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About Darkstyler35

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    The witcher 1, 2, 3, Skyrim...

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  1. i didn't see this new function till today so I've posted a ticket here --> https://feedback.nexusmods.com/posts/1060/witcher-3-adding-a-help-tab-to-mod-page-and-a-special-counter-for-requesting-update
  2. Help request, sth like that Bug reports are for bugs, this is not not the same thing. Talking about Witcher 3 which is a game that have many upgrades, with a lot of errors because otfen mismatching code between "old" mods and new game files, this simply prevents the game to load. Again, there's nothing to fix here and people are enough intelligent to understand the help tab is for... help and the comment one is for comments. If modders do not allow the forum or bug report tab, people have no other choice to post in the "wrong" place and this is confusing. Bad habit, but this is another matter. And struggling between the forums and the mod posting thread is weird, at least the way it is implemented but it's also another matter.
  3. @showler I do not agree with the last part of your comment, the goal is not to... fix anything here as people are like they are and they probably won't change (is it our role ?), but rather prevent them to spam threads where the important informations are written and supposed to be readable without having the feeling to study Einstein's notes. So... technically, if possible, a new tab would allow "dumb users" like me (I have errors too and be sure I read each mod presentation page and comments), to post in the right place without preventing others to learn what they need to play their game. There's nothing to.. fix here as for people behavior/politeness, there are rules here to moderate them and for the rest we must deal with it. But it would be better if everything was in the right place.
  4. Hi people, I'm using an automatic translator as english is not my primary language and may be "demands" is not the right choice of words : in french demande is someone that simply asks politely (of course), to someone something, nothing less nothing more. So I know people are ingrate, not polite, etc... This is how world goes these days right ? This isn't the point of this topic so blocking on the word demand is not my goal. When you're exploring the mods pages, threads are spammed by two things : the requests (that's better huh ?) and the errors with script merger. May be it's not doable technically, I do not know = only the staff can answer about that but the first thing is to know whether or not modders/authors are fond of what I am suggesting = something that prevent people from spamming on the mod page so that it is finally readable. Most of the players do not even use spoiler tag, principally because there are no BBcode options on the mod page so you have to go in the forum to do that (never understood why Oo) Finally, scrolling mods page and trying to find usefull informations about whether or not I (and others) should install a mod becomes complicated because full off s#*!, it is also promoting by the way the fact that people do not read entirely threads and then go back to post other errors that may have been avoided. Why not (if doable) create a new tab on the mod page dedicated to requests errors ? And about the "sort of censure for "demanding" requesting anything.", the author has full right to delete posts that do not match with his policy right ? Assuming posting rules would be incremented with such informations The spirit is to help mod creators and also players, that's all and considering all the s#*! posted in almost every mods threads I'm suprised this hasn't been evocated before Have a nice day :wink:
  5. To the staff, players and mods authors, What do you think about adding a special counter on the mods pages to collect "demands" for upgrading mods with W3, this would be extremely usefull and avoid to spam the mod pages when people search for consistent informations ? etc...
  6. Hello Arjed, I've done everything you said, decompiling Default_DLC_MOD_EGM.bin and edit all the xml files needed to match exactly the values of my new coalesced.bin (I've deleted each conflicting entry in the Default_DLC_MOD_EGM.bin because modifying them didn't work either) then recompiled everything + paste in the game folder and replace + autococ. When I delete the whole mod folder, the coalesced values apply properly and when I paste again the folder in the game folder (the game works) but new coalesced.bin values don't. Is there anything else I must check in order to keep EGM and new values in the coalesced.bin ? Thanks by advance ;)
  7. Luka, try what is explained on skyui troubleshooting page, your error is referenced.
  8. <Ran wrye bash and re-ran the reproccer but there are still duplicates> <there are duplicates for some the weapons that both Skyre and Immersive Weapons add> the bashed patch is supposed to manage leveled lists conflicts and merged patch will manage some conflicting entries . If I'm right your problem, (duplicate recipes) can not be resolved with a bashed patch, rather edit the mods in Tes5edit an try what I suggested above. Removing entry (ies) exdample.
