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Everything posted by EPDGaffney

  1. Had a look at the weapons and you're right, there are heaps of them. I'd look into FNVEdit scripting. At least in that case you'll just need to change the name of each of the two weapons in the copy script whenever you need to convert a weapon, as opposed to literally everything in every form for every weapon you want to remove. I seen some great-looking weapon mods but I'm always afraid they'd unbalance my game, or if they're replacers that I'd accidentally retexture them and the UV map would be different and my weapons would look funny. Of course, I could pay attention to what I'm doing but why should I have to be responsible for my actions? No thanks, I role-play as someone like that already. I don't know, I suppose you could just add armour-piercing criticals. Although, do criticals not already ignore DT? I'm sure that information's available. But I need to run for now so I can't check. I don't like that you can become a tank in some RPGs and always appreciated that NV didn't really do that. But if you want to and you want something to balance out the tankiness, and the armour-piercing criticals aren't enough, perhaps you could boost the critical rate or damage of all weapons or all NPCs or something, or use the different resistances to make a balance (if your armour is strong on one resistance, make it really weak on a different one).
  2. Well, I meant an exact number. It may give me an idea on whether or not to consider doing this via scripts in the GECK after all. When you say it this way, it sounds like a huge amount of weapons, but maybe it's not as many as I think. People have very strong feelings on the weapons in this game and I honestly never understood why. To me, they're just a bunch of weapons and they're the ones I'm allowed to use. I've never installed a single weapon mod, retextures apart. I actually really like a lot of the details put into the way the guns handle, but I don't really care about the design of the weapons either way. I just use what I'm given to survive. I personally think fleshing out something like this would be phenomenal, but loads of work: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43579
  3. Are you trying to avoid record edits? That's the only reason I can think of that there would be a problem. I know the majority of stuff that goes into a weapon form can be edited via script at run-time, which would certainly make your mod more compatible, but as it's something of an overhaul type of mod, maybe record edits would be better here. You would have a lot of scripting to do if you're changing a huge amount of weapons, and the more you change, the worse it will be for performance. Though in most cases, that performance hit is negligible, in fairness. I think FNVedit would be the fastest way to do this and I think you should just do the record edits (copy all stats/entries/flags/whatever from plasma pistol to laser pistol, change laser pistol's in-game name). My reasoning is that you honestly don't really want your mod compatible with much else. Your mod is designed to change most aspects of gameplay in order to form a cohesive vision, so if someone has a mod that would do something incompatible, that person should probably just choose one mod or the other. But if you did want to do it via script at run-time, it's not impossible by any stretch. An FNVEdit script would be the fastest, assuming that works (I'm almost certain it would), and that would automate the record edits and save them to your ESP. Edit: So, just out of curiosity, how many weapons is this that you wish to change?
  4. Glad you got that stuff working. I don't have time to troubleshoot the double melee damage, though. Look up how damage is calculated and just try to look over your work, test with certain things removed, and so on. Doing the copying manually is a record edit done in advance. It will take very long to do it with a lot of forms. Doing it automatically will require a script. Doing it automatically at run-time will not be a record edit but if it's a big thing (like every item in the game or something, changing multiple attributes especially), probably shouldn't be done this way. This is a script you would set up in the GECK. Doing it automatically in advance will require FNVEdit scripts and these will all be record edits. This is probably your best choice, but I'm afraid I can't help you with those as I've never touched them. Unless it's the same scripting language, in which case I know it quite well. But I'm a little unclear on how there would be a shortcut unless you were changing a lot of stuff to to the same thing. I'd need you to clarify for me in case I have the wrong idea of what you're doing.
  5. It's in the skeleton itself apparently. Its flags seem the same as the other nodes there, so I imagine you can just select any node for the deathclaw's weapon, but I think it's probably safest to select the one called Weapon. https://prnt.sc/kcwn66 https://prnt.sc/kcwose That said, making an invisible weapon should work out well enough. Grab any melee/unarmed weapon, copy it, copy its model, make its model invisible by using blank textures/textures with 0 alpha (there's that null explosion art I've used a few times), and then if its animations don't have the same names as the deathclaw animations, just copy the deathclaw animations and rename them. After that, the weapon needs to go into a form list and the deathclaw creature forms' inventories, and deathclaws need to be set to use the weapons in that form list. I think that covers it but I'm sure you'll tell me if I forgot something.
