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About Keanumoreira

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    United States
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  1. "You linger like the smell of rose; the things that haunt and chill and close, The rain that pours and floods like this… The weakness of sweet Summer’s kiss Desire hot that burns within, and makes you writhe beneath your skin The feel of lips that say goodbye Linger sweet kiss! A hollow cry. I beg to hold your beauty near Pray lovers’ love, but cry the tears For all these things I cannot do - Here’s one sweet Summer’s kiss for you." - Robert Frost
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    2. Deleted54170User


      I knew there was something wrong in my life. Now I see with eyes that are of the same as the Author who must have written that while in the same state I am. *BIG GRIN*
    3. Keanumoreira


      I'll never look at a tree the same way again, lol. Uncle, that's quite a volume to read, but I suspect that in those words, there holds a special kind of truth. I will read it when time permits. :)
    4. Deleted54170User


      You have to understand the adult local focus which in the times of Robert Frost there were no restraints. As long as a person had the coin any food or byproducts were available. No restraints I have recently come into a bottle of Pol Rodger made respectively for Winston.Churchill. After sipping a glass I found my mind more receptive to this verse of Robert Frost.
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