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Nexus Mods Profile

About amullinix

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim / New Vegas / Deus Ex
  • Favourite Game
    Dark Forces / Thief: The Dark Project
  1. Arthmoor, I dont expect you to read this response (not a dig at you, just a remark). tl;dr - I disagree with a couple of your responses, and clarify a couple of mine. I also just realized that I repeat myself a few times. Forgive me for that. I appreciate the conversation and, regardless of why the issue was there, it appears I am finally able to login successfully. At least for now. Also so long as I dont fat-finger an incorrect answer. Cheers. Except it was. You're here complaining. So you got logged in. Therefore I must assume you were able to process the captchas. Maybe you're not who I am referring to here. Maybe you are. You'd have to tell me that. ** No, it wasnt. There were multiple individuals complaining about the same feature, all with different ways of arriving at the same issue. One in particular, went through what appeared to be a lengthy researching process, all to arrive at the same result: the captcha, as a whole, wasnt working properly. SirSalami validated at least half of that. This would not have been dealt with, had it not been complained about (cant know about an issue unless someone brings it up, basically). I do not question the irritation at the amount of complaints. Nor do I question the irritation at the lack informative complaints, with adequate information backing them up. I dont recommend assuming anything. My original issue was the captcha not recognizing when an accurate result was typed. I had already stated that the repeated need for captcha, as a result of my CCleaner wiping everything whenever I closed all the windows out, was not the issue. It was the inaccuracy of the captcha. A result I was echoing. Regardless of my result, it still does not mean that how you decide to operate on the internet, is the only sane way. ** Nope. I've seen enough people say "it's your fault" and be proven utterly wrong to stop accepting this "500 people are complaining so it must be real" attitude anymore. Especially when the only ones complaining so much are at the same time actively impeding their own use of the service they're complaining about. ** When dealing with your mods, and issues rising from improper use, I %100 agree that taking that stance is incorrect. I thought you would use that as an example (perceived inference on my part here), and I shouldve said something in my previous response. I dont doubt for a second, that when it comes to your mods (or mod use in general, not just yours), and the individuals that use them, user error is, more often than not, the actual issue. The common denominator with the captcha issue, was that it was literally not working. It wasnt that it kept coming up, or that typical means of bypassing werent working. It just wasnt working, as a whole. Many, many people described that the audio wasnt even working correctly. As in, regardless of how they arrived at the captcha, it was not letting them use it properly. I fail to see how, with multiple reports of a mechanical issue out of the users hands, it cant be surmised that maybe it isnt their fault. ** Thanks for the advice, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject it as useless. Other people have commented on the same thing I did and they were all 100% correct to do so. Unless the moderators tell us not to, why should we be barred from commenting on the REAL cause of your problem? Just ebcause there also happened to be some other minor issues with the secondary system does not invalidate the fact that your settings are what interferes with the primary system. ** I apologize for coming off as an ass here. I was upset, but that isnt an appropriate response. I understand that others commented, and would never imply you shouldnt be allowed to. My only implication was that maybe, to avoid the appearance of wanting to start a fight, that commenting should be limited to what directly relates to the issue. Again, I understand the irony here. There were issues with both systems, regardless of settings. This was explicitly stated by many people, a lot of whom did not hinder themselves the way I did. Again, as previously stated, I use CCleaner to wipe my stuff. It wasnt the repetition of captcha, but the inaccuracy. **
  2. Thank you for taking the time to validate our claims. It is more than appreciated. While I do not speak for everyone that has brought this up, I personally appreciate it, and await word on what was discovered. Also, I managed to only need to perform the captcha twice (couldnt read the first one, refreshed it, it accepted what I typed). And I've never seen more people in one place so eager to complain about a scenario they've inflicted on themselves willingly in my life. Issue goes both ways you know. If we were not eager to complain, the site would not do very well, would it? Too often people are required to simply accept mediocrity, or "half-working" devices, simply because they are told to (in general, not speaking specifically with the Nexus). In this case, we were right. Im glad that you were either able to simply accept the issues, or never experienced them, but your singular interaction with the problem did not, and should not, dictate what others are going through. Simple as that. In many cases, sure, issue goes both ways. In this case, despite how quickly you decided things for us, it was not a two way street. If enough people are having issues with a singular "thing," thats usually a pretty big red flag that it isnt user error, regardless of what other aspects are there that you disagree with. Also, and this is just a personal note: I wouldnt recommend commenting on a thread dealing with a specific issue, unless you have further proof the issue exists, or you attempt to help solve it. Commenting simply to say we complain too much (on an issue that, clearly, had nothing to do with you) isnt helpful, to anyone. Yes, I understand the irony in what I just said, as I post this. Thanks again, @SirSalami, for the response!
