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  1. So, I love the idea of this mod. I used it extensively for ages before I realized that it was the reason that I would CTD half the time as I exited a building. I would really love to use this mod. I even re-installed it recently because I wanted to see if some of my other mods would overwrite the nifs that were cause things to be turned backwards and possibly fix the whole CTD thing. Well, it didn't. I have a bunch of "Collection" mods right now, and I'll be using OCDecorator to place them in my house, but I would really love a functional functional displays. Does anyone have any suggestions on an alternative, or a way of making it actually work in game? Or, maybe there's someone out there that knows modding better than I (I can work FO4edit to resolve conflicts, but that's the extent of my knowledge) that feels the same way and wants to go in and fix this long abandoned project. Anyone else out there love the mod but won't install it because of it's bugginess? Is there something out there that does a similar function and I just haven't noticed it? Thanks everyone! Lynna
  2. I just had this happen to Sanctuary. I was over 48 hours into this play through and I lost the sanctuary workshop. I went back at least 5 hours worth of saves but couldn't pin point where the problem occurred. I tried getting a new settlement (picked up Finch Farm) like the OP, but that didn't fix the issue. I've decided to go back and start over, something I'm actually pretty good at (starting over that is). if someone figures out why this is happening, I would love to know. I have the latest (as of 5/16) versions of Sim Settlements 3 in 1, the new canary mod, and the latest UFO4 patch. Thanks everyone. Jen
  3. Ok, it was functional displays. I went ahead and uninstalled/re-installed it, and it put back all of the files I had pulled. I suppose that the .nif files were changed so that they fit in the displays. That's a shame. I absolutely love the models that come with it. I'll fiddle some more and see what I can come up with. The files that are "broken" in my opinion are files things that I don't put in the displays anyway.
  4. Not sure. I didn't actually uninstall it, as that would have caused me to go in and fix a million things again (I'm kind of dumb with FO4edit - I don't necessarily make patches, I fix the original esp to keep my load order down). So, I tried a few things - unchecking things from my load order, starting a new game and coc'ing to the Olivia Satellite Array, as that is where almost all of the things can be seen and checked. Nothing changed the direction of the bear, or the apples and cigarette carton half through the shelf. So, I was stumped there for a bit. I used Better Console (praise the mod author for his recent update) and noticed that the .nif was coming from the meshes folder - not from a bethesda archive. I went and moved the teddybear.nifs from meshes, and went through the whole thing again (new game, jump to Olivia) and lo and behold! teddy bear is fitting in his helmet, with the cigar in his mouth again! I don't yet know what mod put that there, but I'm going to pull the other odd things I find out as well (such as cartons and food) and see if I have any major issues. Thank you for your help MrPandaz. It got me thinking, and got me fiddling, and I may have solved my issue (or, made many more - not sure which, yet).
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13066 One of my favorite mods ... EVER! I can't live without it. I doesn't pick up stuff that has been added by mods, though I have been working on figuring that out. I think it's actually pretty easy in FO4edit, but I've been fiddling with so much recently that I'm getting nervous I'm about to break something. Hope this helps. And here - reading is fundamental. I didn't read the to a companion part. Yeah, that would be helpful. I'm still going to keep my plug up there for Workshop Supply Remover though, since it is awesome. :)
  6. OK, I know that I am disturbing the dead here, but .... I have this problem also. I have it in places that I know haven't been modded except for perhaps textures (like Fort Hagen). Basically every teddy bear is backwards. I love the little scenes with the teddy bears, reading a newspaper, with glasses on while sitting on the toilet - stuff like that. But every one of them is now backwards (and has been for a very long time - through multiple mod clean wipes and re-installs). Every typewriter, both regular and carlise, is backwards (facing away from the chair that it should be facing). Most (if not all - sometimes I think I see a good one) of the Jangles the Moon Monkey heads are not actually connected to their little bodies. If I place them, they are fine, but in their natural habitat they have been decapitated. Cigarette cartons and dandy apples are on their sides and sinking into the cabinets. Just really strange things and I don't know when they started. What I can say is that I have completely uninstalled and re-installed the game, twice, since it began happening and it hasn't changed. hrmmmmmm......I wonder if it's a DLC or the HD Textures pack from Bethesda. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone actually figured out why this was happening. I would love to know. p.s. I don't get the red screen when on fire that was posted in the original post. I think the 2 problems are caused by different reasons.
  7. Lynna


    Thank you so much!! I had completely forgotten to tell Skrym SE to not update unless launched from steam. I was playing happily away this morning and closed the game to go to an appointment. I came back to disappointment. Since I'm laid up right now with a bum knee (no, I did not take an arrow to it) this was my main source of entertainment. I followed the instructions, and voila! I have manifests downloading. Again, thank you.
  8. I think I answered my own question. I had commented on a mod yesterday. I'm usually not one to make a negative comment, but this particular mod took me off guard. I actually tried to make the comment constructive, but I'm sure it wasn't viewed that way (typically happens when you question a person's fetishes). Shortly there after, I couldn't see the mod anymore. I wasn't sure if I had been blocked by the author, or if the mod had been taken down. Well, I just realized that it was placed (rightfully) under adult only content - which I have blocked from my view normally. It's still there, I haven't been blocked - my post has been removed, but as I said, that was kind of expected. I am going back to leaving only positive comments because even constructive negative ones typically fall upon deaf ears, and there's no reason to talk into the void. :happy:
  9. Greetings all, Was just wondering... If you are the author of a mod, and you block a specific person, will that person still be able to see that the mod is up and available for download, or will the mod be hidden completely from that user? Thanks! Lynna
  10. Mod Authors have been removing their mods for a while now, for various reasons. I learned this much the same way that you did. It is a shame for us users in the community but the Mod Authors are allowed to do what they want with the content they wrote. When I re-installed after a rage de-installation (too many CTDs so I wanted everything fresh) I was almost in tears when I found out how many of the mods I felt made this game the best out there were hidden or removed. Some of them have heard our pleas (thank you Friffy) but I don't expect that to happen very often. I think it is very important to make sure that we show as much appreciation to the mod author community as we can now.
  11. I just had this problem as well, though it was No settlement attack randomness by Poli (The uof4p compatible version). I'm putting this here in case anyone else runs into this problem.
  12. Sparrow has allowed Kesta to re-upload Wet to the collection. I just wanted to come here and thank both of them. THANK YOU!
  13. Now Snap'n Build is gone. I just went to make my backup of that and it wasn't there. Has anyone found out if there is some major upheaval going on right now within the modding community?
  14. I just started using those today. They are awesome. I had people using both bunks. I applaud your ingenuity! And thank you very much.
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