  9. Hello, About the reprocer I don't know, but you may simply edit the mods in question with Tes5edit and delete one of the recipes or.... make one of the recipe different : changing name, stats, requirements, so that the second crafted weapon would be an increased version of the first. Good luck.
  10. Just follow those links and watch a video tutorial : Create a wryebash patch including leveled lists.Create a merged patch with Tesedit excluding leveled lists
  11. Hello, Vanilla DLC order : dawnguard, hearthfire, dragonborn and USLEEP should be loaded after.<Sometimes I'll crash coming out of buildings or just moving from one cell to another> CTD in a particular cell / location.Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.Verify gamecache.CTDs troubleshooting page on Reddit, depending on what's happening in game, choose the subsections that describes the best your problem.Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done : /// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs : Make sure you're using the latest USLEEP instead of the obsolete unofficial patches. If some of your old mods require them, you may use the USLEEP swap masters.Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Tes5edit cleaning tutorial / Tes5edit documentation / Tes5edit Nexus page.The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT may tell you which plugin you should clean.Mator's video fixing errors with Tes5edit. Merge plugins./// Load order / mods conflicts : Use L.O.O.T / Nexus page (& documentation).Create a wryebash patch including leveled lists. Wryebash download.Create a merged patch with Tesedit excluding leveled listsHow things work in Tes5edit : load order / conflict looser - winner / Forwarding / adding as a master. More specifically, you may create a manual patch between two or more mods./// Settings / memory : Preferably, use crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 instead of skse memory patch or SSME.You may also install safety load if you experience infinite loading screens or freezing in game.Memory blocks log will help to refine memory settings.Skyrim performance monitor.Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.STEP INI tweaking wiki.You may install ENBOOST >> ENB graphics / ENB haxx./// Save game : Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, there are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts.New SkyrimTools, (corrupt saves topic)./// Meshes healer : Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page./// Useful informations : Selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase / decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.If you're using win8-10 + a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM and experiencing stuttering, random freezes or / and FPS drops, this may occur when the VRAM usage exceeds 4GB, read here for more details.In NMM settings, see where your tracelog path is (C:\Users\User\Documents\Nexus Mod Manager), open a request in the NMM open beta forum and post your tracelog.txt.Make sure your framerate isn't going above 60 - use a fps limiter or the ENB limiter included feature or using your graphic card utility if you experience problems with the ENB limiter.Skyrim requirements wiki | STEP troubleshooting page | Crashdump analysis | Direct-x 9 C, 9 C update |Skse installation : skse on steam or Manual install. (SKSE, memory and skse.ini). SKSE logs are here : C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE. SKSE troubleshooting guide.An efficient guide to build your game : STEP / Official S.T.E.P. Mod Organizer video series / Gopher's MO vids.Ensure your skyrim installation is healthy = Make skyrim vanilla again.Papyrus log is a scripts log only and doesn't cover anything else, not a crash log. Interpreting Papyrus Log Errors / Enabling papyrus loggingNeed to know informations about your harware, temperature, etc... ? Speccy may help you.Shut down background programs such as intellipoint, fan manager, etc... Need a tool to manage GPU fan speed that works with ENB ? You may try Afterburner, (tested)/// Credits : these persons deserve kudos, (among others) without them there would be nothing above. Thallassa | Matortheeternal | Arthmoor | BorisVorontsof | GamerPoets | Gopher | TheCompiler (+ all the STEP team) | Luco81 (NMM forum) | Tannin42 | I2edShift | ElminsterAU, Sharlikran, Zilav, Hlp | Meh321 | Kapaer | Sheson | Mnelson999 | Hadoram | markdf |/ Anton0028 | Wrinklyninja (L.O.O.T contributors) | Bcsp | Missjennabee | Hope this helps.