  6. Yes, exactly right. That's why I think FNVedit would be the way to go. I haven't used FNVEdit extensively but I think it could be done that way. Via script if nothing else. No, the way they handled this was they made the entire location inaccessible until nuked. And there isn't a whole lot of in-game reasoning behind why. My guess is the real reason was rushed development, which is the cause of most of the weird choices. Often, there was a whole trajectory planned, they implement like 75% of it, and then for lack of time they're forced to slap a bandage on the exposed hole instead of fleshing out the rest of what they wanted to do.
  7. Your effect will not be removed by antivenom, unfortunately. You can edit the antivenom item yourself, but that has a lot of incompatibility trouble. First, any other mod that does the same will conflict with yours, and only one mod can take effect in that case, and second, mod-added or even DLC-added antivenom items still won't recognise your poison effect. So, you can do one of these two better things: first, make an antidote specific to your poison, which has a precedent in NV because Honest Hearts adds poisons and antivenoms that do not function like the base game's, or second, you can use a script to add a custom antivenom effect to every item in the game that has an antivenom effect. Of the two ways I've recommended (you can do the first thing I said if you want, but...please don't?), the scripting one will be much more work, but pretty satisfying once pulled off. For the scripting, this is the bulk of the hard stuff right here, in this quest script (so attach it to a quest that starts when the game is launched, by ticking the Start Game Enabled box): scn GSBViperAntiVenomAddScript array_var aIngestibles array_var aEntry ref rIngestible int iIndex begin MenuMode 4 if GetGameRestarted let aIngestibles := GetLoadedTypeArray 47 foreach aEntry <- aIngestibles let rIngestible:= aEntry["value"] let iIndex := GetNumEffects rIngestible while iIndex > 0 let iIndex -= 1 if GetNthEffectBase rIngestible iIndex == NVAntivenomEffect AddNewEffect rIngestible <EDITOR ID OF YOUR CUSTOM ANTIVENOM EFFECT> 0 0 0 0 break endif loop loop let aIngestibles := Ar_Null let aEntry:= Ar_Null endif end And if you want to do the Honest Hearts ones as well: scn GSBViperAntiVenomAddDLCScript array_var aIngestibles array_var aEntry ref rIngestible int iIndex ref rHHAV ref rHHAV2 begin MenuMode 4 if GetGameRestarted if IsModLoaded "HonestHearts.esm" set rHHAV to GetFormFromMod "HonestHearts.esm" "00F94A" set rHHAV2 to GFFM "HonestHearts.esm" "011300" let aIngestibles := GetLoadedTypeArray 47 foreach aEntry <- aIngestibles let rIngestible := aEntry["value"] let iIndex := GetNumEffects rIngestible while iIndex > 0 let iIndex -= 1 if GetNthEffectBase rIngestible iIndex == rHHAV || GetNthEffectBase rIngestible iIndex == rHHAV2 AddNewEffect rIngestible <EDITOR ID OF YOUR CUSTOM ANTIVENOM EFFECT> 0 0 0 0 break endif loop loop let aIngestibles := Ar_Null let aEntry := Ar_Null endif endif end Lucky for you, I just happened to have those lying around, as my own mod adds a poison. Actually, lucky for me, as I would probably have just written those from scratch because I have a compulsion. You still have to make an effect that heals your new poison, which is a script effect. Basically, just look at the antivenom and reverse-engineer using that.
  8. If it uses the same animations as the vanilla deathclaws, the nodes will be the same. You just need to type the name of one you want to act as the weapon. I think anyway. Haven't done much work with embedded weapons and it's been a while, so my memory's fuzzy but logically this is probably how it works. (Using logic for GECK work you say? That was your first mistake.) No bother. Got a lot of help when I started modding, even if a good portion of that was tutorials left on-line by the 'old guard' so to speak (a few of whom seem to be the present guard as well), so it makes sense to me that I should be trying to keep up that tradition.
