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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. Ban For Fun: Ban Harabec Weathers for unnecessary cruelty to Fuzzy Wuzzies!
  2. Howmuchwoodwouldawoodchuckchuckifawoodchuckcouldchuckwood?
  3. FuzzyWuzzywasabearFuzzyWuzzyhadnohairFuzzyWuzzywasnotfuzzywashe?
  4. ODE TO A SILVER KNIGHT Winter approaches; I dread its damp chill And being alone when the nights are long and still. Golden leaves fall to the earth on the breeze And I bow my head, feeling stark as these trees. I mourn the demise of yet another year, Lamenting unfulfilled dreams as I shed a tear. 'Tis our nature to long for the past, To feel that life has slipped by us too fast, But while life still beats within my breast I shall pursue love like an epic knight's quest. I wonder is it foolish to want something pure, To long for happiness and a love that is sure? Surely 'tis not, only a fool would deny The ache of his heart when beauty holds his eye. Yet Fate can be a cruel weaver with her long, tangled skein, Connecting two hearts with such a vast void between. These obstacles she often doth place, Barriers of age or persuasion, of time or of space. A few we surmount, though not without woe As prejudice transforms our friends into foes, For they understand not what my heart it desires, The completeness for which my soul doth aspire. Yet other such voids are more difficult to bridge, Though we try on in vain, we cannot reach the far ridge. I ponder these things as I walk amongst leaves Tossed on the wind like lost souls filled with grief. As I feel it deepen, the crisp autumn chill, I wonder of love and I shall seek it still. O Silver Knight, in your dreams I must live, For my heart, though I'd want to, I know I can't give. As much as I seek it, love doth consort With that cruel mistress Fate and the threads she distorts. As I gaze up into the shrouded gray sky I call out to Fate and ask her thus why Doth she play such cruel tricks and vex us with trials Such as falling in love though separated by miles? Why does she curse me? No answer does come, Thus I know not why love is kind only to some. I can only hope beyond the world I can see That there might be a new chance of happiness for me. In a life after this one spring must come again, And in that fresh season we shall still be friends. But if love it should find us unhindered by Fate, Then for that new springtime I will patiently wait. I will huddle through winter in my lonely hearth's glow, Waiting for springtime to dispatch the snow.
  5. Hi, Big Brother! Ohio is close to Canada, you know...
  6. :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
  7. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
  8. This is so great! I never would have guessed to find so many poets here! It stands to reason, though, since intelligent people play video games too. I love your poetry, Lord Tenaim. As long as we always write what's in our hearts, it will always be beautiful.
  9. Thank you. I think it's right about here that we needed a poem that is a bit more cheerful. I'm sorry I've somehow overlooked the Pillow Book thread, but I'm going to check it out right now!
  10. CM Partners Midas Magic Spells of Aurum Midas Magic Companions Mart's Monster Mod Francesco's Optional Leveled Creatures And Items Armamentarium For Fran's Robert's Male Body Replacer HGEC Female Body Replacer Hope I haven't forgotten anything. These are the biggies for me, though.
  11. I have the game but just haven't got around to playing it much yet. When it starts up at the menu screens there's this annoying flickering that makes me think maybe I need a different video card for it. I'm just afraid to run it for too long because it makes me feel like it's very unstable.
  12. Don't let Dezdimona scare you. She's just a playful pussycat... well, most of the time, anyway. :biggrin:
  13. Much thanks for that. I never got the chance to play the first two and could not find them anywhere. So naturally my next question is: do they have TES I somewhere too? As far as I know "TES I" is "THE ELDER SCROLLS: ARENA" & that is available in the link in the quote @calliton This thread was the one that helped me get the game to work for me >Alternative Daggerfall install instructions (beth's official forums)< Oops! I didn't know that was the full title of it. For some reason I thought the Arena was some kind of multiplayer online thing. Thank you for setting me straight! I'm trying to install & play these right now... Do you know how to use DOS Box? o_O I'm pretty capable of digging out files from my HD, but I have no clue how to use DOS... No, I haven't gotten this to work yet for either game. When it comes to anything using the command line I'm a total idiot. If I don't have a GUI with big buttons that say "press me to do this" I'm totally crippled. Maybe I'm not specifying the proper path or something.
  14. Here on the forums, someone really is always watching us!
  15. Thank you for taking the time to include this. It is indeed where I got the WAD file I mentioned, and it deserves to be shared with others. :thanks:
  16. CM Partners is the greatest companion mod ever! Thank you so very much!
  17. Ban me for being the only girl in the universe who plays Doom.
  18. My favorite will always be the creepy, dark and hellish Aubrey Hodges soundtrack for the Playstation version of Ultimate Doom. The track for Mt. Erebus with the moaning and the babies crying really made me feel like I was in Hell. I consider myself very fortunate to have found a complete WAD version of that soundtrack so I can still listen to it while I'm playing with GZDoom.
  19. For someone nearly a century old you look quite well. Happy Birthday, and may you live another 100!
  20. I sprinkle my magic pixie dust upon you all! Good night!
  21. Thanks! It took me all day to find that. I wanted something that suggested eroticism without being pornographic -- and of course it had to be a little fairy!
  22. For someone who's very nearly a century old you look quite well. Are you part elf, perhaps?
  23. Insanity wins because where evil is cold and calculating insanity is instead wild and unpredictable.
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