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Posts posted by NellSpeed

  1. Lol, welcome to modding. My advice is test your work often; don't try and build it all in one go. If you test in game after little chunks, something will still go wrong and it will still be something that you don't expect, but atleast there'll be less places in which to look for the bugs.

    Quoted for 100% truth.


    Also, congrats on working through this-- too many people give up the first time something goes wrong.


    Or, you know, the 1,001st.


    <- is not struggling with finishing scripting at all! No, really.

  2. Congratulations! I swear to god, it gets easier the more you do it. :)


    One thing I wish I'd known when I started, though: it can be useful to use a unique prefix for everything you add. I use "qns" (q == quest, ns == Nell Speed). So an NPC's EditorID might be"qnsBob", the quest might be "qnsBobQuest", and his topics might be "qnsBobTalk00", "qnsBobTalk00a" and so on. Planning out the structure of your quest before you open the CS is a good idea, too-- it can help you see exactly what you need to do. :)


    Also, TES Alliance has a whole section devoted to modding tutorials, designed for beginners. You might want to take a peek. :)

  3. @fg109 - Every time I open the CS wiki, I'm horrified by the number of things I'm doing dramatically wrong. Fortunately, I embrace the "failure is always an option" lifestyle.


    @Mehra - The more you do it, the easier it gets, believe it or not-- it's just getting past that initial WTF? phase, where nothing makes sense.


    One thing immediately comes to mind-- try removing the condition "GetInCell." IF I've got it right, this is checking to see if Breanne is in the inn-- and 0 means she isn't. I think that might be the problem.


    EDIT : And, of course, what fg109 said, too. Oops.

  4. Oops! Yes, sorry-- the ingame console-- and I should have specified that by "yourtopicname" I meant, you should use the name of whatever you called your topic.


    This is also called the EditorID:




    So if your topic is called rentabedfrombreanne, you would type player.addtopic rentabedfrombreanne .

  5. As far as I know-- and god knows I'm not a master scripter!-- dialogues must be attached to a quest; and at some point, you'll probably need to use addtopic to... well, add your topic. So we'll try that first!


    Open the console, and type player.addtopic yourtopicname . If it then appears in the NPC's dialogue tree, then all you need to do is put the addtopic command in your script!

  6. First of all, congratulations on trying to do this-- the more modders, the better!


    Could you cut&paste your quest script so we can see what it looks like? If it's super-long, you can use the "spoiler" option to hide it.

  7. In my experience-- which isn't all that wide!-- it's both harder & easier than you'd think. The hard part, for me, comes to coming up with a plan and then sticking to it, rather than adding on new bits and pieces. That's why I suggest putting together one single bard in one city, and then adding on from there.


    I'm not at my gaming system at the moment, but later on I can pull a few examples of scripts I've used that more or less work, & post them here. I've used triggers & say/sayto a LOT. :)

  8. I'm actually working on another companion (and maybe a DIY companion template, we'll see) and about three other projects, but if you want some step-by-steps on how to do triggers, I can probably give you some tips. God knows I screwed it up majorly the first time; at this point, I have a much better understanding of how to handle triggers a bit better.


    I'd suggest doing one single bard or minstrel at a time-- that way, it'll be easier to fix things when they inevitably go wrong, as they almost certainly will. :biggrin: I think it was David Brasher who said something like "when people say they're doing a final release of a mod, what they mean is they haven't found any new bugs yet".

  9. Then you don't! :) You scoot around it with something like The minstrel sings a song about a clever Lord of Thieves who repeatedly outwits a dull-witted Captain of the Guard. It's obvious with whom the minstrel sympathizes! or The bard recites a poem dedicated to the lives lost in Kvatch. Something in her manner suggests she may have lost someone there, herself. and so on. Depending on how it was handled, you'd be dealing with limitations of line length; and without voicing (silent or otherwise), dialogue tends to zoom by really, really fast.


    Edit: Okay, MarkInMKUK's idea is better!!

  10. For a single wandering bard within a city, set triggers and a given path for the bard to walk along during certain times of the day. When the bard walks onto a trigger, a script turns the trigger off for X amount of time, and has the bard recite a verse of poetry or "sing," i.e., say something like "The Bard sings a song about (whatever)" or "The Bard recites a long poem about (current event)." You might even have a song spreading from city to city about the Oblivion Crisis and the PC's actions-- sometimes they might be correct, other times they might be completely wrong, just for the fun of it.
  11. I like the main quest okay, but I do love some dungeon crawling. Even the vanilla dungeons feel new if you use mods.


    In fact, there's a WoW dungeon crawl-- the Scarlet Monastery-- that's a lot of fun, and it's really nicely put together, with some gorgeous layouts. I died a lot going through it.


    The Ayleid Steps is, IMO, the ultimate free-form / dungeon crawl / exploration mod. There's a plot, but you can ignore it entirely and just go looking for the hidden steps that transport you to various locations (safe and otherwise) around Cyrodiil. I'll admit to being really, really biased, since I really like the Ayleid ruins in general.