  9. Well, an embedded weapon is going to require a node. That's the node to which the weapon attaches. Without one, you have no weapon. Pick one on the Deathclaw's hand I suppose. Open the model in NifSkope and find one that looks good. And remember to be sure the deathclaw you're testing is supposed to have the weapon, as it can be confusing with all the levelled actors. Yes, a creature should be able to equip an invisible weapon. Not 100% positive but if an NPC can, a creature can.
  10. I've never needed to do it but I assume you just make a new weapon that does what you want, tick the 'embedded weapon' box, select the proper node on the deathclaw, add the weapon to a form list, open the deathclaw's form and select that form list for its weapons list, and add that weapon to its inventory. I'm slightly unsure of how well this is going to work for a melee weapon (there are examples in the GECK but I'm realising now that I think they are unused in the finished game). If it doesn't, you can try using an invisible weapon that isn't embedded and doing most of the above.
  11. Oh, it's an exterior cell. That's why. Sorry. I just assumed it was a fake exterior (meaning technically an interior cell as far as the GECK is concerned), because that's probably what I would do. Probably the easiest thing to do would be to duplicate a lot of this in FNVedit.
  12. Apologies, just skimming, so let me know if I misunderstood something but I think you may want to convert some or all creatures to use embedded weapons and then just do what you were doing with the missile launcher. Are you saying that doesn't do limb damage? Suppose I've never had a reason to test, but if that's true, you can just use an event handler, grab the damage (assuming it will give an accurate value despite being purely elemental), and damage the limb accordingly via script.
  13. That should work, yeah. So, OP, you can just add this script to all your dresses: scn MyDressScript ; This is the name of your script. Make it anything you want. int bDoOnce Begin OnAdd VeronicaREF If bDoOnce Else set VMS49.bDressReactionPending to 1 VeronicaREF.EVP Set bDoOnce to 1 EndIf End Edit: And thanks for checking, mongo. I was really busy fixing up my own mod as it's still new and public. Not to mention doing my head in, but it was worth it. Works great now.
  14. Thanks, mongo. No time to look at it myself but would anything not work right if OP just scripted their new items to do a SetStage to get Veronica's quest to the right spot and have her do the dialogue? From what you said above, my guess is that would be the easiest and most compatible way, but without looking, I can't say for sure.
  15. You should look into how to clean your mod with FNVedit. If your mod accidentally included some unneeded records or requirements (which the GECK is positively notorious for doing), this is how you fix it. Scrolling all the way to the left? In the text-based windows? Sounds like what I call the Windows 10 bug. If so, it's just a visual thing and has no impact on your file. The bug first deployed in Windows 8, but it was part of an update that could be uninstalled. In Windows 10, it's here to stay. Though oddly, after I reset my PC, the bug seemed to have far less 'reach' throughout the GECK. I'm almost certain Dubious grabbed and included in his Getting Started guide some form of my explanations on what's going on and various methods of alleviating the worst of it. I kind of don't remember the specifics now that it's mostly gone (after resetting my PC a few months back). Or did you mean the Render window? Need more information in that case.
  16. No time to look, but I imagine it's specified in the quest itself. In the GECK, right-click on one of the dresses that count right now, and click Use Info. Find the script(s) that handle this and see what you can get out of that. Your dresses can have an OnAdd script that sets the appropriate variable/stage in that quest if that quest uses a variable or stage (which I hope it does, because the alternative is an unnecessary GameMode script block).
  17. Fantastic. Not a player-home sort of fella myself, but it's great to see you got it working. I would just add some more informative and bigger screenshots. The main one currently doesn't resize when you click it.
  18. Right-click on the current cell's name in the GECK and duplicate it. Then double-click on the new one, which should have the same name as the old one but with COPY or something like that at the end. If all the buildings and such stay in the same place, you won't need to do a new navmesh. But I think I remember a giant hole where the bomb hits, so you probably want to get rid of that for your modded version of the cell, and then you'll need to edit the navmesh to cover that ground. Just look up a tutorial for navmeshing. It's really simple once you understand how the controls were set up. As for exiting and entering the cell, you'd normally need to do a special navmesh thing for that, but because this doesn't use a door, you don't need to worry about that. It will need to be done with a message box. You can work backwards from what's in Lonesome Road already and it should be simple enough.