  12. Hello, <when I enter the Dragonborn Gallery, added from Legacy of the Dragonborn, my game will sit on the loading screen for a little bit, then CTD> install crash fixes, see /// Settings / memory below. Make sure to set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false in ENBlocal.ini.CTD in a particular cell / location.Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.Verify gamecache.CTDs troubleshooting page on Reddit, depending on what's happening in game, choose the subsections that describes the best your problem.Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done : /// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs : Make sure you're using the latest USLEEP instead of the obsolete unofficial patches. If some of your old mods require them, you may use the USLEEP swap masters.Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Tes5edit cleaning tutorial / Tes5edit documentation / Tes5edit Nexus page.The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT may tell you which plugin you should clean.Mator's video fixing errors with Tes5edit. Merge plugins./// Load order / mods conflicts : Use L.O.O.T / Nexus page (& documentation).Create a wryebash patch including leveled lists. Wryebash download.Create a merged patch with Tesedit excluding leveled listsHow things work in Tes5edit : load order / conflict looser - winner / Forwarding / adding as a master. More specifically, you may create a manual patch between two or more mods./// Settings / memory : Preferably, use crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 instead of skse memory patch or SSME.You may also install safety load if you experience infinite loading screens or freezing in game.Memory blocks log will help to refine memory settings.Skyrim performance monitor.Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.STEP INI tweaking wiki.You may install ENBOOST >> ENB graphics / ENB haxx./// Save game : Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, there are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts.New SkyrimTools, (corrupt saves topic)./// Meshes healer : Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page./// Useful informations : Selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase / decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.If you're using win8-10 + a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM and experiencing stuttering, random freezes or / and FPS drops, this may occur when the VRAM usage exceeds 4GB, read here for more details.In NMM settings, see where your tracelog path is (C:\Users\User\Documents\Nexus Mod Manager), open a request in the NMM open beta forum and post your tracelog.txt.Make sure your framerate isn't going above 60 - use a fps limiter or the ENB limiter included feature or using your graphic card utility if you experience problems with the ENB limiter.Skyrim requirements wiki | STEP troubleshooting page | Crashdump analysis | Direct-x 9 C, 9 C update |Skse installation : skse on steam or Manual install. (SKSE, memory and skse.ini). SKSE logs are here : C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE. SKSE troubleshooting guide.An efficient guide to build your game : STEP / Official S.T.E.P. Mod Organizer video series / Gopher's MO vids.Ensure your skyrim installation is healthy = Make skyrim vanilla again.Papyrus log is a scripts log only and doesn't cover anything else, not a crash log. Interpreting Papyrus Log Errors / Enabling papyrus loggingNeed to know informations about your harware, temperature, etc... ? Speccy may help you.Shut down background programs such as intellipoint, fan manager, etc... Need a tool to manage GPU fan speed that works with ENB ? You may try Afterburner, (tested)/// Credits : these persons deserve kudos, (among others) without them there would be nothing above. Thallassa | Matortheeternal | Arthmoor | BorisVorontsof | GamerPoets | Gopher | TheCompiler (+ all the STEP team) | Luco81 (NMM forum) | Tannin42 | I2edShift | ElminsterAU, Sharlikran, Zilav, Hlp | Meh321 | Kapaer | Sheson | Mnelson999 | Hadoram | markdf |/ Anton0028 | Wrinklyninja (L.O.O.T contributors) | Bcsp | Missjennabee | Hope this helps.
  13. At the risk of repeating myself, you need a bashed patch + merged patch, this will cover leveled lists, some conflicts and will eliminate some potential CTDs. Unless you're able to edit all of your plugins with Tes5edit and make a manual patch that covers everything, (except scripts...). This is a different approach from automatic cleaning and needs much time and knowldge.
  14. Hello, It could be a driver issue, or a hardware issue. Or you're simply asking too much to your specs. Deactivate your mods and test.
  15. <and I can't run alternate start live another life> Set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false in ENBlocal.ini.Preferably, use crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 instead of skse memory patch or SSME.<and holds the city overhaul doesn't seem to work?> first, do you meet the author recommandations written on the mod overview page ?Make sure that you have a stable and performance friendly game. It is higly recommended to install ENBoost -->ENB graphics / ENB haxx.<CTD's upon loading a save> if you have made some significant changes to your game, such as uninstalling mods, changing load order, etc.. may be your saves must be cleaned or they simply can not be loaded anymore.Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, there are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts.New SkyrimTools, (corrupt saves topic).Good luck.
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