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Posts posted by DeMocha

  1. Imperials vs Stormcloaks vs A good side?


    Before i start, i'll say that this is merely a mod idea that i am throwing out there in the belief that someone/s with the skill, time and motivation might find the idea interesting.


    To start, well i am currently on my second playthrough and i have played close to 50hrs in each. Yet i have not picked a side in Imperials vs Stormcloaks, my reasons being

    1/ The imperials- No longer fit the definition, they are no longer an empire. They are weak and crumbling slowly, Sooner rather than later the empire will fall. They cannot protect their people from threats internal and external ( the thalmor just do what they like). General Tullius doesn't give a rats ass about the people and only wants to destroy Stormcloaks. Even if the empire wins it will still likely fall. (Talking to the Thalmor makes it sound like they don't care either, as they are happy to wait till empire crumbles under its own weight).

    2/ Stormcloaks- Led by a great warrior who is a good leader of soldiers but not people. He is rascist, or at least doesn't care about other races even if they are part of his own jarldom (?). He doesn't protect his lands and only wishes to win the war. Lastly even if they win can they defeat the Aldmeri alone?


    Basically as a character that has the ability to turn the tide for either side, i'd want to pick the side that would benefit all its people, not just a part of it. I'd also want to think that the side i supported wouldn't collapse or be conquered soon after. ATM its like trying to decide the lesser of 2 evils.



    So idea is this, Would it be possible for a mod to bring in a third side via quests eg.


    Thalmor, honestly i'd be very surprised if they didn't have an army on the border waiting for an opportunity.

    Elisif, realises she's a puppet and decides to do something useful.

    The PC, decides that the other sides are useless and uses the various groups and uses the 'dragonborn' legend that he/she's part of to gain power and make skyrim independant.



    Basically i just want to be able to pick a side that is 1- interesting and 2- not a mirror image of the other.

  2. I have always wanted to be able to see my character with both weapons sheathed.


    At the same time it would be nice (from my pov) if you could have the DW'd weapons on hip and have bow&arrows on back. Admittedly that would probably be more difficult.


    Just as another possible sheathing position didn't the Japanese samurai sometimes have multiple blades on one side on their hip? though i think they weren't used for DW so much, but rather as a way of pulling out the right sword for the right situation.

  3. @sanzennin

    You are right any sane/logical/remotely intelligent creature would if it was getting slaughtered would likely run away from said threat and seek shelter...... but thats not what happened.

    It attacked me- lost half its health- 'ran away' to another enemy that was not attacking it nor was the enemy a threat WHILE i kept hitting it with arrows. It did that multiple times till i killed it.

    It didn't run away to shelter ie. safety, it instead increased number of enemies attacking it. That is not the actions of a sane/logical/remotely intelligent creature but rather that of a rabid/stupid animal ignoring all survival instincts.

    What would have made more sense was

    It attacks me- loses half its health- and 'runs away'/despawns or something. Its not like there are any threats to em once they are high enough to avoid arrows and spells....



    I have come across 'smart' dragons but from what i've seen some of the random ones that i have come across in the wilderness/middle of nowhere seem to have unreliable methods of prioritizing targets.



    Does the plea or whatever from oblivion still work?

    i think you do the 'guard' then press your 'use' key


    As it is I have always wished for some form of 'lock' targeting in the TES games (like what fable and others have) especially in melee combat, considering how often friendly fire events happen. Thankfully not as often as oblivion tho.

  4. I've played the TES games since morrowind and fallout (if it matters) from 1 to NV. I mention this so you get an idea of what i like.


    As far as Skyrim goes, for the most part i like the leveling (disregarding the level scaling issues) the perks are a nice addition...... however one of the things i liked in the other TES games was that you could be anything you wanted and were only limited by the time you put into each character. In a world of long-lived elves and dragons and magic..... why should i feel like i can only have a few skills.

    The idea of gaining perks as you gain skills makes sense, gaining perks for a specific skilltree as you gain those skills makes even more sense. Doesn't mean i believe we should get every single perk, though i wouldn't mind, but being restricted is a PITA.


    Regardless, when the kit is released i'm sure nexus will be swamped with the traditional body mods.... then the leveling mods.


    As it is now, i'm using the 'mod'/trainer that was put on nexus allowing for adding additional perk points.