  19. Honestly, it's so long since I did it that I don't even remember what I used, but NTCore seems the most popular for the GECK, so I probably used that. In future, you may want to check the guides in Dubious's signature for useful information on stuff like this. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/2-4GB_game_memory_limits_and_solutions If it doesn't work after patching, you can try installing the GECK again (and clearing its INI files), and you can try it without the textures. Just as a quick check, if you want, you can rename the Textures folder something like XXtexturesXX before opening the GECK, and that should stop all modded textures loading. The game's normal textures will be loaded from its BSA files. Restarting your computer is never a bad idea, especially if you haven't in a while.
  20. Does it crash when the cell loads or only when you try to place the church? If it's crashing as soon as you try to load the exterior cells and has nothing to do with the church, the only thing I can think of is you have texture mods and your GECK isn't patched to be large-address-aware. I recently switched to Mod Organiser 2 and I have to say, it's an incredible experience. Once you get it all set up, you can load your GECK with no texture mods and have it run as smooth as vanilla, then use your gameplay profile to run it with all your graphics mods, with just a couple of clicks. Still, you can patch the GECK to be LAA, though it doesn't seem to run as smoothly as the game itself will if you install all 4K stuff. 2K seems to work well enough. If it doesn't crash till you try to place the church, is the church customised in any way? Could be NIF problem. If it's none of that, you can try installing the GECK again, and make sure you get rid of the INI files so that it can behave like a clean install.
  21. Sure. The only thing I don't get is why it let maybe 90% of the textures turn up fine, and used the vanilla textures for the rest. Suppose I really don't get this archive invalidation stuff, as I would expect it to use all the new textures if it's on, and none of them if it's off. But all's well that ends well. I'm mad to get back to modding. Thanks for your help.
  22. I think I've fixed it. I didn't quite realise how archive invalidation worked, and it seems my FalloutCustom.ini retained my NMM settings for that. NMM uses a blank archive called Fallout - AI!.bsa, whilst Mod Organiser 2 and presumably MO1 do not. I don't see MO's BSA for archive invalidation anywhere, so my guess is it just handles it its own way, and that my old INI file was getting in its way, as it was telling it to use that NMM BSA file, which I had not copied into my directory. So, the way I fixed it was to copy Fallout - AI!.bsa from my old installation into my current one and then it worked. I actually did everything here but I think the real explanation for my problem is the misunderstanding I've detailed here, with my INI file telling it to use a file that didn't exist. My vanilla INI files keep getting reset to this: This is in no way a problem, as I don't be using those anyhow, but it illustrates that something is trying to make it use Fallout - Archiveinvalidation.bsa. Could be MO, could be vanilla. I don't see that file anywhere, though. Just thought I'd mention it. Anyway, I'm happy with this, but I may want to try getting MO to do it the way it wants to, as that tends to be the best way to handle things that update frequently unless you want to get really involved with the inner workings yourself (which I probably don't). My postmortem dismemberment bug was the first thing I ever posted about on the Nexus forum, ages ago. The way it works is if a corpse is dismembered (actor or creature), then you leave the cell, if the corpse is not cleaned up when you return, a copy of that dismembered limb will appear right next to where it connects to the body. Only one other person I've spoken to has ever seen it and it doesn't seem to be reported on-line anywhere besides my posts. That person had Windows 7, which killed my theory that Windows 10 was finding new ways to ruin my life, getting bored of the old ones. Many of my files have remained the same across my various PCs and OSs, and I've kept mostly the same brands for the PC parts, so my guess is something in that combination somewhere just manifests this utterly rare bug. Either way, I don't have to chop up dead bodies, so it's not the end of the world.
