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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. Had to come and peek at your profile and noticed you joined on my birthday :)
  2. I enjoyed WH although I did think it was a little on the short side . I did not play with a character who had done the DR so that will be next for me and hopefully lead to a more satisfying ending :)
  3. Very interesting thread , although I have played computer games for ages I have only recently got into online multi-player and to be honest did not know it was so risky.
  4. I have given this image my endorsement. Very nice :)
  5. done the same myself..adds so much more to the deed :)
  6. How to crop images How to convert images Screenshots: A Basic Guideline - How to create screenshots using Oblivion - How to create screenshots using FRAPS Thank you , very fascinating articles and will help with my screen shot postings :)
  7. Could you possibly link me to your tutorials ? I have recently really got into screen shots , there is some amazing stuff on all the nexus Image Share sites.
  8. ah thanks Dark0ne seems the link you provided answered my problem , many thanks for taking time to run that one past me :)
  9. I am having trouble posting screen shots to the general Dragon Age Image share, I can upload to the premium one okay and do screen shots for files I have downloaded but I can not post to this area. i get the following message Site error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... Reporting this error If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When reporting this error please include this page URL with your report: www.dragonagenexus.com/members/imageshare/do_addimage.php. anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Edit, All screen shots are jpg and around 200 kb
  10. Just finished GOA and to be honest I wish I had not bothered , it was really not worth the hassle , unless I missed something major , like the point of it all.... PS The invisible walls and barred doors are part of it...at least I think they were...
  11. I am having trouble posting screen shots to the general Dragon Age Image share, I can upload to the premium one okay and do screen shots for files I have downloaded but I can not post to this area. i get the following message Site error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... Reporting this error If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When reporting this error please include this page URL with your report: www.dragonagenexus.com/members/imageshare/do_addimage.php. anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Edit, All screen shots are jpg and around 200 kb
  12. I would recommend the ATI 5870 graphics card , it is powerful yet quiet and produces really nice results :)
  13. I have both but besides the first time I went through it I do not do/use the Orrery one now
  14. After trying most options with Ruck and not liking how they turned out I have settled on letting him live then lying to his mother...happy result for everyone...almost..
  15. Ah yes...that is right...it is in the epilogue that you are told about it..thanks for refreshing my memory :)
  16. Very handy tip I guess you know all this stuff from mod making?
  17. As long as the story is good they can hang the rest of the stuff from that, with no story the whole lot would fall down anyway. Edit . Just noticed the bit about you will only play as a human , not sure that will go down well as my fav characters are all elves...plus the Elven beginnings were my more preferred story lines
  18. This is basically the only correct answer Yep..sadly life is not really a computer game...afaik :)
  19. The new qunari look is growing on me ..slowly..but they do seem more interesting .
  20. I am sure I have had an ending whereby both were saved , the Keep holding out due to my upgrades , on checking with the Wiki it seems there is a bug at this point and your friends in the keep may or may not survive due to the whims of this bug.
  21. Going by the trailer it looks interesting but perhaps it is best to wait till its release and see what the reviews are like..
  22. Downloaded and played it through now and it was well worth the money for n engaging little adventure . Was a shame about Tug but the storyline did give more insight into Leliana`s motivation . Wouldn`t mind seeing more DLC dedicated to one of the group characters to give a little more fleshing out of their stories.
  23. The DLC does sound interesting might go and download it a little later pity there was not something similar for Morrigan perhaps explaining more about her motivations :) Edit. On reflection that may come in DAO2 perhaps ? ( The Morrigan bit that is )
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