  3. This is the most difficult captcha, Ive ever had to use. Never failed a captcha 10+ times, every. single. time. I try to login, before now. Quick edit: Ive also managed to fail the captcha, without any sort of captcha. Just the check box. Doesnt seem right. If there are as many people complaining about this as there appears to be, maybe take a second look at it? I dont have direct knowledge of site maintenance, or contracting, but I do have some decent knowledge on PR, consumerism, supply/demand, etc. Seems the common denominator is more the captcha, not what people use to login. Keep in mind: not everyone is going to follow the exact process you all (mainly the higher tier premium members, long time modders, etc) use to login, or use the internet. You actually cant demand they do so, or just "suck it up and dont come here" if they dont want to. Not actually how business works. You want traffic. Not quite sure why long term users would want to force people out of here. Seems counterproductive. Finding the least demanding, least invasive, means for authentication during the login process requires work, not just looking through a few options and going with whatever. This isnt the military. "Suck it up, this is how things are," doesnt actually fly. I have no problem with the need for captcha, or something similar. I get it. I use CCleaner to wipe my stuff whenever I close the window. I have to login every time (not a problem). The captcha used is fundamentally wrong. It does not work for enough people, for it to be used here. Simple as that. Even more edits: So this time, I had to redo the captcha 28 times. Here are some of my favorites that were, it would seem, incorrect:
  4. I'd like to say I am happy with Vortex. I find I am able to figure things out quicker, and more efficiently, than NMM. I enjoy have a dock, for each game, that allows programs that can effect that particular game's files, readily accessible. Being able to create my own logic flow for each mod is also great, and makes for identifying issues just a little easier. I love the "install without changing the game until you deploy the mod specifically" facet of the program. Feels like it came from MO, but I like the implementation better here. Its all in one space, simply "deployed" or "not deployed," instead of having two separate (at least two visible) load orders. I do have a couple of issues: 1) Updating through Vortex itself doesn't appear to work. Regardless of the method I choose, whether all at once, or one mod at a time, clicking "Check for mod updates" does nothing. I have several mods I have not updated yet (waiting on one in particular), yet click that option does nothing to let me know those mods need updating. If something is happening in the background, I have no idea. The more I look at it, the more it seems anything with a connection to the Nexus, doesn't like populating (yes, my login works in Vortex just fine). 2) I have no idea what is happening to an esm or esp that had required a replacement. Meaning: a mod gets updated, I manually update it, check the errors pushed out by Vortex, make the proper selections, look at my plugins list to get rid of the old esm or esp, and there is only one. If that file is being overwritten, and the older one removed, we should really be told. Moreover, we should be given the option to do it ourselves, or let Vortex do it. 2a) As a piggyback to the previous, and a small addition to it, I assume that since there is no recognition of an update status to a mod, when you do update it yourself, Vortex does not identify that the mod already exists. Granted, I know that may have caused some issues with NMM, but at least being given the option for the updated version of a mod to simply replace the previous version, would be nice. Maybe it literally takes over all connections of its previous version? If additional files are attached to the older version, but are not present in the new one, those older files are kept, unless a ruleset is in place specifically telling Vortex (via whatever installer script that file is using) to get rid of old files. That way, all the rules created by the user can still be in place, and any orphaned rules can either be looked at manually, or taken care of behind the scenes by Vortex. Those are the two(three) biggest issues I have with Vortex, right now. I always assume that I have done something incorrectly whenever I first encounter an issue, so if that is the case, please let me know and I will edit this post. The only other thing I have at the moment, are two quick suggestions: 1) Please make the dependencies rule creation a little more obvious. Right now, the mod you clicked on is at the top, and a list of discrepancies are below it, paired with drop boxes. Initially, I wasn't sure if I was assigning what each conflicted mod was going to do to the mod I clicked, or if I was assigning what the clicked mod was doing to each of the others. I realize I probably sound stupid, but I know there was at least one other person slightly confused on what the logic was. Stare at it long enough, you can sort it out, but a small visual thing couldn't hurt. 2) EDIT: Remembered what I was going to suggest. When updating a mod and deciding what to do with it, one of the options in the drop down menus can be "Replace." For instance: Legacy of the Dragonborn was recently updated. The update is supposed to replace the esm, but there is no way of knowing if that happens (see my first issue). However, in the drop downs there can be option added to "Load After, Load Before, Conflicts With," that simply says "Replace," if the only thing being replaced is an esm. Thank you, very much, for a great product. I honestly enjoy using it.
  5. For the love of... finally. Thank you for asking. Ive been looking for how the logic is handled for over an hour. This really needs to be specifically stated somewhere. Unless it is. In which case... Im dumb. Still. Thank you.
  6. Ah. THIS is my post. Anyway... Trying it now; I'll come back with an edit in a few. EDIT: It wasn't effective. Huh. Were you able to browse through the load order? Does it look like it would cause issues? If you have questions on it, I can display the Masters required for which ever mod was in question. Like I said before, I'm a little stumped. DOUBLE EDIT: I placed the menus folder back in, just in case, and still no change. This has stumped me. Little more info: Before I moved to Maryland from North Carolina, I had played the game for roughly 15 minutes (enough to test mod combinations as I was installing them) with only having CTDs with the Mission Mojave set of mods (I've always had issues with that, no idea why). Since coming back to it, the only thing I added was the underground hideout, and the New Bison Hotel. Gonna see what happens when I remove the hideout. TRIPLE EDIT: Got it! That was very odd. I was missing several bsa's and esp's, that were still in the data folder, just in their own folders created by the owner of the mods. Not sure why NMM did this, but it didn't unpack everything. At any rate, I went ahead and unpacked what wasn't already, made sure the load order was done properly, and started it up. Everything went fine. All I did was move around outside for a few seconds, but it's a great start. It will be easier to troubleshoot now that I have a base to start from. Thanks for the help!!