  23. Thanks, everyone. I have the problem half-sorted. It's no longer crashing after using the 4GB patcher. Thing is, I copied over my executables from my patched installation (which I stopped using only a couple of days ago) after making this new installation and realising MO2 does not offer functionality (far as I can tell) to install mods in the root directory but rather only in the Data folder. So, thank you, M48A5, I would probably have double-checked on this soon, but your comment made me decide to check a little sooner. I ran the patcher and it patched the executable that I had assumed was patched. You get a different message when you try to run it on an already patched executable, and I didn't get that message, so I must not have overwritten that file with my patched one when I thought I had done. What I'm left with now is my archive invalidation problem. Almost every texture is turning up and leaving me at a mostly stable 60 FPS, including Ojo Bueno Ultra that I've just turned back on. But a couple of meshes aren't showing the right textures and I don't know why. I've tried editing the .ini files, toggling it in MO2, and googling. Tried a new save just now and the problem is still there. HadToRegister: Roy Batty told me several times over the course of the past couple months that I should use it. My understanding was that since not too long ago, it had become stable. I was originally going to switch to MO1 but Roy actually told me that one is the one that has problems with the Gamebryo games (or at least FONV; memory's fuzzy on that). In my case, I was grand with NMM until it stopped working, but that was for a single load order. Now that I want to start playtesting my mod in a large variety of ways, using MO's virtual install approach would be invaluable once it worked. M48A5: Thanks for checking NMM. No, it doesn't outright mention MO2, but it's just a bunch of texture replacers, which MO2 can install just fine. In fact, I was in a rush and forgot that I do have Millennia's Weapon Retexture Project installed through MO2 and Macintroll's Wasteland clothing Hires retexture. Both of those work fine. NMC is just textures, so likewise, it should work fine as well. Also, the textures that aren't working in my game are working in my GECK, so that should mean they're installed correctly. BlackTestament7: FalloutCustom.ini (from JIP LN) overrides those, so if MO2 is using that file the way I would expect it to do, that should be handling this. But I'm really not sure just what it does with these files. Still, I've gone through the vanilla ones and it didn't fix the problem. It's weird that it's just a few meshes, though. In my experience, when archive invalidation is not working right, a lot more stuff goes wrong than a handful of meshes not displaying the new texture (often, they display the wrong texture entirely if AI isn't working). Dubious: Thanks for all that. Do I need to update NMM for anything with MO2? If that was about why my NMM stopped working, that sounds about right, yeah. Kept telling me to log in and I just didn't care, so I started doing everything manually, knowing all the changes would be testing mods I was making for other people that didn't conflict with each other and updating JIP LN as updates were released. I'll try what your guide says for Mod Organiser in the ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager) section. Also, crazy enough, new mod manager, new installation, new OS, and new computer since I first mentioned that problem I have where the limbs clone themselves if they're dismembered after an NPC is dead, and that problem is still here as well. I can't believe it. It's not a big deal as I rarely do that when playing, but I can't stop checking for it and it's always there.
  24. Specs: So, I was using NMM for a long time and never had this problem apart from when the FCU broke NVSR. Then for a really long time NMM wouldn't even work, something about needing to log in, so I kept my nearly vanilla load order as I was really just testing my quest mod anyway, not doing any real playthroughs. There were no graphics mods whatever for this period, which is from a few months ago when I reset my PC (my last post here I think). Well, my girlfriend's pressurising me to start uploading some images of my mod, and I decided to install some texture mods to make them look pretty. In order to do this, I wanted to stop being lazy and start using MO2, to use its virtual install and profiles method to switch back and forth between various degrees of load order density for testing my mod. So far, from what I can tell, all the mods are working fine except the texture ones. I'm new to MO2 so I don't know for sure what it's doing with my .ini files. I was using JIP LN's falloutcustom.ini and MO2 sees it and lets me edit it. Some of the textures aren't even being replaced, despite being replaced in the GECK when I load the meshes in there. Archive invalidation is on for all profiles. I've tried unticking and reticking that. Is there more to it than that? I actually need to cut this short, so suffice it to say my load order is almost nothing, and right now I'm just trying to get NMC's large texture pack to work. Game is stable 60 without it, stable 60 with it in my mod's areas, and crashes after I take a few steps into any vanilla area. Tried with the Ojo Bueno Ultra as well, and the only difference is the vanilla areas don't even load up (but my mod's areas are fine). The NMC large pack worked fine on my GTX 750 Ti, so I'm convinced there's something i can do to get it working here. Thanks.
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