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Everything posted by Herculine

  1. Wow, that does look interesting. Thanks! I tried it out, though, and all it seems to do is put me in some sort of test cell where I can't interact with anything. I'm going to mess around with it some more, though.
  2. I had that problem too. I had to merge the v1.0 and v1.1 esps and the leveled lists somehow, but I'm sorry I don't remember exactly what I used to do that. I think there's a Morrowind autopatcher?
  3. Well, I got to Seyda Neen (It's misspelled, though) but a lot of people had missing bodies and no greetings, and when I tried to take the strider to Bolmora it CTDed. I'm trying your advice now. Hang on... Nope. Mainly Imperials have missing bodies and it still crashed when I tried to go to Bolmora. But it DID create the landmass, and that's something. I need to get my beauty sleep now (boy, do I need THAT), but I may screw with it some more after class tomorrow. Thanks for the help, all. I'll add you to my friends list, give you kudos and ratings when I have time in the morning. :thanks:
  4. A library? About Morrroblivion I think its kinda defunct at this point, I haven't seen to much happening atleast. For me its just kinda a huge landmass to steal npcs for Share and Recruit without having to worry if they conflict with a quest or mod :) Okay, I did the converting thing but Oblivion won't start with those esp files checked. I moved the textures, meshes etc. to the appropriate folders. Do I need to run the converter again?
  5. Endless thanks! I've bookmarked the page!
  6. I like The Witcher, too, though it's not really free-roaming and I have to play the entire game as a scar-faced albino guy. Two Worlds is an Oblivion wannabe you could take a look at. It was cheap enough that even I own it.
  7. I don't know exactly what it's doing, but it's doing something...
  8. DOH! Well, that was quick and easy enough. What would the internet be without Google?
  9. Math sucks! Poetry and literature rule! Art rules! Video games rule! This site rules! Modders rule!
  10. Herculine

    So uh....

    Hi! Welcome, or welcome back, as it were.
  11. I guess I'm late too. It's hard to keep track of this forum and work on a giant mod too. Hi and welcome!
  12. Hello! I'm just a newbie, but I want to say welcome and I hope you enjoy it here. Lots of friendly, very intelligent people here.
  13. Herculine


    Hi, Official Site Nobody! Welcome, or welcome back!
  14. Thank you, my new friend.
  15. Thanks for the compliments, all. But I'm not trying to upstage Dezdimona or hijack her thread. Not that I think anyone is saying that, just that I felt the need to say something. I'm just a noob who happened across some really wonderful people here. Dezdimona is my inspiration and the true artist here.
  16. Oh, so these modders were taking a shortcut and, rather than taking the time to create something by hand from scratch, were using one of those landscape converting programs I've seen around? I can see why Bethesda would object to that, and the community as well. I like mods like Silgrad Tower, which obviously doesn't simply duplicate things, but I think I too would object to a blatant rip-off of the older game.
  17. Thank you both for the praise and encouragement!
  18. So... am I a strong warrior princess or a little fairy?
  19. I've begun work on fulfilling the legacy that has been left to me, i.e. the MASSIVE Ayleid Ruin Salmacis was working on to house the many CM Partners companions he had in mind. It's going to be a slow process since I have school and a part-time job as a retail cashier, but I'll keep you all posted.
  20. What's Morroblivion, and why can't I find it anywhere? It sounds like something I'd like. Is it banned?
  21. My four-day holiday weekend is in its final hours. Tomorrow it's back to school and part-time work. Don't worry if I seem to disappear, but I'll try to be around through the week.
  22. I'm catching up on my reading of TRINITY. You're amazing, Dezdimona, I mean it.
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