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Everything posted by Ruadhan2300

  1. Alright, some may have seen Cambragol's Vault 24 project, if not its Here I'm in progress on Vault 105 (version 3), a vault heavily inspired by Cambragol's stupendous effort. I want to create a vault with Everything a vault would have. To do that, I need to know what that would entail. The planned vault has a population of approximately 300 people (mostly unnamed NPCs) my current list of planned stuff: Entrance Level * Entrance chamber. * Airlock * Freight Elevator to Storage levels * Entrance Lobby * Expedition room + Decontamination facilities * Elevator Access to all levels Storage Level * Freight Access To Entrance Level * Extensive Storage space organised by various types of goods * Freight Access to Manufacturing Level * Elevator Access to all levels Admin Level * Admin Lobby * Overseer's Office * Boardroom * Overseer's Quarters (with room for entire immediate family) * Admin Kitchenette * Admin Offices for various officers (eg morale, security, science, and others) * Operations Room * Elevator Access to all levels Living Quarters (note that a family constitutes two adults and two children/adolescents) Penthouse Level 01 * spacious living quarters for 5 families * Penthouse wet-bar * Elevator Access to all levels Penthouse Level 02 * spacious living quarters for 5 families * Elevator Access to all levels Note that the penthouses are a single Atrium based area. Quarters 01 * Modest Living quarters for 16 families * Elevator Access to all levels Quarters 02 * Modest Living quarters for 16 families * Elevator Access to all levels Quarters 03 * Modest Living quarters for 16 families * Elevator Access to all levels Quarters 04 * Modest Living quarters for 16 families * Elevator Access to all levels Communal Level * Clinic * Diner/Restaurant * Main Common Room * Cigar Lounge (sorta a gentlemen's club, full of older men and a few younger whippersnappers XD ) * Vault Supply Shop (sells mostly things like turpentine and Abraxo, as well as various useful things like vacuum cleaners and so on) * Cinema/Theatre * Library * Classroom * Main Cafeteria * Gym * Elevator Access to all levels Security Level * Day Barracks * Security Office * Jail * Armory * Combat Sim chamber (tentative plan) * Elevator Access to all levels Manufacturing and Laboratories * Freight Elevator to Storage * Store-room * Lab Offices * Main Laboratories (split into various disciplines) * Robotics Lab * Manufacturing Area (mostly creates day to day supplies for the vault, also produces robot parts, ammunition and weaponry) * Firing range (for robots primarily, sometimes farmed out to vault security for training) * Combat Trials chamber (for robots primarily, sometimes farmed out to vault security for training) * Geck Storage Room * Elevator Access to all levels Maintenance Level * Maintenance Office * Workshop * Recycling and Garbage Incinerator * Water Purifier (with a Water Chip) * Fresh Water Storage Tanks * Elevator Access to all levels Reactor Level * Main Reactor * Reactor Control Room (overlooking the reactor area) * Transformer Room * Elevator Access to all levels Have I missed anything?
  2. I think he means barter using them in the same way as normal caps...treat them as a currency rather than items with a value...tbh this makes sense and I'm surprised its not in the vanilla game... I mean, Caesers legion and the NCR pay you in caps rather than their own currencies? that seems odd. if I go on a quest for the NCR I'd expect them to pay me NCR money and for me to have to trade it for caps at say... a bank. modding idea there :P
  3. a gun that removes the enemies clothes? what you'd want to do I guess would be a scripted effect which runs the unequip command on the target... or an alternative is a weapon which damages and breaks armor, but doesn't hurt the target. perhaps it has a scripted effect to add health equal to the damage it did, which wouldn't affect the armor, so it breaks it. or you could do something similar to the remove-weapons function in the casinos, but using a formlist containing all the different armors.... tbh I have little idea either, might play with it for a laugh some time though. funny idea.
