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Everything posted by parkster232

  1. Im going to have to upgrade from my current computer since it barely runs just a couple mods on the lowest setting. So my questions is, does anyone have problems running the mods on windows 8? Im running windows 7 now but I may have a deal on a decent gaming sys but it has 8 on it.
  2. Thanks for the reply. My pc is not really a gaming pc, it has AMD Athlon II X2 255 dual core processor, 4 gig ram, 1 tb harddrive, NVIDIA GeForce 9200 graphics, on windows 7,
  3. Hello everyone, I have played skyrim on xbox since it came out but now I would like to try it on the pc with mods. I have the game downloaded with steam and I have NMM downloaded. I still have to figure out how to use the 360 controller with it. Anyway, my questions concern what mods to start with, I would like to keep it simple to start off with so I can learn as I go. What would be some basic mods to use?
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