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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. I think it looks perfect for its intended user . a ranger type character who does not want a fussy home. In fact minimalist can be good for a nice change from over modded mansions and castles. In fact the more I think about it the more it appeals to me , good work and can not wait to see the final result :)
  2. Have you tried FO3Edit also on nexus which is a handy for mod problems?
  3. I have found that installing EVE first helps with the conflicts as I assume mods it has troubles with just overwrite the changes EVE makes . EVE itself is a wonderful mod for energy weapon users and is worth the extra trouble to try to get things working together nicely
  4. Have you tried using FO3edit ?, this has sorted numerous problems I have had with various mod including CTD`s .
  5. I always assumed the worm was the wastelander cowering near the entrance to the alley
  6. The turn off/on Archive Invalidation trick does come in handy.
  7. Currently playing Fallout 3
  8. Can anyone remember a mod that stopped npc`s going on about "being careful where you are going " and "I have got my eyes on you " speech bits , I downloaded it ages ago but havew forgotten its name now I am playing FO3 again ?
  9. The mechanics of playing the game are not totally like Oblivion/Fallout 3 , they are more akin to the Witcher I found . But the DAO storyline is more involving and in depth and after getting used to how DAO works I really enjoyed playing it and the expansion pack. If you like an involving and interesting storyline plus puzzles and combat then DAO is probably going to be a good choice for you . PS Also the characters are really well rounded , I love the banter between them while on missions/travelling
  10. I assume they are alien /human hybrids and therefore the bobby pins where on the human side of the "experiment" , much in the same way as ghouls carry them ,a last vestige of humanity...or a nefarious past...
  11. The BoS peeps are still about and you do get the nice gun...
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