doing this to the modding community.  So, it all comes down t what you are after. I admit that modders could make more money monetizing mods...but at a great cost.  Since we have a working community that as I have shown is producing quality work, I think the burden is on you to explain to us what exactly will the average gamer gain from having our community hijacked by greedy people and mods monetized.. Congrats on nailing the liberals are idiots who only want free s#*! handed to them schtick. You nailed it with that post.
  13. How much do you wanna bet a lot of that concept work we never saw materialize will be for sale?
  14. Can Bethesda force mod makers like Unoctium to remove their mods that could compete with mods Bethesda is offering credits? Can they dictate what we can and cannot create, like "If we are offering the chinese stealth suit, no one can create or offer a competing chinese stealth suit" type of scenario.
  15. He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well. Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough. This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing. Then you get into the issue of, what if someone makes a free version of what is in the creation club? Will Bethesda step in and slap some pee pees into the dirt?
  16. From the sounds of it, they own it once you make it for creation club.
  17. Few points to note. If I’m accepted to be a Creator, what can I create and what is the dev process?Creators are required to submit documentation pitches which go through an approval process. All content must be new and original. Once a concept is approved, a development schedule with Alpha, Beta and Release milestones is created. Creations go through our full development pipeline, which Creators participate in. Bethesda Game Studios developers work with Creators to iterate and polish their work along with full QA cycles. The content is fully localized, as well. This ensures compatibility with the original game, official add-ons and achievements. Are Creators Paid For Their Work?Yes. Just like our own game developers, Creators are paid for their work and start receiving payment as soon as their proposal is accepted and through development milestones.
  18. So basically it's a way for Bethesda to add more DLC to Fallout 4?
  19. UNICOR was founded in 1934. I don't know which administration gave them the military contracts but they have had them for at least 10 yearsWhere do people like you and poorlyaged come up with this crap? Is it like some fan fiction turned reality? A rebuttal isn't even needed. You just need to do 10 minutes worth of researching into ACC-R. Also the GSA has never been the Government Services administration. It's always been the General Services Administration.
  20. Female....Because 90% of the mods on this website are designed for female PC's.
  21. Well....Never would have guessed that....Thank you so much.
  22. editor id in the CK says LibertyPrimeGantryHalf01
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