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Posts posted by mimada

  1. Doesn't sound like you have the mod properly installed. The pink skin and floating jaw means you're missing the meshes and textures. Did you install those folders from the archive? If you did, make sure your directory paths are correct.


    The hair isn't set to work on the vanilla races. You either have to do it yourself in the CS or install a mod that does it for you.


    You can try the Comprehensive Style Collection (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24077). It's a huge download, but it gives all the vanilla races a bunch of different hair and eye options.


    I personally prefer LFact's compilations because they're excellently done but they're more difficult to install for a beginner.

  2. You're not going to replace the contents of the folders unless the files have the exact same name and directory path. In that case, the OS will explicitly ask you if you want to replace the existing file(s). What normally happens is that the new content is merged into the existing folders.
  3. Okay, I tried the tutorial and this is what I found:

    The code is buggy.

    The ScriptEffectUpdate block loops continuously for the duration of the spell. This duration is set in the "Effect Item" form.

    There is no apparent break command for the ScriptEffectUpdate block.

    I found an ugly workaround.


    The code is buggy because it has no way to break out of the ScriptEffectUpdate block. If the rat is killed before the end of the spell, the script continuously kills the rat, puts it back in its holding cell, resurrects then disables it until the 30 seconds are up. I can almost feel a stack overflow occurring somewhere. Also, the conditional test at 28 seconds always kills the rat before its supposed 30 second lifespan. If you let the rat live out its life, you'll notice it always dies two seconds early. To fix this, just change the 28 second tests to 30.


    I discovered the loop bug by tagging ScriptEffectFinish with a message box (My original intent was to see if the spell icon display was dependent on the script or hard coded). I did some online research but couldn't find a proper means to break out of the block.


    Anyway, the ugly workaround is to put a dispel command after the rat is killed.


    Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    if timer > 30   ;Creature is dead and fade timer passed
      ;Move our creature back to it's holding cell
    	SUMN.moveto WolfDenRef 0 0 10
      ;Reset our creature if dead
      ;Set our creature to an unprocessed state							
    	player.dispel <SPELLNAME> ;Ugly fix is here!								 


    Where <SPELLNAME> is whatever you called the spell in the Object Window (not the name of the script).


    If anyone knows of a better method of breaking out of the ScriptEffectUpdate block, I'd like to know about it.


    Happy coding!

  4. In OBMM, click on the Utilities button and update your Archive invalidation.


    Oblivion by default, looks for its resource files in the BSA (Bethesda Softworks Archive) files that ship with the game. When you add replacers, the game checks a file called archiveinvalidation.txt. Well, archiveinvalidation.txt is buggy so the creators of OBMM added a utility (mentioned above) that replaced the archiveinvalidation.txt file.


    Another thing is that your screenshots are somewhat low res. Have you tried upping your screen resolution?

  5. This mod isn't that good. You might want to consider some other races. However, if you really want to play as the "ordinator", load the mod in the construction set (Click "File>Data...", locate "2 new races.esp", double-click in the box to the left of the "2 new races.esp", then click on the "Set as Active" button. Finally, click on "OK".).


    Click "Character>Race...". This brings up the Race form.


    Locate and click on "Ordinator" in the list of races.


    Click on the "Text Data" tab on the form.


    Click in the check box "Playable" to activate the race. You might want to fill out the "Name" field as well.


    Click on the OK button to close the form.


    Finally, click on "File>Save" to save the mod. You can close the CS at this point and start your game.


    Good luck!

  6. I've looked at BP-Cosmetic Library and it's a really good mod. The modular aspect for handling custom races is inspired. Unfortunately, I have invested too much into your previous mod and the thought of converting all my saved characters and custom race NPCs is daunting (I'm basically too lazy). I'll upgrade whenever my hard drive dies and I need to reinstall.
  7. Usually, the path is determined by the esp. You can't just create a random folder and hope the game can find them. If you have the CS, you can mod the esp and change the path to whatever you want. Some animations are replacers and go into specific folders such as meshes\characters\_male. If you have a BSA utility, you can see where Bethesda placed all their default animations.
  8. I'll attempt an explanation. The Oblivion engine uses three different sets of textures and meshes to draw what you see on your screen. Most people are familiar with the high resolution meshes and textures that the player can interact with. These objects are close to the player and need to be as detailed as possible to be convincing. The next set of textures and meshes are drawn for objects that are a medium distance away from the player. The meshes have fewer polygons and the textures are not as detailed to speed up rendering. The third set has the fewest polygons and the least detailed textures for the farthest land and objects. LOD refers to the meshes and textures that are used in the medium and long distance.


    Not every object has medium or long distance meshes or textures. You can see the effect in vanilla Oblivion where ruins and forts are not visible from a distance. This was purposely done for framerates. Even with replacement LODs you will find that a lot of rocks and things will pop into view as you approach them.


    As computers and graphics cards became more powerful, modders have created replacement LOD meshes and textures. These replacers have meshes and textures for things that were not included in the original game. One LOD replacer allows you to generate low res models for practically everything in the game, however, it makes the game unplayable even on a powerful system.


    Texture replacers such as Quarl's only replace textures that are close to the player. That's why there are QT files for LOD.


    If you played the original, unpatched version of Oblivion you would notice that landscape textures seen from a distance would have a distinct pattern. "Noise" refers to a process that breaks ups these patterns.

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