  5. I think the dragons occur often enough without fiddling with.

    I do dislike their AI, Afterall if your taking massive damage from some crazy guy with a bow/magic it seems unlikely that you'd then change targets to a mudcrab/wolf/skeever etx that is no threat........


    Had this happen chased a frost dragon that kept flying away to oneshot little creatures 100m away while ignoring the fact that 50% of its health was shot away, and then move 100m again to another..... bloody annoying.

    Another occasion a dragon decided to ignore me in favor of attacking a mill, killed the two working there and a couple of mudcrabs then i killed it....


    BTW are quest npc's essential, cause with the way that these dragons strike and there illogical form of targeting it seems that npc's are more at risk than the player and i don't want to miss out on quests cause a dragon flew away and prioritized a villager rather than the one steadily killing it.

  6. in Morrowind and up to F:NV, i used to make a race specific to the player.


    Eg. Found a good body mesh + a good tattoo set for that body mesh, make a new race in CS using those and voila a unique character that doesn't look like every other poor sod within 100miles.


    Unfortunately you'll need to wait for the CS.

  7. I wondered the same thing especially when i saw the 'cleared' sign under the map icon of the places i had raided. There better be respawns, but on the other hand thats what modders seem to be around for.... fixing the mistakes or shortsightedness of the game developers.
  8. Thought as much. My concern is, that as most if not all of us know, the more npc's and creatures in an area the more unstable the game becomes especially with scripts as well and even more so when it is part of the world map/cell (whatever its called). The issue is generally reduced by separating it ala Westside et al.
  9. Not sure if its possible and would likely make it incompatible with any mod that alters that area. But i was thinking that to enable more to be done with Primm, that it be made into its own cell. By that i mean like westside. My thoughts-


    After PG's/outlaws get kicked out of Primm, the inhabitants/ncr/traders/someone decides to restore the walls around it and put some gates up, maybe a few stalls or shops for traders etc.

    By making it like that rather than just the world map it should hopefully/theoretically make the game a bit more stable as well as increase the number of things that can be added to the area. Let alone actually make the place look protected.




    Fact is if wasteland defense was still regularly updated and didn't take so much time, primm was always my preferred site for making a settlement.

  10. I sorta do it but its not a mod. Basically its just using the FNV console to add all the items i put into a .txt via the 'bat' command. Its tedious and means that you achievements are disabled till you exit but alas....


    What you could do would be similar to this and alter one of those equipment packs you get from dlc to have items you want rather than whatever it'd normally have.

    hope that it helps.... not that its something you haven't likely thought of already.

  11. Yeah, primm needs more people in general. With that, i'd think extra law enforcement. With vanilla, having 1 law enforcer for a group of 5/6 people (admittedly a few more once V&V opens up again) is probably about right. But considering the size of primm and it's supposed importance and potential for NCR in regards to its supply lines its surprising that it just seems to have been forgotten.






    As for super mutants i agree there isn't enough, hostiles or otherwise. Maybe a ghoul town like in the other FO games, in camp searchlight after the quest is done.

  12. Part request, part idea, part WTF storywise.


    Basically there have been god knows how many requests and ideas regarding NCRCF, so i won't really go into them only to say that story wise it doesn't make sense that a well fortified facility isn't used after powder gangers are wiped out.


    The other is Vault 19..... if you do the quest a certain way then the vault is emptied, perfectly habitable and functional and yet noone uses it. EG. i did the quest in a way that had the powder gangers going over to the khans. I went back there, don't know how long later, and the place is empty. Realistically, it seems odd that

    1/ Powder gangers don't stay there, or at least leave some there. Aside from one floor its safe.

    2/ The khans don't do anything, why?

    3/ the vipers, legion, fiends anyone or anything don't take it? hell even NCR. Its a vault that could at end of quest be 95% intact and functional. A perfect base that only needs a few bags of concrete to fix a hole in the floor....

    Vipers/jackals/legion/khans/powder gangers/various outlaws/slavers could use as a base. NCR doesn't patrol there, and aside from a deathclaw coming to close is relatively safe, it even has security (minimal admittedly) on the surface. Legion could use it as a forward base against McCarran. NCR could use it with the intention of restoring their supply lines.



