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Everything posted by RozenDoll

  1. Sure. Yes, you can either copy over the whole content (all the files in steamapps/skyrim/) or reinstall the mods from scratch after downloading the game fresh onto your PC. just make sure all necessary mods are installed. don't forget to copy over the savegames.
  2. Apart from me believing you're in the wrong forum section (this is skyrim specific, not nexus specific) If you mean to log into the webpage of any nexus, try to clear your browser's cache and cookies.
  3. Let me guess. It's not a usual "lag", your FPS are stable and high, but it's as if the game itself is skipping? Yeah, fairly common problem with AMD/ATI users, myself included. there's not much light brought into this issue, most recommend lowering graphics settings, especially anti-aliasing (AA) and texture quality. Myself i suspect it it could be related to the game engine and CPU, but don't quote me on that (yet).
  4. check for any FPS limiting options like Vsync, triple buffering etc, both in the game's launcher options and your graphics control center. Your graphics adapter is missing from the DxDiag report, check under hardware manager if your graphics card still uses proper updated driver. otherwise, try to verify gamecache (which everyone around here suggests) PS: WOOP WOOP!
  5. There is no "simple limit", at least i haven't found a simple variable dictating how many children you can have. The limit of adopted children is technically, as those "scripts" i mentioned before tell the adopted kid that it actually IS adopted, so it stays at your home, call you mommy/daddy etc. without these you could talk to another kid, tell it it's adopted but it would keep standing in place as if nothing happened.
  6. As for the artifacting/flickering, many have reported such issue with AMD/ATI cards recently, since the latest update of Skyrim. Don't quote me on that though. As for the freezing, i suggest you keep Performance Monitor open and keep an eye on the Disk Queue. If it periodically rises above 1 you could have an issue. if it periodically rises above 4 you do have an issue with the harddrive activity. sometimes my machine suffers from this, as my harddrive isn't in the most healthy state it seems, but system freezing was caused majorly by Avast! Antivirus, because it always checks every single file access, effectively doubling or trippling the load on the harddrive.
  7. I have only seen one case of artifacting in my game yet. Are you using AMD videocards, perhaps?
  8. [10/09/2012 - 12:45:41AM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnLocationChange() I'm not a wizard, but i'd guess this happens because you are already a vampire before you activated Dawnguard.esm. My question: Have you already heard, for example, a guard mentioning the Dawnguard? Or anything else that might be related to it?
  9. From the screenshots it looks less like the remains of an ice wraith, but more of one of those visualizations of magic spells when you browse through the magic menu.
  10. Yes, you can actually do both ways. You could either completely delete the skyrim folder from within your steamapps folder and re-download/reinstall it. OR you could also just move the skyrim folder to another destination and let steam redownload it again, so you can keep your modded game for playing and have the original, vanilla version in your steam folder to create mods with the CK. Make a shortcut icon for the moved skyrim for easier access.
  11. Looks like a mesh is missing. Have you re-validated your game files? >rightclick skyirm > properties > local files tab > verifiy integrity of gamecache (though a house with glasswalls would look awesome when you think about it.)
  12. Does that mean she's kinda "specifically coded" so that the command hax won't even work on her? ...heresy. pure heresy...
  13. Okay, so after finishing the Dawnguard questline (vampire hunter side) and SPOILER[curing her vampirism] i was trying to marry Serana. Which of course is normally not possible, so i was trying out these console commands addfac 19809 1 setrelationshiprank player 4 it worked fine with pretty much any NPC that i came across. however, it wouldn't affect Serana's dialogue option, which only offer the basic follower options (wait, trade, dismiss). What i realized is that SPOILER[there wasn't an option for the usual marriage dialogue, where she friendzones you. i know this from my previous playthrough, vampire side] The only mods i use that should affect her is the "unofficial dawnguard patch" anyone got a clue what might cause this?
  14. I'm not sure, For vanilla houses it's easy to paste a few new beds in. I have no idea how that works with the dynamically added ones from the Hearthfire houses, though. Few hope for compatibility with other house-mods too. Looking at the big picture i fear you'd either have to do specific versions for each playerhome to add after it's been finished, or overhaul the complete Hearthfire DLC to adapt to it's house building functions. One way is tedious, the other complicated. It's not impossible, but requires a lot of work. I also thought of workarounds, letting two children sleep in one bed etc. brings lots of other problems with them, though.
  15. that looks pretty good! for the crystal: white to lightblue, slightly transparent and glowing blue. as for the necklace, i think a gold and silver version is really enough :3
  16. I was curious and looked into the CK a bit (I'm no modder, mind you) and it seems there's a bit of work to be done. the biggest issue i see is distributing script packages. most are shared between all children, but some are made specifically for one of the two children living in your home. Chores and beating up the dummy probably is less a problem, as it's unlikely multiple kids do it at once (not sure if it could cause crashes or something if it does happen though). The real problem is mostlikely the sleeping packages, as it basically tells each kid in which bed to sleep. While i doubt "unlimited" children is impossible, i'm sure it could me raised to at least four though, with a bit of effort. I haven't checked yet if children would sleep in normal, non-children's beds, so i have no clue if there needs to be changed something as well.
  17. sweet, definitely a change to all these dull, round necklaces and the same deity amulets.
  18. You have my sign. I was actually a little surprised that this was not possible. (btw, the Library starts out completely empty. you need to gather the books all by yourself. it's pretty cool though if you are into books like me )
  19. some immensely huge and monstrous boss monster would be really interesting. a gigantic dwemer spider-mecha would be a nice change from dragons and draugrs. A Wall-Golem (face on a stone wall with detached hands) would be even more interesting. Perhaps a charging Minotaur?
  20. I second this request. Since building the additional Bedroom wing to my house i ought to have enough room for at least four little sweetpeas (not to mention i'm rich enough to feed them).
  21. sounds neat. would kinda transform skyrim a bit into God of War or something when playing melee. a fun change of style if you ask me.
  22. yeah, for some reason the hearthfire houses are much brighter than usual interiors, especially visible with lighting mods.
  23. Yet another department Skyrim is disappointingly lacking in :3 Even sneaking into that dunmer house (dont want to spoil) was a ridiculous "stealth mission". Would be interesting if places looked a bit more in-depth, with actual rooms, wings and corridors; as well as secret passages in the big buildings.
  24. i think not even The Sims did it ever that in depth... though i think it would be better to keep it rather simple, it still sounds disturbingly funny.
  25. It's put there to make it feasible why there aren't any half-argonians or half-Khajit in Tamriel. Devs didn't bother to implement such depth. That's why you don't see scaly humans and nekomimis around. I for one could imagine this being added to Hearthfire, so instead of adopting you can have your own children running around your house. Scripting-wise it is possible, especially with SkSE.
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