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Everything posted by Saxonisc

  1. Let me be more clear. I have no problem paying for good, complete and working mods. It's only fair I think, but plenty of mods don't play together very well and some are never finished. Do I pay at version 1.0 or 6.7? 20 or 30 years ago most games came out that played to the end without need for patches. Console owners until recently bragged they didn't ever need patches, but look at the situation now. With this in mind, how much does Bethesda owe the creators of the unofficial patches? Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout etc. Why will the modder only get 25%? What if the modder uses completely new assets not in the original game using a 3rd party modding program. In theory they are only using the original game as a launching pad. Looking at games now, how bad/Buggy will the next Bethesda game be when they can rely on modders to fix everything for them? It may be the cheaper option when they are looking to raise revenue for their monthly quarter. We hear this complaint a lot from developers. It just sounds like somebody at Corporate headquarters wants to sit back and make more money the easy way.
  2. I will try to be brief. I fell in love with video games in the 70's, Pong & Spacewar and such. Friends who's family could afford one of the early computers. So I can offer some limited knowledge. When computer games began everything was new so it was easy to invent something not seen. It was very much an enthusiast hobby scene. The early Newsgroups BBS and early web were facinating and I didn't even need antivirus or firewalls and such. As such it was generally very friendly and exciting. Now we have trolls and phishing and whatever else that for me at least has taken the shine off. Atari and Amiga Tandy etc have gone and most of us now share one OS. The competition has gone and so has some of the fun. Modding came along really with doom wads and such. I saw modding an incredible endless source of originality as people were not concerned with the bottom line as developers and publishers are today. I worry modding will change like the internet and games becoming more about the money than originality like we see in the games industry today. My mod 2 (the sequel) and so on. We have some great mods made by talented people but if they make a popular extensive mod will I have to pay for DLC for my mod so I can go on enjoying it? Some people will stop allowing others to use their assets for free, so others may not be willing to pay when they realize their time is limited due to real life matters and so their mod may take years to come to fruition. Look at the legal issues between developers and publishers over the years. If a mod doesn't do what "it says on the box" am I entitled to a refund? Who pays, Steam? Also lets not forget that to get your mod out there you will now have to go through corporate headquarters. More and more others will hold sway on what gets allowed and what does not which is after all a form of censorship. How many mods here would not be allowed by Bethesda's legal team or Valves? At some point they will have to wade in. Some mods are amazing to the point that they surpass what the developer created so therefor i am happy to pay. But ultimately I think the old community spirit will wither the same as the the BBS and internet I fell in love with all those years ago. Lest we forget. R.I.P days of old. Saxonisc
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