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Everything posted by hydroxy11

  1. yes you can switch between the games. the main installation for MO2 is empty all of the mods files for each game are in their own folder and yes it wasn't an option in MO, you had to create a new portable instance for every game. Clicking the MO2 icon in the top left corner of the window gives you the option to restart and change game instance
  2. here's what i mean. i have only installed MO once, i'm fully aware i can install it multiple times. but using more than one game doesn't create another set of files for MO. or at least it doesn't anymore. i am required to create 2 shortcuts for mo and add a launch argument to the target field
  3. 2 instances yes, only one install though. there is only one exe each path for mo in ffallout and skyrim is only the folders used for mod virtualisation this is how i remember it working, but it doesn't seem to be the case, likely because they are neither portable instances
  4. when you uninstalled fallout did you manually delete the data folder? if not its why nmm picked them up after reinstalling. uninstalling the game via steam wont have touched any of the mods installed via nmm as steam will only delete main game files, not any addition files in the install folder. any enbs, dll loaders and mods will stay there. However, this sounds more like an input issue. remove all USBs excluding mouse and keyboard and see if the problem persists. if it does then try changing the ports they are plugged into. if this fails, then i would do a clean install. Uninstall via steam, uninstall NMM. manually delete the left over fallout folder and manully delete all of the INIs from your users files.
  5. Should be so simple ill punch myself for not figuring it out myself I have 2 instances of MO (1 for SkyrimSE and 1 for Fallout) i would like to know how to create 2 shortcuts for MO that open up each game instead of having to switch games each time. i know its likely changing the target in the shortcut properties but i cant seem to get the launch argument correct. any help would be awesome TIA
  6. don't use loot i guess could do with your load order btw
  7. this problems occurs because of the alpha level in the normal maps. you can easily edit them in photoshop and increase transparency
  8. water two works but the vanilla looks better skysight works electrify works septim hd work Skyrim landscape overhaul - stone walls work light beam fix is working realistic hd blacksmith is working ultimate fire hd works better embers works hd embers work too
  9. with SFO use the no grass version. realistic aspen trees seems good to go verdant seems to work nicely too
  10. CK is being released next week https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/791713701543936000
  11. its a rather pointless feature anyway, people would have just copypasta theiyr're descriptions instead
  12. just install the latest version of NMM to a different directory and dont select the standard skyrim when searching for games at launch. do this http://prntscr.com/cztfzv
  13. f4se still doesn't have fully work script extension so don't get your hopes up
  14. will the new CK go public on the 28th and what is the best way to convert nif to the new format, or is it really worth doing so...
  15. there are a lot more on beth'd.net atm
  16. Didn't Skyrim use LMA? i was always under the impression the crashes were a fault of mem allocation rather than memory limitation
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