    I love the Oblivion Collectible Cards mod. It adds a new guild and quests, but if you really want to, you can just run around collecting cards, just for the fun of it.


    Hoarfrost Castle gives you a series of quests that leads to you owning your very own castle. Plenty of content, lots of running around.


    The Well of Minlorada has not only a dungeon crawl, but some awesome, awesome custom loot. I died a lot playing through it, but I'm not much of a strategist.


    If Oblivion's leveled loot / enemies drives you nuts, you may want to also look at a level changing mod-- it doesn't bother me, but I know plenty of players find it frustration.


    EDIT: Oh, my god. How did I forget Gates to Aesgaard? Not without bugs (ALL mods have bugs), but the atmosphere is amazing. Deeply, deeply creepy. I died a lot playing through it. Yeah, that's kind of a theme with me.




    Bit of self-promotion: I did 2 re-models of the Damsels in Distress mod-- random captives will appear in some dungeons; you get to escort them out for a reward. And the Bear Hunt mod is a collector's mod (So is Sugar High, but that's for shops, homes, etc), with absolutely no purpose except to collect toy bears.

  12. How do you like to play? Do you prefer a specific class? Do you like roleplaying, hack-and-slash, or a mix? Does dungeon crawling seem more fun than running around outside? Do you prefer to interact with NPCs or do you play loners?


    IMO, playing style can dictate what mods you'll like best. :)




    Armor & race: I use the TGND body with Xenius' race compilation.


    For textures, I'm currently running Lush & Gaudy, for that ultra-bright-and-shiny look; and Natural Environment, because it adds in dragonflies and birds (nothing quite like looking up and suddenly seeing a hawk circling).


    When I want strictly hack-and-slash, it's time for 28 Days and a Bit.


    Just played through and loved Well of Minlorada, which is an Ayleid ruin adventure.

  13. It may not be "modders are abandoning Oblivion," but "modders prefer to tell their own stories." No matter how great one person's idea may sound, it may just not be enough for someone else to commit weeks or even months of their own time... especially when they could be using that time for their own projects.
  14. Maybe she's the sole support of her younger siblings, willing to risk anything to make enough gold to support them.


    Maybe his fellow-guardsmen died in battle, and he's never forgiven himself for surviving.


    Maybe she's not as confident as she looks. Maybe he's smarter than he seems.


    There are plenty of NPCs in Oblivion, of course, but which ones do you wish had been given more screentime and/or dialogue? Who do you think would have made a good companion? If you were going to do a mod, whose backstory would you want to tell?


    There are four that come to mind for me:


    Sir Mazoga! Her mini-quest was one of my favorites, and she was just generally fun to run around with.


    Deetsan of the Cheydinhal Mages Guild. I always wondered how she'd do as the new head of the Guild. Would she be targeted for Falcar's fall? Would she be able to unify the other mages?


    Ilend Vonius. His line about the PC bringing him back from hell seemed to set him up to be a Mazoga-style temporary companion, or at least for a mini-quest.


    M'aiq the Liar. I think he would have made an ideal quest assigner.

  15. I think that, for now, you should ditch the Hero Realm-- not because it isn't an interesting idea (which I think it is), but because you're finding it dull. Modding can be frustrating enough without trying to make yourself take an interest in it. You can always incorporate a Hero Realm later on.


    Before adding it to TESN, I'd suggest getting a few beta-testers to help stomp out the most obvious bugs.


    Other things to consider:

    - What does your Realm have to offer for lower-level characters?

    - Is there a way to retreat if the player needs to repair items, rest, etc? Or are there areas for those things?


    As for names... when in doubt, Seventh Sanctum can help!- http://www.seventhsanctum.com/index-name.php

  16. The Villainous Realm doesn't care at all how evil you are. You're gonna die anyways.

    The Zen of Villainy.


    This sounds like more and more fun as it goes along.


    Edited to add: Where fun == "something that will totally get you repeatedly killed"

  17. That definitely sounds entertaining, and it also sounds as if you're making very steady progress on this. You deserve a lot of credit for taking your idea and working to make it happen-- congratulations to you!
  18. Managed to make a Hero that wanders the Imperial City Sewers.


    Tends to kill everything in sight, but hopefully will become much better in the future

    Ha! That's actually kind of awesome. You could dress him in all black & red & spikes & give him a deranged vigilante-hero backstory for extra fun!


    Anyway, if I understand it rightly, if Aggression > Disposition (or if Aggression is just really high), that's when you get NPCs attacking willy-nilly.

  19. You might try Elys' Universal Silent Voice mod:


    This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion:

    - plays a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file.

    - uses generic lips moves for 8 seconds for any missing lip synchronization file.


    - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files.

    - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin.


    EDIT: JCP768 beat me to it! I'll still leave the link & info, though.

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