    Anyway point is it seems that there are a good few possibilities with both of these places. There are of course many other locations that sorta get forgotten about after the quest in that area is completed. If i was good or motivated enough in modding i'd probably try something, alas i'm not. So i thought i'd throw the idea out there.

  13. I realise that a mod for dual wielding 2handed weapons has existed for a long time. What i'd like is if it could be done without messing up the 2handed weapon abilities for all other characters.


    So basically what i'm asking is if its possible to for someone to make a mod that allows dualwield 2h weaps without breaking 2h weap talents for the other characters.


    Thanks in advance.

  14. While it would be nice to go back and do extra quests post-coronation, i think it would be cool to be able to do quests for the rebuilding of denerim, lothering, mage tower (if you are a mage maybe a quest to find potential recruits), fighting off remnants of darkspawn horde, fighting bandits, finding morrigan, adventuring with leliana, etc. Just ideas but i think there should be stuff you can do, i guess the difficulty comes in with the number of things you could have done leading to the end.


    I'm not sure how long a gap there is between DA:O and DA:A but there must be a few weeks to a year.

  15. Hi guys!


    Sometime ago I saw a screenshot with Blood Dragon Armour model from ME2 in DAO but I can't seem to find a mod for it here on nexus.

    Is there anywhere to download this so I could change my BD Armour into the one from ME2 ? Thanks :)


    I believe its been taken down off nexus due to possible copyright issues.


    I won't give a link just in case, but if you go to the bioware site, last i checked it was still a downloadable project, you'll just have to look for it, someone posted it there on authors behalf.

  16. Yeah i like the mod way as well, time consuming but worth it, ( currently overpowered with dual wielding starmetal 2h swords, lol).

    The savegame alteration will only work with that character from that save on, so its a quick'n'easy way of doing it.


    Good luck with the mod, I'll keep an eye out for it.

  17. tony007


    You said "Well you see, I've checked pretty much every weapons in the game and the ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED values are all set to 0, which would mean the weapons "RUNE" slots are disabled"

    Might i ask if you checked the unique Melee weapons..... at all? Since most if not all do actually have the ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED set to 1....

    The plain easy, common weapons won't have enchants.

    Remember vanilla ranged weapons don't have enchants and mage weapons are the only weapons that have the Item_rune_enabled set to 1 but have no enchants.



    "The variables in materialtypes.xls state SPECIFICALLY how many rune slots there OUGHT to be in a certain weapon made of a certain material. Why the game alternates between showing the enchantment slots are not, i do not know. It could be a bug in some codes or files that i haven't found yet."


    Yes it does say specifically how many they CAN have if it is a weapon type that allows for runes (Melee) and if said weapon has ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED value set to 1



    "The rune slots, for me anyway, appear at different times. For example, there could be no enchant slots for an axe while i play today, and 2 days later (or the next time i start the game after exiting), the rune slots are there. Heh, This is what i call programming glitch."


    Are you sure that its the EXACT same axe? one that you haven't inadvertently altered? If it is exact same axe then it is a possible bug but i haven't heard of a bug like that tbh.



    "But if you even touch the "Single Player" database, the whole game is screwed. So i guess we'll have to live with this bug until a patch comes or until we find this "other way.""

    Well you are correct, doing things with the "singleplayer module" will likely render game useless, however if instead of altering that module you actually alter a module of your own then it won't break.


    As far as console commands for the XP go it won't really break the game, the enemies will scale with you (unless some had spawned prior to mass levelup, in which case they are unfortunate) as will the items but only 'special/unique' weapons will tend to get rune slots.


    Good luck with the modding and the frustration

  18. Never done any modding before wouldn't even know where to begin and what to look for, but I guess nothing ventured nothing gained. I guess a good place to start would be to download the Toolkit.

    Thanks for the help will give it a go!



    Ah k, another way if you don't feel like going and making a mod of your own, is to

    1/ use the toolset and open the savegame

    2/ savegame_playerchar

    3/ savegame_playerchar_char

    4/ savegamegame_equipment_items

    5/ then find out which of the items (0-11 in my case) is the item to alter

    6/ then change savegame_item_materialtype to 10000


    If you do decide to go with making your weapons via your own mod then i'd recommend looking at this tutorial


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