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Everything posted by slygothmog

  1. Hi Madeln, yeah it's been a very long time, in fact i'm surprised to see so many friends still around. I'm ok, just getting on with life......I dont Mod or play Oblivion anymore, i'm playing WoW on an EU server and Fable 3 right now. It's nice to see you're still here and i hope life is being good to you.

    You take care and i hope i get to speak to you soon :)

  2. Yeah, had my life turned upside down, almost ended up living in the street, had to put places like this on the shelf till later so to speak, but all is ok now :)
  3. I'm good thanks :), been a long time since i was here, got my life into some kind of order now, how are you?
  4. Wow, this thing still going huh....
  5. Being an Alcoholic is no fun, no i'm not one, i dont drink and haven't for many years, but i lost a close friend to drink and had to watch him waste away before my eyes till he was nothing more than a skeleton, then he got pnumonia and his body was too weak to fight it and it killed him.......and no you cant help them, they have to help themselves or end up like my friend.
  6. Hey there, just popped in to say Hi and hope you're well....no i wont be back like before, things have changed, i've changed.....got my own flat now wich is good, at least no more threats of living on the street hang over my head. Anyway, you take care and maybe i'll see you soon.
  7. I'm being Mr Jeckelmog today.....who's this jleone? come back after a huge absence to find friends i dont know :S Got my own Flat and mega slow net and a new Hard Drive after my other melted destroying all my Oblivion work *sighs*, sounds like you're still having PC problems after all this time as well......anyway, you take care, i'll pop in again soon :)
  8. Hiya, i guess i'm kinda back now, got my own flat and mega slow net :( also lost all my Oblivion stuff when my Hard Drive melted, spend most of my time playing WoW now, but i'll pop in here from time to time.....hope you, your wife and Heather are all well my friend....and i'll give Lex a slap for calling you old :D
  9. Hello David, been a long time i know.......hope you are well :)
  10. Thanks Silver, it's nice to back, if even just for a short while, RL stuff is keeping me busy so modding and the net are on the back burner for now.
  11. Thanks Ves, it's nice to back, if even just for a short while, RL stuff is keeping me busy so modding and the net are on the back burner for now.
  12. Thanks Swedish, it's nice to back, if even just for a short while, RL stuff is keeping me busy so modding and the net are on the back burner for now.
  13. Back for a while, a very short while....thank god most of the bouncing sheep are gone now.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      BUUUURP! Sheep?! Yeah! Almost all gone. Got any mint Jelly? I'm all out! xD
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      You're STILL missed.
    4. GodKingVivec


      i fought in the sheep wars... saw things aint no man got any business seein... war is hell...
  14. Tried to send you a PM, but the system wont let me. Your BSA is broken.....I did have screenshots to show you what i mean, but basically there is no land mass, just trees and yellow WTF! signs.
  15. Yes I will be there son :) I go to the room Aurielius set up, I dont bother with my old room now, do you have a link to that place?
  16. You never did get back to me about if that time thingy mod worked or not.
  17. No, your morning times....but if your on right now I will go to xat.
  18. Best time to catch me on xat right now would be in your early morning time i think.....i've been busy with this n that ( mods ) so i've not been there much myself.
  19. I've not heard from you for a long time son, and you have been missed. I'm assuming school work is keeping you busy right now, so i've not been overly worried, but let your old dad know how you are. We should try to meet up on xat sometime, then we can tell each other about all the daft stuff we've been up to lately :)
  20. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/demotivational-posters-oh-my-god1.jpg .............................0
  21. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/demotivational-posters-step-back-please.jpg ....................................0
  22. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-animals/0040.gif Nah.....This is a win.
  23. Ok, I'll report this n see what Admin or the Moderators make of it.
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