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Posts posted by mimada

  1. Okay, I duplicated what you did and I think I know what's happening. The icon texture has to be in the "\Textures\Menus\Icons" folder. This is apparently hard coded.


    The texture for the sword itself is set within the nif file. To change the path of this texture, you'll need to use Nifskope.


    Once you open up the nif, expand the NiNode, expand the NiTriStrips, expand the NiTextureProperty. The texture path is under NiSourceTexture. Double-click the path to edit it then hit enter.

  2. Oblivion and Windows 7 may not be working together very well. Remember, Fallout was made after Vista came out so it's fully compatible with the OS.


    I would uninstall Oblivion, reinstall outside of the Program Files directory, then try FCOM. I know this is a real pain, but I haven't tried Windows 7 to know if there is another workaround. Sorry.

  3. I don't see anything wrong offhand. I reinstalled FCOM a few days ago and it works fine on my system. Are you using Vista? If so, you need to install Oblivion outside of the Program Files folder.


    Also, do you have the latest version of the required files?

  4. I noticed you don't have the Bashed Patch. You'll find it in \Oblivion\Mopy\Extras\. It's called "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". Put a copy in your Data directory then start up Wrye Bash. Highlight all of the mods (Click on the first mod at the top of the list, hold shift, and click on the last one at the bottom). Right click on the selected mods and choose "Mark Mergeable...". Click on Bashed Patch, 0.esp to deselect all the mods except the patch. Right-click on Bashed Patch and select "Rebuild Patch".


    Remember to run BOSS.

  5. Probably was. I use a variation of the Beautiful People Cosmetic pack and got the same result. I unchecked Cobl races with OMM and that cleared it up for me. I'm planning to mod Cobl races so it will use the elaborate eyes format but I'm busy at the moment.
  6. thank you for the replies mimada.

    You're welcome.

    But with your merged plugin, does that mean we HAVE to use CM partners?

    No, I just used CM Partners because it was convenient for creating a proof of concept. I understand you want to use the Ramy companion. You can merge that mod with Midas without having CM Partners installed. I haven't done this so I have no idea if it will work.


    I don't know how proficient or comfortable you folks are with modding but the best thing to do is to experiment and get comfortable with the tools. Mind you, you can mess up your Oblivion installation but it shouldn't be too much of an issue with judicious backups. I use OMM to backup my list of installed mods. You may also want to backup your data directory if you have the hard drive space for it. You should also backup any file you mod and make backups with every major change. You don't want to lose hours of work because of a bad edit.


    As I previously posted, for your project you ultimately want to separate out the Midas spells into its own master file. Alternately, if you can isolate the spell scripts, you can merge them with your companion plug-in. This is so you won't have conflicts with the original Midas quests and locations.


    Good Luck!

  7. Thanks a ton!

    You're welcome a ton!


    By merging, what do you mean? If this involves Wrye Bash, I might need a bit of an explanation on merging plugins, because I'm very inexperienced with Wrye Bash. =x ... The most I've used it for is making master files of race plugins for custom companions.

    I mentioned previously that you can use TES4Gecko to merge plug-ins. You can also merge plug-ins to masters and convert between them. Gecko has a lot of functionality. It's a really useful tool.


    I've been experimenting with the modded companion. You're going to have to determine which spells are most effective for your companion. I had given Beth the tornado spell. The companions, when left alone, will sometimes practice their magic. You can image what happened in the marketplace.


    I also recommend getting TES4Edit. Another incredibly useful, if not intimidating tool. You can use it to clean mods or to strip certain changes out.


    BTW if you have a lot of companions, you can use Gecko to merge them into one plug-in. That way, you won't have to worry as much about reaching the 255 plug-in limit. Also, it saves time if you have to reinstall Oblivion. Always remember to backup your individual files before messing with them.

  8. Another theory I was wondering about was if I could simply make Midas' Magic into a Master file to add the spells to my companion's spell list. Would this work in any way, or would spells still need to be in the leveled list?

    You have the right idea, however, you must strip out any changes to worldspaces and cells. A master file will override oblivion.esm and would result in undesired/unexpected results. The only thing the midas.esm should have are the scripted spells.


    The midas master may affect midas.esp as well so if you want to have the Midas quests and locations, you'll have to rebuild the esp.


    The technique I used is a quick and dirty fix. You can use it for all your personal companions by merging them into the esp.


    Because of the aiming bug, I found that the best spells to use are area effects.

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