  7. A lot has happened. I attempted my first mod a while back, but got caught up in getting out of the military and with family issues. I may come back to it, but it isn't likely.
  8. It's been a long time since I have posted at The Nexus. I hate my 'return' to be initiated with a 'help me help me' thread, but I'm kinda lost here. Started New Vegas back up. I had cleared it entirely out, mods included, from my other computer. I have a new computer, and plan to start Twitch episodes of New Vegas. So I went ahead and installed my usual mods, with a few new ones (nothing too over the top) and have been trying to play. Every time I start it up, it CTDs (I can't even get passed the initial startup screen). I have a sneaking suspicion it's my load order (even after a BOSS move). I'll paste the load order below, and if there are any kind Nexus people that would like to look it over, have at it. I've used all of the mods listed in the Spoiler section, together, with no issues in the past. Along with the possibility of my load order being screwed up (though I have no idea where it would be), I also ran into the problem of not being able to use the FNV4GB file. I have no idea why, as I was using it just fine in combination with everything else, in the past. Even used the link provided at the NVSE website, as the alternate loader to allow the combined use of NVSE and FNV4GB. Edit: Now that I think about it, I have never used EVE before. I also usually have the Bison Hotel and Casino mod added in, just haven't done that yet. I appreciate any and all help offered up. I wish I didn't have to ask this of you guys. -Anthony
  9. About to post my first mod!
  10. To the point: I've tried both endings to HH. Both times, after the cut-scenes are done and I stand in front of the exit I find that I am completely unable to move. Access to my weapons, pip-boy, grenades, third person view... none of it works. I have tried COC'ing myself to other locations with no change. I have tried 'enableplayercontrols' with no change; 'disableplayercontrols' then re-enable them with no change. NoClip doesnt work... nothing is working. Right now, I am completely unable to download -anything- let alone a mod (due to location). I will not be able to for a few months. Is there anything I can do in the GECK, or through console commands... or anything, that will let me finish HH and continue on with my game? I've tried looking for a fix, and manage to find some people who have issues with the ending that involves killing the white legs. None of those fixes worked. The only issue I have, is that I cant do anything (cant even save it... like its stuck in the cutscene mode, with no cutscene playing). Any advice is welcome at this point. Even if its only to tell me tough luck. At least it will be something. EDIT: the free cam (TFC) works. I can even fire my weapons (cant see them until I turn TFC off, and then I get placed right back where I was and cant do anything again). Basically, its like im still stuck in the cut-scenes, I can just see my HUD and can even use Bullet Time (PN). Ive never had this issue before, hence the worry.
  11. Those are great! Adds a lot of variety and individualism throughout New Vegas. Thank you for posting them. What I'm asking for however, does not involve adding new stations. Simply allowing the radios in the game to be 'tuned' to different ones. The easiest way I can explain it, is with an example: In the Underground Hideout, you have the ability to activate a PA system, that will play one of the two vanilla radio stations (based on whatever one you choose) throughout the hideout. To compare it: The radio in the Saloon in Goodsprings being activated, bringing up a small menu with Radio Station selections, based on whats available through your Pip-Boy. That would then play after selecting. For instance, if you have those mods you offered up installed (along with CONELRAD and whatever other radio mod you wanted) properly, then you would have more options to choose from when 'tuning' any radio that you see in New Vegas. I hope I explained that correctly. Thank you again for offering those suggestions for more radio stations! They look awesome.
  12. Normally, I will re-download the mod in it's entirety and be done with it. Sometimes that takes a while, specifically with the larger mods. That being said, some modders offer smaller files, of just updates. My question is this (I know it's simple, and stupid, but I feel the need to ask anyway): If I download just the update files, how exactly am I supposed to install them, through NMM? When installing, do I click 'Yes' or 'No' when NMM comes up saying 'A newer version of the mod was identified. The new version is x.x, the currently installed version is x.x. Do you want to update?' If not, the mod installs normally, and asks for overwrites (most of the time). When re-downloading the entire mod, I would click 'Yes' and it would update appropriately. With the update files though, would that be sufficient, or would I have to have it install normally, and allow rewrites? I ask this because I want to keep the amount of clutter in my NMM to a minimum, and also because the update files are usually VERY small in comparison to the full download. Makes me think I will install them incorrectly. Thank you ahead of time for anyone willing to take time answering this (probably) stupid simple question.
  13. I would like to know if someone would be willing to make a mod that allows the player to 'activate' any of the radios used to play any of the radio stations out there, instead of just the vanilla ones. I think specifically of CONELRAD. If not, thats ok. I just wanted to have the music playing as Im moving around my house, not on my wrist. Thanks for anyone who considers this!
  14. Tytanis' Mod has a farming aspect to it. Check his work out.
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