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Everything posted by lucasjose501

  1. I've been thinking about to make a little mod for skyrim, to simple end the game when you die. The main idea was to delete the savegame (Don't know how at the moment, or if it's possible) I have some ideas to make a script for this, but anyway. The idea is, if you die, you have to make a new game, everything is gone... What do you think about it? Should I give a try or naaaahh it's a bad idea? Ty :3
  2. i'm not good in xml tweaking, i'm also looking for some tutors, hints and tips. Yet nothing useful (except using other xml mods like oneHud for learning). All i can - create custom hud elements and simple setuifloat scripting to make them work. And my hud is not really xml-based. XMLs only store all my elements (cuz i can't rig them to the 1st person camera correctly), everything else is made via scripting and animated meshes. I can send you pm with some basic xml elements and script example if you want. Please send me :D I will try it later. (Y)
  3. What I'm asking does not have much to do with the post, but seeing your incredible work, I wonder if you know any tutorial for creating HUD. I want to create one for my android (Daughters of Ares) But I can not find any decent tutorial with some explication for the XML and scripting... >.<
  4. Yes... The Radius only changes the distance of the light. But it's still in front of the char.
  5. I'm having some difficulties, which can be kind of confusing to explain, but let's try. So far, this is the effect I got: http://i.imgur.com/P4WD95ql.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wZH0wiKl.jpg Is almost a complete copy of the PipBoy light with changes in the distance, color and other details. Some things I'm trying to fix, but I need help from someone more experienced: The light is a little ahead of the body of the character, like the arm, where is the PipBoy ... But I did not find where to change the location of the light source. I want it inside the body, to avoid creating a bright light in front of the character.How to use two light sources at the same time in the character? One for the base and one for the spine.The only way to activate it is using a Perk or there is any script command for it? I created a Light in the "World Objects", then a Base Effect, then a Ability using the Base Effect, And applied it in the Perk... Weird? Is there any way to edit the light source directly in nif or only in geck? So I could control the intensity for each armor, because some do not have total exposure of the spine or body to get something better made. Sorry for the long topic, i'm completely noob with this and I didn't found anything related >.<
  6. I really like new ideas, always good to know. I think you will like this forum: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1228150-mod-lore-workshop/ It's about the mod. We can talk about it there :D
  7. I'll add a option to upgrade DoA too when upgrading the securitrons. The bonus... I don't know yet, but will be good things.
  8. The sparks is exclusive for "creatures", because they have their own skeletons, characteristics, details, textures ... The player uses the same skeleton of all NPCs, this limits a lot. Good idea about the weapons, i'll think about it.
  9. haha, everything you said is planned :) Not the same way, but very similar.
  10. That's the point. The 1940s logic. Well thought. So, thinking that way, maybe a lower specification that i thought is better. Like, 256GB, 512GB and 1024GB fo HoloDisks and 512MB, 1024MB and 2048MB for RAM. And single-core processor 1.5GHz, Single-Core 2.5GHz and Dual-Core 2.0GHz.
  11. Hello Everyone. I'm finishing the fomod installer to my mod, Daughters of Ares. BUT... The problem is: I am not able to make the system detects if the player have NVSE... Anyone? =/ (Using C#) ---- Taking advantage of the topic: I think there is no way to remove the marks and effects of blood just in my character, right? Thanks!!
  12. Yeah, I used MB and GB for example only. I was thinking touse petabyte for Hd and terabyte for RAM, or would be better Exabyte and Petabyte? Dual-Core CPU 1.2ghz
  13. That's great to know! And sounds like they'll be pretty awesome. Just wondering would it be a better idea to wait for the update with this stuff to come out before I start a playthrough or just start a playthrough now and update halfway through when it comes out? The big update will take more than a moth maybe to be done... I think it's too long to wait, but it's up to you :) To make it, i'll need to make a Texture Swap in the Body too... And it will cause lag, ctd.. =/ http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Explorer
  14. I already covered this for the next update. I'll use water for the Cooling system, that will change according with overclock, Day, locations, etc. All the foods has no effect, unless you install a Bio-Reactor. Or a Fusion Reactor to use the Reagent, craftable with the miscs items around mojave. The sleep system... not sure yet, but my plans is to use something like, Anti-vírus scan, defragment, Scan-Disk... The Solar Panels is a great idea for an upgrade. Some ideas here too: http://i.imgur.com/ehGt9px.jpg
  15. Well, In the start of this project, it was a Type 3, But this new body with the spine... Awesome. DizzasterJuice that created the body, so that part would be with him, to do the conversion or not.
  16. Well, can not say I'm going to use everything that is here. But anyway, all suggestions I'm saving in a text file and I will put it all together to find a story in the end. So can be used or not their ideas, which I think very interesting. We're already developing her main story, so all suggestions are being discussed to see if fits with the story. Thanks for the suggestions, are always welcome. Cheers
  17. The pulsing effect i tried it a while ago. The problem is the number of texture swap... the game crash after 5 ~ 10 seconds D:
  18. Everyone in the game use the same blood texture. Human NPCs with... Oil? Creepy! haha I'm still researching it, i'll see if I can change the blood. The Sparkles effects is in my plans already :D All the food, aid, chems, everything will be changed. New misc items, crafting, new drugs. You'll not have the option to heal with doctors. New NPCs, and machines that will do it.
  19. Hello everyone. I'll probably need help to create some updates to my mod (Daughters of Ares) and I need male and female robotic voice, you think that would be possible? But not for now, I need to know what I can ask so I can see what will be the best! :D ~Lucas
  20. Problem is that her body always have to adapt a little at something or other to avoid flickering =/ So, i'll be the same job. But the conversion is not the problem, I have a good free time. Now I'm focused to make the mod more immersive.
  21. Absolutely :) I will make a update and include it in the DoA
  22. Update: Changed the main topic to be ready for the release :smile: [/line] That is a cool idea! I'll do some patches to make it more immersive with the time. I'll probably do it. Thx :smile:
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