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About Tertisentar

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  1. I experienced the same symptoms as this topic, but the fix suggested here never worked for me. This one did, though, so you might want to give it a try:
  2. Well, I already tried a troubleshooting run like that, and it did not make any difference :c. Of course I'm not expecting that someone has a timetested solution at this point, but I'm rather keeping the problem up here in the hopes that someone can point me at, e.g., a variable in TES5edit to which a bad edit could be held responsible. Given the amount of time I actually have to play the game with, I must say that thus far the wait hasn't seemed like that long.
  3. Well, the textures missing probably means something went wrong with the install, so try to install the mods of those weapons again? Are you using MO or manual? The crashes might be related to it, might not. I have them once in a blue moon in crafting menus, right on the moment that I attempt a recipe. I'm presuming something overloads at that moment since they're not reproducible.
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