  4. very straightforward to do. Open the geck Load the data file for Fallout New Vegas (that's FalloutNV.esm) and no others. if you have Dead Money, it's ESM may be already ticked, detick it. Save it as "Leathernogloves" or something similarly informative in the Object Window, scroll down until you find Items/Armor find the item labelled ArmorLeather, right click and Edit. right above the Ok and Cancel buttons should be a dropdown labelled Biped Model List. set it to 'None' Hit OK. Save load your new mod in FOMM Enjoy :) I tell you because unless someone is mindnumbingly bored, they're not going to do this for you. so you may as well do it yourself :)
  5. that is both disgusting and epic at once. I've made a fair few efforts towards constant-beam lasers, the usual method is to make a low-damage laser weapon which fires full-auto at insane rates. adjusting the projectile to fade slightly slower than usual helps with blending the beams as well. with some tuning, it looks like a steady beam, depends on the beam projectile you use. my Tesla Beam Cannon mod (for fallout 3) worked quite well. I've made a couple similar efforts for new vegas, nothing noteworthy though. the real problem I have is with sound-effects. apart from the looping sound-effects which I'd rather avoid (due to recognisability), generally my beam weapons make a ridiculous amount of noise.
  6. hm, elaborate a bit more? Generally speaking when it comes to making new areas in the game, you don't need new meshes and textures. If its a vault, the most complex thing you might need is new vault-numbers on the doors. You'll garner more interest if you explain a bit more about what you want to make. What you should do is decide on the layout of your ship, what the player can and can't do there, what kinds of enemies and where aboard the ship to find them, any events you want to happen, characters you meet, everything really. Plan it all out, then break it down into specific tasks. Do all the ones you can do on your own, asking for any help you may need (particularly with scripting) and using the geck wiki for a reference if you need it. When you're at a point where you need just a few specific things, make a list, then ask if anyone can help out... Say for example, I'm happy to provide advice, I might even do some mesh and texture editing if asked nicely, but I don't really have the time or interest to help more generally. I think that's the case for most people.
  7. Venus and her trusty robotic guardian, Mr Fatso http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1301177672.jpg Venus specialises in energy weapons, particularly lasers. She operates as a mercenary and as part of her contract, displays absolute loyalty to her employer until the contract is complete (siding with Mr House in this case) She was employed to get the Platinum chip to Mr House, and that's exactly what she's going to do, killing the man who put her in a grave is just a bonus. Due to getting shot in the head, she has a vicious scar across her head and conceals it behind an armoured mask at all times. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1300843479.jpg http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1301360410.jpg Mr Fatso is a heavily modified Protectron she discovered in the maintenance areas of Vault 105, he was in terrible shape, but she was able to repair him and reprogram him as a companion. Fatso mounts a powerful energy cannon in his head and has a large internal storage compartment where Venus keeps a lot of her belongings. Venus is also a competent violinist and sometimes plays in bars. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1301685746.jpg
  8. Pretty simple, I cleaned up the Vault 34 Armory room, now I want to animate the lift-platform. trouble is I have no idea how to go about that in nifskope or blender. if anyone can either clearly explain the process, point me somewhere that does or just do it for me...that'd be awesome :P as is, there's no access to the upper level of the armory, which seems really strange to me. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1302278076.jpg the armory mesh and retexture can be found in THIS pack.
  9. hm...lots of useful thoughts here, thank you for the responses. the part I actually needed was the player.moveto function, I wasn't sure what it'd be. thanks for that :P I hadn't thought of companions though, especially non-vanilla companions. the method I planned to use is basically a dialog based teleporter. you talk to the Zax and when you tell it where you want to go, it runs something akin to the player.moveto command on you and moves you to the floor of your choice :P straightforward, but harder to combine with companions... I'll probably just use aspects of the V22 script for that, and accept that it'll only partially work with non-vanilla companions. the multiple door's method sounds much more simple, but part of the immersion may be broken by the elevator apparently not moving. that is unless I run a timer and sound-effect for that...but who wants to deal with a compulsory wait like that every time they change floors? Edit: just a minor update to the plan, rather than having a dedicated cell specifically for the elevator, it seems simpler to have an elevator interior at each level, and be able to open the door and go in each time. perhaps also have randomised delays on the door opening time for the elevators :P this removes the need for another system to decide which door to link to at any time for leaving the elevator (should you realise you didn't want to change floors after all) to distinguish which floor the player is on for limiting the options so you can't go to the floor you're currently on, I plan to simply check which cell the player is in. that will provide the necessary data much more easily.
