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Everything posted by NellSpeed

  1. Here's the CS link: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Portal:Contents#AI_Settings It looks much, much more complicated than it is-- my experience is that the simpler you keep it (John Smith sleeps at this time, wanders at that time, etc), the less likely it is that something weird will happen.
  2. You may want to go through and read this real quick: Console modding is not supported here.
  3. You might try Elys' Universal Silent Voice mod: This OBSE plugin makes Oblivion: - plays a 8 seconds duration silent voice for any missing voice file. - uses generic lips moves for 8 seconds for any missing lip synchronization file. - If the subtitles are turned off, Elys_USV will force display subtitles for missing voice files. - You will have up to 8 seconds to read long subtitles when there is no voice existing for an Oblivion plugin. EDIT: JCP768 beat me to it! I'll still leave the link & info, though.
  4. Awwww. He just wants a hug! And your intestines. I was rather sorry that Oblivion didn't have spider enemies. I'm actually a big fan of them IRL, but in games they invariably freak me out, which is always fun.
  5. This is a really interesting idea... but you may have to learn how to work the CS and do it yourself. This kind of thing is a LOT of work, maybe several months' worth, depending on the modder's spare time.
  6. Oh, dear. Yeah, I guess that's the final option-- take his stuff (do you use the Bag of Holding mod?) before exiting a gate, just in case. I really wish I had a fix for this one.
  7. The vanishing-equipment bug seems to be common to companions in general. You can try a couple of different things-- but the best "fix" is, unfortunately, to reload, and before you grab the sigil stone, tell Val to stay put, then summon him with his ring AFTER you exit. And unfortunately, that doesn't always work either.
  8. I hear that. Sometimes I think my laptop feels like I'm wasting too much time playing-- and then, CTD!
  9. Glad you tracked down Val. :) What was the problem? I'll add it to my new bugfix list.
  10. The CS Wiki is a good starting place: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/
  11. A friend pointed me to this thread. Yes, Valtierro is romanceable by either gender, and he does make distinctions in conversation based on gender. However, the mod does contain some straight and gay adult material in text format, although you can turn that on or off.
  12. I'm going to throw out a few ideas here-- I don't pretend to any intensive knowledge of scripting, but I have made a lot of mistakes! Is the "Meet me" option at the top of your list? The engine-- as far as I know-- starts at the top, and checks until it finds the first info where all conditions are true. That might be the problem. Alternately, you can make the condition getstage == 1, and in the quest script, setstage to 1 (using DoOnce to not totally screw it up). That might be the problem. It might also be that GetStage, since it checks for the highest stage completed, is confused by the 0; trying GetStageDone might help, since it checks for all stages. Also-- and you're probably already doing this-- use the console to check what stage you're at, just in case. I know that feeling.
  13. In theory, this is pretty straightforward: Create an NPC, place it in the world, tell it to stay put. Give it a conversational topic-- "Ask if s/he needs to be escorted to somewhere"-- that gives a randomized reply ("Yes, to X location for Y gold.") and give the player the option of accepting or refusing. No == no, yes == triggers a follow AI package. On arriving at X location, a new topic is added to the NPC's menu-- "We're here!", which leads to the PC receiving payment, and the AI package being switched from follow back to no-follow. In practice, it could go very silly very quickly as the AI can be... flaky. But frankly, that might be part of the fun. For instance, the NPC might insist on stopping in mid-journey for a snack, a nap, or just to rest. Or if the player has one of the many mods installed that makes travel more dangerous... that's comedy gold, there. Heck, I'd be tempted to do something that's tailored to the 28 Days and a Bit mod, since that's one of my all-time favorites....
  14. I'm going to quote right from the CS Wiki, since they do a much better job of explaining it than I could! It may take a bit of fiddling to get it right where you want it; I never get it right on the first try, personally. :)
  15. When you set the quest flag, try including the line ReferenceEditorID.enable - it should immediately appear, which can be a little jarring, but it ought to work. The object in question, of course, has to be a persistent reference.More info at the CS Wiki.
  16. I don't know the slightest thing about modeling, but the design here is really interesting. It's sort of suggestive of a tail and horns at the hilt, and the jagged blade gives it a decidedly non-human-forged look to it. Very striking looks.
  17. I think I'm about to learn something new and dramatically interesting! I haven't got the CS in front of me (using my netbook, not my gaming laptop), and the CS doesn't seem to have an entry for it (at least on a fast skim). Can I assume it isn't a text-only replacer..?? reaper9111 - And hello to you. :) I'm just chugging along with the latest mods-in-progress. Hope you're doing well! (I'm also telling myself that it would NOT be at all sensible to go through & replace every one of those sunbeams with the animated ones, and add some kind of sparkly treasure in for Yet Another Treasure Hunt Mod.)
  18. What's the FPS hit on them? If it's fairly high, that may explain why they don't get used.
  19. If you're going to mod, you need to understand what different variables and functions do. Copy & pasting only works if you understand the basics, so it's going to be really, really important to learn about variables and how to use them. Otherwise, you're going to spend a lot of time waiting for people to explain things and/or searching for answers-- at least, that's what I ended up doing. In this script, the variable doonce works like this This line declares the variable. By default, it's set to zero. short DoOnce This block of script says, if doonce equals zero, then do everything between "if DoOnce == 0" and "Endif". if DoOnce == 0 set Self to GetSelf set Distance to 200 if Self.GetDistance Player <= Distance MessageBox "Welcome, I have been waiting on you. Please don't let our little friends turn you away, they only want to play." set hidemessage to 1 Endif Endif End The problem is, since DoOnce is never set to anything except zero, it will always equal zero. You need to set it to 1. I don't know what "hidemessage" is supposed to do. From what you're posting, it starts out as zero, is set to 1, and isn't referred to again. This tutorial at the wiki really will help you understand things better-- it certainly will do a better job of explaining it than I can! :) -> House For Sale Tutorial. I would also strongly recommend going to TESAlliance and working through the scripting classes. Again, it will make modding much easier and much less frustrating.
  20. short DoOnce short Distance ref Self short HideMessage What are the doonce and hidemessage variables intended to do?
  21. God knows I'm not an expert scripter, but I can see one possible problem right off the bat. Do you want both If GetStage AAitem3 == 10 and If GamedaysPassed <= 2.0 to be true at the same time? Because as it stands, I think what's happening is that the game engine is checking for the FIRST valid condition-- which is the getstage-- and then doing what you told it to do-- setstage. If yes, you may find this tutorial very helpful: What's up with If, ElseIf, Else and EndIf - TES Alliance
  22. Isn't modding exciting? Just when you've got everything working, something stops working.....
  23. Have you tried deleting the door completely, saving, then closing out the CS, reloading, and trying again? It likely won't make a difference, but it may help, and it doesn't sound as if it would hurt.
  24. I was torn between the first two options-- but learning how to explain something coherently is an incredibly valuable skill.
  25. Ha! Well, we'll hope it was successful in conditioning the dialogue, not deactivating the mod! :D
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