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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. now, this really is a mess and you have been given some great advice from fap6000, well i didn't read them all, so i'm not sure if this has been said, so i will say it aside from FOOK2 not being compatible with itself, it is also very incompatible with FWE, and using the two togather is just going to make a whole lot of mess to your game, so choose which one of them you want like fap6000 said, FOOK2 isn't a safe mod to have, so unless you can fix all the problems, i would recommend you to uninstall it, for the safety of your game than, get FO3Edit, and run the main function, and try to solve all the conflicts that you are almost sure to get then, do a MasterUpdate (get the FO3Edit manual to learn how) to make sure that everything works as it should, and try to run your game if after all of this, your game still won't work, than i hope you know what you'll need to do...... good luck, hope this helps, and that i did not made an idiot of myself, copying fep6000s suggestions if i have, then i apologize
  2. also, the good old favorite, make sure you have ArchiveInvalidation you have no idea how many people forget it, only to come asking the same question later
  3. well, there is a problem in the load order you can see that a file is missing, the main EVE file, EVE.esp, so you need to get it for the other files to work now, i'm not quite sure what the "This mod does not exist in the current template" and "The current load order of this mod does not match the current template" messeges mean, care to explain?? finally, try using FO3Edit to spot any conflicts, and do a MasterUpdate just in case, it does no harm, and it helps alot not sure if it will work with a steam version, never used steam..... hope this helps you in some way
  4. i can give you an advice that i have read in another post try installing the mod with this option, then load the last save you have with this option on then go indoors, and check that you don't see the rad level rising then save, and uninstall the mod, then reinstall it without this option, and load that save would you mind trying this out, and posting the results? i'm not a 100% sure this will work, but it sounded like a good idea, so i'm suggesting it to you good luck
  5. wow, this is probably the worst case of Fallout problems i have heard of so far have you, per chance, changed something from the original game, that could cause such problems? first of all, i think you should never load the game without FOMM, it could cause problems secondly, make sure that you are only loading the original game, and nothing more if it doesn't help at all, i can give you the old grannys cure, FO3Edit try using it's functions to see if there is a conflict or problem if all these don't work, than i guess the problem is either your PC, or the game itself i hope any of these work out for you, and i wish you luck with getting your game back up and running
  6. i'm not sure about how good it is, but try FO3Edit, and see if it solves it get it, and the manual, and do a MasterUpdate, and see if it helps you hope it helps you and just fyi, you can use FO3Edit to spot conflicts and such, so it should help you resolve future issues good luck
  7. no, it is very clear, just wanted to clarify the point, didn't think you knew it well, if i'll see a mod that does that, i'll let you know
  8. yeah, melee sounds obvious maybe a melee damage bonus as well and if he really was sneaky, than sneak seems fitting i hope you can decide on how you want to make it worst case is that we'll just customize the stats ourselves, so this shouldn't be such a worry for you, at least IMO
  9. wow, this looks really good, and even more so for a first time and about the stats, if you could describe how this char was originaly, i'm sure we could figure something out good luck with your work, hope it works out for you
  10. as far as i know, the only mods that could have problems with FWE are overhauls like FOOK look at the FOIP page here on the Nexus, there you'll see all the compatabilities with FWE (those that aren't in the FWE page) in terms of balance, if a weapon you add is too weak\strong, just modify its stats using GECK, it takes several moments, so that shouldn't trouble you hope this helps
  11. i don't know about any mod, but i know that there is a way for you to marry her the one thing that you must have is being a male human, and you must take the option of being born as a cousland, or whatever they were called so if you are a royal human male, and if you play your cards right, you can marry her i hope this helps you
  12. thank you i didn't think a thread like this existed guess i should have checked too bad that it can't be done properly, but at least now i know it as fact, so i won't keep looking for answers thanks again
  13. the best solution i can suggest is to visit the Fallout3 Wikia This is the link to the Wikia page about the museum through it you can find the pages of the different metros, and there are maps included i hope you can find the map you need, and finish the quest
  14. i have seen a video on youtube, that showed a melee weapon getting the different body part choices, just like normal guns when asked, the creator said that what he did was create a gun that uses melee animations and fire a short distance invisible round, so he created a weapon the would do it, but by changing animations and such things the thing i'm trying to find out is, can it be done, to make melee VATS get the same area choices like gun VATS, or will we just have to suffer with the vanille melee VATS?? because it makes perfect sense that you will aim your weapon at spesific points, and not just wave it around like a blind idiot please, if anyone has an answer, or if you think someone might have one, please comment here thank you all in advance
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