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About Keanumoreira

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    United States
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    I don't play games much these days anymore.
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    Portal 2

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  1. "You linger like the smell of rose; the things that haunt and chill and close, The rain that pours and floods like this… The weakness of sweet Summer’s kiss Desire hot that burns within, and makes you writhe beneath your skin The feel of lips that say goodbye Linger sweet kiss! A hollow cry. I beg to hold your beauty near Pray lovers’ love, but cry the tears For all these things I cannot do - Here’s one sweet Summer’s kiss for you." - Robert Frost
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    2. Deleted54170User


      I have eaten half of a Digiorno Supreme Pizza too. Everything is absorbed in the times when it was written. To grasp a feeling, a soul must have feasted the same as the author whose words we aspire to understand, e.g.,I knew a man who read the entire works of the Dragonriders of Pern. One afternoon I visited him interrupting him as he prepared after he got off of work. He had a bottle of strong drink, he had his tobacco, and another such smoke all placed at his side as he delved into her l...
    3. Keanumoreira


      I think that's the spirits talking. X)
    4. Deleted54170User
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