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Posts posted by Herculine

  1. Lovely Herculine, thank you! Would you be smoking a hookah, a middle eastern water pipe?


    If you had asked me that about 3 years ago the answer would have been yes. I'm proud to be clean and sober for two years now. But I could probably use the hookah to blow soap bubbles! :biggrin:

  2. Without hate, there is no love. Without love, there is no hate.


    The above says it best and most concisely, IMHO.


    Darkness and light.

    Hot and cold.

    Happiness and sadness.

    Pain and pleasure.

    Fear and courage.

    Sound and silence.

    Peace and conflict.

    Yearning and satisfaction.

    Emptiness and fulfillment.

    Agony and ecstasy.

    Life and death.

    Good and evil.

    Hate and love.


    These are but a few examples of the Yin and Yang, the illustration of the Taoist philosophy that our entire universe is made up of exact opposites, each of which could not exist without the other. Out of every good comes some evil, and out of every evil comes some good.

  3. Thank you very much Herculine for the feedback and the picture.


    My cybermen are based on Brotherhood of Steel soldiers in power armour and they move quicker, more agile. But still, they were inspired by the Doctor Who cybermen. Of course I am claiming no copyright.


    You are welcome to add more pictures or change older ones anytime. LOL.


    Below is a picture of an advanced cyberhuman attack vehicle!



    Yes... add some heavy artilery and I think you've got something there... :biggrin:

  4. Welcome to the Nexus! I believe the Dragon Age part is new, but if it goes like the others it should be huge and full of mods very soon!
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