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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. Ouch! Ban Ihoe for unnecessary roughness toward innocent Little Fairy!
  2. Thank you for the fine praise! If only the rest of me looked as good...
  3. ...you can walk around naked. If I can see into the future...
  4. Welcome back. Hope to hear more from you!
  5. Ban Harabec Weathers for being jealous of a harmless Little Fairy.
  6. I've had this problem too. So far I've only uploaded one small CM Partners Companion mod, and I had to try about a dozen times before I could get it to actually work. This is a wonderful site and I'm sure it's a lot of work to maintain it, but I have to admit that little bugs like this can be extremely frustrating. Has any progress been made in determining the problem and correcting it?
  7. Ban jaosals42 for being a gecko.
  8. The craziest thing I ever saw in Morrowind was my PC flying across the entire world after I used a Scroll of Icarian Flight in conjunction with a jump spell, and landing safely afterward with a slowfall spell. That was a rush!
  9. I'd better get out of the way of the giant EGO!
  10. (If I showed you my REAL wallpaper I'd get banned.)
  11. I'm going to jump on the same wagon as many of the previous posters and agree that Doom3 was the worst game ever simply because it was a HUGE disappointment to all us fans of the original. So much of what made the original so much fun was lost as they seemed to try to turn the game into an interactive movie.
  12. La la la la la la (Smurf's theme song) la la la la la
  13. I doubt that I'm the first to say this, but at nearly a century of age you look marvelous! Do you and Kungfubellydancer visit the same fountain of youth? What does a girl have to do to join the club?
  14. Just stopping by to say "Hi, Big Sis!" while the wi-fi in the dorm is still stable.
  15. This is beautiful work. Please give us more!
  16. Thank you, everyone. I'm working on new ideas even now, and please bear with me until I get out of my dark & gloomy stage. I know I have some happy poems in me somewhere!
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