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Everything posted by TheWatchman

  1. Basically I'm looking for something that works similar to Hunterborn's "Dispose Body" option where the body is simply removed from the game. No needing to burn, bury and/or apply lye like in [Clean up your corpses], I know the DB Broom works similar to what I'm asking, but I don't want to deal with that particular mod's other features. Sure, I could just simply type "disable" on a targeted body in the console. But sometimes that option doesn't work when I'm outside and surrounded by a ton of dead bodies.
  2. The funny thing with me is I played and finished Oblivion first but I modded Morrowind first, I can't remember why as I know really Oblivion over Morrowind - I still do even now, fight me but I also appreciate MW just as much as OB these days. You'd think as a horny 15 year old back then I'd be attracted by OB's fledgling adult mod community, though that's not to say MW didn't have it's share those as both Wolflore.net and LL communities started with MW. The way I modded back was just a mess XD. I just dl and install whatever I fancied, something not even checking if any of the mods I was running conflicted or not. I was also one of those idiot noobs who kept asking for advice in the forums and mod page comments sections on stuff cluelessly broke XD. Damn I miss Planet Elder Scrolls and Elric Melnibone's Archive.
  3. I'm looking for two house mods: One that's a small starter home in or around Riverwood with all the basics (bed, crafting stations and storage). It being follower friendly would also be nice. The other is a large house mod that can cater multiple followers (15-30) and a sizable display that's within the Whiterun Hold.
  4. Thanks man. I still need to know where I can find the LOD I generated so as I can back up my changes.
  5. Seeing as that patch of land is supposed to be flat and I can walk through the low texture parts, I'm guessing it's an LOD issue. Though is there an alternative way to generate LOD aside from using the GECK? When I try to generate LOD myself, the program "stops responding" and I'm having a hard time justifying leaving PC on for something for hours without knowing it's actually doing what I want it to do. Edit: Okay. I went and test the mod again, even though I didn't complete my previous attempt at generating LOD, the issue is thankfully fixed now so thank you for the advice. One more though, I want back up those files just in case I ever to rebuild my game again. What are files that I am looking for and where can I find them? Also, I still would like to know an alternative to generating LOD aside from the GECK if there is one. Again thanks for the advice.
  6. I decided to edit a mod for my personal use, flattening the ground to make it easier to build on with RTS. Things seem to be going along fine until I inspected my work in-game. https://imgur.com/a/kzP1icX I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to editing landmasses so I don't know how to fix this or at least how to avoid this.
  7. Are you sure it wasn't just the video you watched being sped up to get past the slow moments?
  8. I'm pretty doubtful anyone can recognize the armor/clothing in this picture due to how little of the thing is being shown but I'm wondering if anyone know a mod similar to it.
  9. I'm wondering if anyone can recognize the clothes in these images. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/100/images/43129-1-1401790599.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/100/images/43129-2-1401790599.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/100/images/43129-3-1401790600.jpg I've tried finding them myself but had no luck.
  10. For some reason my game suddenly become becomes crash-happy after saving Kvatch and convincing Martin to come with you to Weynon Priory. Fast traveling causes me to crash regardless of where I go. While manually travelling to the priory doesn't fair much better either, I usually crash just as Martin, Jauffre and me are leaving for Cloud Ruler Temple. With an older saves prior to heading to Kvatch, I could fast travel and move around the Priory just fine. I've already tried doing the main quest with older saves but I end up crashing again after Kvatch. Active Mod Files:
  11. Are you using Windows 7 by any chance? My buddy had something similar to this.
  12. Duke Patrick's Melee Combat is pretty much what you're looking for. It overhauls the entire Oblivion melee system. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/914-duke-patricks-melee-combat-no-recoil/ Also if you're interested, Duke also has separate realistic archery and magic systems. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/780-duke-patricks-combat-magic-ii-duke-patricks-incursion-into-fortress-of-fear/ http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/36836
  13. Hmm... I was hoping not to get myself another mod project especially since I'm working on a mod project for another game but alright.
  14. I'm pretty much requesting someone to convert Shayaryn's work to HGEC. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/37710 Yes yes, I know the armor is originally HGEC. However none of the current mods available in the format have a pants version. I also like the color variants used in that mod.
  15. I'm wondering if it's a good idea to merge all add-on plugins of both overhauls down to their respective main plugins. I already merge most of the item mods I use to get a lower mod count and wondering if it's safe to it on these overhauls as well.
  16. http://skykids.freeforums.net/index.cgi?board=oblivion&action=display&thread=61 Refer to the links on the first post. Just a warning though, it's a beast to get working.
  17. Found it. Thanks man (or is it girl?), there's no way I'd find it w/o the name.
  18. Hey all, Does anybody know the name of the clothes the lovely char in this pic is wearing? http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36673-5-1295238104.jpg
  19. I have a couple of mods, Moira's Supply and Rivens Goodsprings Vendor_Plus Mannequins, that aren't working properly. When my full load order is active, the npcs for both mods will not enter conversation mode with me, they'lljust stand there and quietly stare at me whilst I try and get them to talk. Both mods work just fine when I run them by themselves. I already tried rearranging my load order and doing a complete reinstall but no joy so far. I'm thinking going through my mods with FNVedit but I never had this problem before so I'm not sure what to look for. Any advice? Thanks.
  20. I'm wondering if anyone can show me to some complete and in-depth guides for making custom weapon/armor meshes and textures? Every time I try to look for them in the web I always end up sifting through tutorials for the CS. :wallbash: I doesn't also help I don't know the term for it. Armor/Weapon making? Modeling and Skinning? Sorry if I'm acting ridiculously n00bish about this. :pinch:
  21. Oh, didn't check first asking sorry 'bout that. And thanks for the link.
  22. Your link does not work. Whoops, sorry 'bout that, here: Link
  23. Hello mod detectives, can any identify what the elf lady on the left is wearing in this pictureLINK I have a sneaking suspicion it's a private mod but what the heck. Doesn't hurt to know.
  24. Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone knows an effective random oblivion event disabler?
  25. I'm gonna have agree with monkeybuttface, that's not simple, at least not in a modding standpoint. I'm not an experienced modder or anything but you're what suggesting sounds more complicated to implement than existing magic overhauls. As for spellmaking altars, i wouldn't save they would become as some people like making spells with multiple effects
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