  10. ok, so for my vault, I plan to have an elevator system. to do that, I have the elevator directly controlled by the vault's Zax computer. so you talk to the Zax via a screen inside the elevator. My planned event path is that you walk up to the elevator door, use it, and you're teleported into the Elevator cell. inside that cell (which is tiny and essentially contains only the zax screen) you can talk to the zax and tell it where you want to go. This system lets me limit players to areas of the vault which they'd be allowed to go to at that point and suggest that the vault is larger than it appears. after you tell the zax where you want to go, you're immediately teleported to the outside of the elevator on the floor you want to go to. my problem is that I'm not really sure how to make a scripted teleport system like this. I'm certain its possible, there was a mod related to robco robots in Fallout 3 which had a multi-destination teleport system sorta like this. my problem is purely the script itself. not the dialog or structuring. if anyone can advise..that'd be helpful.
  11. ok, pretty straightforward question. and since after a fair amount of searching I've had no luck at all... (there was something that looked like it might help on the Fallout 3 underground but I couldn't look since I don't have a login there) How exactly do I create an ESM file out of an ESP file? I want my modder's resource of vault tile-pieces to be useable in other mods without basing those other mods directly off of it. Edit: found my solution, never mind. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:Data_Files "In order to create new .esms, you can use FOMM or FO3Edit to convert an .esp to an .esm"
  12. hate to admit it, but I think jaysus is right...it looks like its a statement saying "sure you can use the assets from stalker for modding stalker, just don't use it anywhere else without asking." I may be wrong. I kinda hope I am.
  13. very cool of GSC to do this... what I wonder about (and I'm aware it goes largely against policy) is doing things like using F3 assets in a FNV mod.... I mean, half the assets from F3 are already in FNV...what's wrong exactly with adding one they missed for the sake of a better mod? its the same company and virtually the same assets... seriously, I've looked at the meshes, they're the same file. the only alternatives are to use the F3 assets by proxy (ask the downloader to extract the file from F3 and place it correctly) or to scratch build my own versions. neither appeals. especially when the new vegas team left out that one little part which would make things perfect...and left half a dozen virtually useless pieces of crap. case in point the Rock-It-Launcher. due to a change in the game mechanics, it's no longer possible to make the RIL work how it did in F3. but ALL the assets are there. even the texture-sets, formlists for ammunition, the works... way I see it, there's nothing wrong with adding an extra part they missed out of the stuff they themselves ported from F3 and didn't use.
  14. thanks for the tip, the one thing I'd missed off was ticking the box for auto-calcing the Services... then I changed it from OpenBarterMenu to OpenTeammateContainer 1 which made it exactly how I wanted. :) reflecting somewhat that using a Protectron might not have been the best idea for a companion since they're a tad slow....
  15. inspecting the geck now....there is absolutely no miscellaneous item with a name remotely similar to that. there's nothing in the Nipton General store that remotely resembles it either.... methinks you must be mistaken. also no mention of it in the wild-wasteland perk on the wiki could it be a mod?
  16. if it helps and/or remotely interests you, I produced a reinforced enclave armor outfit a while back... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39689 you're welcome to do whatever you like with it :P
  17. wouldn't the Mysterious Stranger's trenchcoat be more the sort of thing you want? I'm no Watchman fan, but I did see the film.
