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Posts posted by mimada

  1. I don't know if this will help but, you could try writing a script that resurrects the NPC after you dismembered them. Try experimenting with the console command 'resurrect 1'. The big problem is that body parts continue to react as though they're still connected to the body. Good luck.
  2. You can scale individual instances of the model in GECK by double-clicking the object in the render window or by right-clicking and selecting 'edit' in the cell view window. The scaling field is near the center of the form to the left under the position fields.


    If you want to scale all instances of the mesh, you're going to have to use NifSkope or a 3D modeling application like Blender. In this case, you'll have to extract the mesh from the BSA before you can edit it. Be aware that rescaling the object in NifSkope will not rescale the collision field and may result in the object floating above the ground. If this happens, you can adjust the collision field in Blender, 3D Studio Max or whatever 3D application you have.


    It may be possible to edit the collision field in NifSkope, but I'm not familiar with the process.

  3. It's actually in the skeleton so maybe you can import the body without it's skeleton to test this out.


    On another note, this might have to do with dismemberment properties but again, I'm just guessing. Sorry if I'm not being too helpful, I'm working on some other mods while responding to you.


    Edit: grammar.

  4. You could try a new power supply especially if the current one isn't rated for your graphics card. Do you known anyone with a power supply you could borrow? It would suck to spend money on one only to find that it wasn't the problem. If you have the money, you might just upgrade the MB/CPU. The newer processors actually use less power and run cooler than the old P4.


    If you could trade up your power supply, that might be the way to go.

  5. Is your hard drive full? Does the auto-save create a save file? Did this start when you installed a mod? Have you tried deleting your Oblivion.ini file and have the game make a new one?
  6. Take it slow. Install your utilities first; OBMM, Wrye Bash, Save game manager, Cobl, and OBSE. Check the readmes for mods that are dependent on other mods. Then install the complicated overhaul and uber mods like FCOM, OOO, Franciscos, TIE, etc.. BOSS and test the game after the major installs and make sure everything comes up correctly. Install game altering mods like weather, lighting, eating and sleeping, etc.. Again, BOSS and test after each install. Next, put in replacers for textures, LOD, body meshes. Test after each install. If you start noticing performance hits, think about using the light weight versions of textures and LOD replacers or lower your screen resolution.


    Put in the large scale environment changing mods like UL, BC, TNR, etc. BOSS, test, etc.. Put in new quests. The last things should be custom races, armor and weapons, and companions.


    Try to use OBMM or BAIN whenever possible. You should avoid doing manual installs (package everything) unless you're really confident of your ability to remove manual installations. Some people seem to enjoy reinstalling Oblivion when it's nerfed.


    If you have an issue with a particular mod, post the name of the mod, the nature of the problem, and what you've previously installed.


    Good luck!


    BTW, I'm assuming you've read the sticky on installing mods.

  7. You probably wanted to use OBMM and/or Wrye Bash right from the beginning. They don't help as much if your installation is already nerfed (although they can help if you're proficient in their use).


    Start with OBMM. If your download is not an OMOD, learn how to make it into one. Read and follow the documentation. If you need help with it, post a clearly detailed question about your issue.

  8. Are you talking about the Data folder? If so, try renaming the old Data folder (to something like "Data-broken") then copy the backup Data folder into the Oblivion directory.


    Also, check for the latest drivers for your graphics card.


    If you're still crashing, try deleting your oblivion.ini file and let the game create a new one for you (you might want to try this first).

  9. If you are using Vista or Windows 7, reinstall outside of the "Program Files" directory (i.e., "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion" should be "C:\Oblivion" or something similar. The "Program Files" directory is protected in Vista and Windows 7 and causes problems for Oblivion mod users.
  10. i forgot to mention that, when ever i use the little flowerish button to browse for the file, and select it in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\clutter\signs'

    i get that, is it not suposed to?

    You may have set up hard (or absolute) file paths. You should use relative paths. Double-click the file path you mentioned and edit the path to be "Textures\clutter\signs".


    Absolute paths won't work for those who installed Oblivion in a different directory.

  11. The meshes should be in the Data folder with the following paths: "Meshes\Characters\Ren\Eyes", "Meshes\Characters\Ren\Head", and "Meshes\Characters\Ren\Hair".


    Textures have the following paths: "Textures\Characters\Ren\Eyes", "Textures\Characters\Ren\Ren_MysticElf", "Textures\Characters\Ren\Ren_MysticElf_tt01", and "Textures\Characters\Ren\Hair". In addition, the Ren_MysticElf and Ren_MysticElf_tt01 folders contain "Male" and "Female" folders.


    An example of the full path for eye meshes on a default installation would be "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\Ren\Eyes".

  12. Offhand, the texture paths at blocks 13 and 31 don't look right. 13 has "architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds". Shouldn't it be "textures\architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds"? The path in 31 is "clutter\signs\monimalssign.dds". Again the "textures" directory seems to be left out. Also, check the spelling for your new texture "monimalssign.dds", Make sure it matches the actual file's name.


    I'm just guessing here. I don't know if you set up a custom directory structure or not.

  13. I found this bit while researching your problem:

    Scripted spells behave unpredictably when running on an actor outside of the currently loaded cell. Some confirmed issues are as follows:


    * Variables in the script become uninitialized;

    * ScriptEffectFinish block may fail to run;

    * For scripted abilities, a new instance of the script is created each time the player enters the cell with the affected actor.


    Other bizarre results have yet to be confirmed or explained. A workaround is to add a scripted item to the actor's inventory.

    So if that's the issue that's affecting your summoned creature, it could be a non-trivial problem.

  14. Companions often get stuck inside doors. It happens a lot with CM Partners. It depends on the proximity of the door marker to the door.


    If the companion is persistent, that is, it sticks around for a long time, you just have to move away from the door it's stuck in. When you get to a certain distance, the game engine moves it past whatever is blocking it. It may be that the collision for objects works only a certain distance from the player. If the companion is not persistent, it's probably easier to summon it again.


    I don't know if there is a function in Oblivion script that detects whether or not the player has passed to another cell or not (I've only been working with the language for a few hours). I'll look into it though.

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