  18. ok, seems to be working as intended now... new and fun problems to deal with though. first and foremost, the faction. this is a modified protectron initially belonging to the vault it's found in. the idea is that you can acquire it as a companion of sorts (it follows basic instructions to follow and wait, and I'll add an inventory that can be accessed later) right now it attacks -anything- not belonging to the vault faction, or specifically noted as allied/friendly to that faction. this includes Raiders, Malcom Holmes, Radscorpions and ravens...is there a general Companion faction I can add it to that will make it attack only things that are specifically hostile to my player-character? Edit, fixed that problem, now I'm trying to make an accessible inventory for Fatso. using a container linked to his merchant container options, I can trade with him, but whenever anything is added to his inventory it gets deleted from it...or something. its like he can put things into the box but can't take them out again.
  19. Ah! David, that's gotta be the problem I've been having right there, and no, its not a bad habit I've learnt from any example, its just a holdover from the good habit from all the rest of my modding.. thanks guys for the excellent advice and assistance. Edit: Okay, continuing with the same problem as before :P Set 00V105FatsoController.Mode to 1 won't compile. that being the bit in the topic which sets the "gribbix" variable. I've now set it up so that the script "bar" is attached to the quest (same quest as its being called from.) also changed the Scriptname so that it no longer starts with 00. is it a problem if the questname being referenced also starts 00? Here's a pic. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1454396-1301131420.jpg Any suggestions? or am I totally misunderstanding the system :P Edit2: Holy crap...I feel stupid now. yes, evidently starting anything with 00 at the start in a script fuxes it up. no wonder I'd been having problems. I removed the 00 on the start of the control quest and made relevant changes in the scripts and it hasn't errored at me....
  20. hm, so the quest "bar" would be attached directly to the quest? or to the NPC? or to a placeholder entity? this is one of the functional problems I've been having.. Edit: my current layout is that I have a Quest called 00V105FatsoController. three topics in it, a greeting, and two command topics for Follow and Wait. also attached to that quest is a quest-script called 00FatsoScript which contains the following code: scn 00FatsoScript Short Mode Begin GameMode End my topics are designed to set the variable in the script (Mode) to 1 or 2 depending on which package I want. the command for Follow is: Set 00V105FatsoController.Mode to 1 but for some reason won't compile. in the NPC itself, there are two AI packages, one for follow, one for wait. I know those work fine because I tested them with an alternative system earlier. their conditions use GetScriptVariable functions to work out which package to use at any one time. simple enough in concept, but for some reason it won't work. All the above codes and scripts are direct Copypasta's from the program, so any mistakes in them are mistakes in my code that are probably responsible for the trouble :P DoubleEdit: looks like the GetScriptVariable function is looking for an entity, clearly the NPC itself isn't what its looking for because the script isn't attached to that...so...bit unsure what to do.
  21. its a function attached to the dialog option...what I want is to have dialog options to manipulate the packages...not really sure how else I might do that.
  22. Bit of a conundrum here, I've got a unique protectron character who acts a bit like a follower, you get two dialog options with him, Follow and Wait. they control behaviour packages in the NPC. its the bit in between which is the problem, the script to change a variable which is detected by conditions in the packages. or is there a better way to do this? Conversation -> little scripts to set variables in...-> Script in the character -> Packages reference the variables from that script. suffice to say it doesn't work. the little scripts in the conversation won't compile (Set Scriptname.Mode to 1) where Scriptname is the name of the script held inside the NPC. and Mode is the only variable in it. also for some reason the getScriptVariable function won't detect Mode. this may be related....am I doing something really stupid?
  23. I think you'll find that the advanced recon nightvision system incorporates something like this as part of its TAC functions. grab it Here: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38328 I know it highlights any objects you can pick up, as well as any containers with stuff in.
  24. Done, uploaded Enjoy :) http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41075 Total build time, about 20 minutes. let me know if there's any problems.
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