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About decepticonzombie

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout Series

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  1. So, trying to delete a couple of old games and add a couple of new games to my faves tab, and I keep getting error messages. Can't delete a game or add in a game. When I delete a game, it tells me the game is already deleted, yet the icon is still there, and I cant add in a new game because I'm still at the 12 game limit. Don't know if there's a bug with the website (I'm on a desktop, updated version of my main browser). Multiple browsers used, still same issue. Site issues or am I just being a dolt?
  2. So, trying to delete a couple of old games and add a couple of new games to my faves tab, and I keep getting error messages. Can't delete a game or add in a game. When I delete a game, it tells me the game is already deleted, yet the icon is still there, and I cant add in a new game because I'm still at the 12 game limit. Don't know if there's a bug with the website (I'm on a desktop, updated version of my main browser). Multiple browsers used, still same issue. Site issues or am I just being a dolt? Update: Issue seems to have corrected during the night. Things are showing up and responding as they should.
  3. Well, I suggested something like this when I was playing Skyrim, but hey, figured it might be worth a try for Fallout. We see a lot of pots, pans, colanders, and other stuff in the Wasteland. A savvy wanderer could find that very useful in a pinch, or if they were somehow demented and crazy after his (or her) long nap. I'd envision this as more or less armor add-ons or pieces. Separate helm, arm/shoulder, chest, and leg pieces. Maybe a "Kiss the Cook" apron to go with it? Possibly a rolling pin or large spatula as a weapon (if you want that crazy Suzy homemaker feel). Or use pieces from the grills laying around the wastes for a "grillmaster" armor set? Just spitballing some stuff here.
  4. so, on a forum in Facebook-land. I had the brilliant idea of wanting some kind of crazy armor. Pots and pans armor for your discerning crazy hermit or amnesiac dragonborn. Quite simple: A set of potentially crafted cheap armor made and rendered to look like pots and pans cobbled into armors. Dented helms made of pots. Steel, cast iron, or even teflon coated (well, the skyrim equivalent). It might even be a good immersion-y kind of mod for those players that like to add a bit of a quirk to their character.
  5. Some kind of lore-friendly version of V.A.T.S. Yeah yeah, I know there's a bunch of hate for the system in Fallout, but it's been around for a while, and I like the ability to target specific areas of a critter or humanoid with ranged weapons.
  6. Sort of like in the Fallout games? Damages stack up and you can get crippled, affecting how you play for that fight and until you can get healed/stimpacked.
  7. speaking of dagger position.. is there a reverse-grip mod for daggers? (Holding it upside down to do a downward swing type of stab).
  8. I've seen that one, but ME has a ton of various armors in it aside from Tali's. If I play a female character, sure, I'd probably try that mod, but I usually play male chaacters, so it's not really a good fit for me. More options would be awesome.
  9. In this instance, a mod to disable this specific option would be a waste of time. As stated by Seijin8, it takes some very specific things to even get this option opened up. If you don;t like the option, just don't do it. It's really that simple. There's a lot of things that are optional and objectionable to various people for various reasons. Simply put, if you don't want to do something in the game, don't do it.
  10. So two separate ideas: Mass Effect style armors. Pretty self explanatory as to where this idea came from. I've searched for these in a few places, but I wasn't able to find much in this category. Maybe I searched wrong? Think it would be a cool idea, especially if give options to craft, and have variants (ME game colors or Skyim game colors (steel, ebony, dragonbone, etc). Dialogue patching ideas: I'm not really sure how to eloquently explain myself, but it's like this.. No matter how I play, and no matter if one uses alternate starts or vanilla starts, one thing always bugs me.. You're usually bound to become the Dragonborn, and people react accordingly, even if you don't choose that route (via skyrim unbound). Barring that, whenever you talk to important NPC's or other quest related people, it seems the character dialoge it still pretty fixed in some ways. There's also the point of the character agreeing too readily to begin quests with some frankly lame dialogue choices. I'm thinking there needs to be some dialogue option overhauls. Give us some sassy remarks, some hesitant thoughts, even some sarcasm would be nice. Instead of automatically agreeing to a quest, give us a way to tell the jarl of whatchahoozit that he's off his rocker if he thinks we're going to run some stupid errand for him (when in vanilla we'd happily comply). Something along those lines.. I mean, I like playing a hapless wanderer who's not too thrilled with this new life of adventuring, but reluctantly goes about it because of (insert various reasonings here).
  11. I honestly don't know if this specifically has been requested (probably, but there's a ton of backlog in the forum). Anyways, I'm thinking some kind of gun mod might be welcome. I'm not talking anything like an Avenger Minigun or Mini-Nuke, but maybe something simplistic like an old blunderbus or the like. A primitive handgun or two would be welcome as well. (stuff that was available around medieval times, or even into the 18th century (for the more advanced pieces). Might need to add a few resources.. black powder, saltpeter, or other general stuff to make the crafty goodness. Have it start with some kind of "time traveler" , "dimensional escapee", or whatever kind of vernacular fits your definition of how someone with that kind of knowledge winds up in the Skyrim universe. Have him stuck in an inn, or even random encounter on the road (save him from something or just watch him blow some poor innocent rabid animal to pieces) and the main character can interact with him in some way to learn his secrets. I'd do it myself, but alas, I lack even the most rudimentary skills to actually make a mod.. (I could learn, but I really need to dig into some research I suppose). Again, just a question of interest and feasibility.
  12. Actually, I figured out my issue. I had the wrong directory selected from an older version of the game I forgot was still installed...
  13. Don't know exactly what I should do, but I have a modding question: I'm having an issue where the vanilla .esm will show up in NMM, but the DLC .esm's are not showing. I own the game via steam, including the DLC's. Now, before I did modding with NMM for Skyrim, I did use it to mod F:NV, and I had no troubles with that (thanks be to Gopher and his wonderful tutorials). I also modded skyrim a bit in the actual games folder, but that was for texture packs, killable children (quite annoying little buggers in the game otherwise), and a few other small mods and I didn't have an issue. I'm wondering if I just have to copy/paste/archive just the .esm's (or if I also need to include the .bsa's and .bsl's) for those DLC packs and load them in via NMM in order to get them to read. Thanks in advance for helpful information.
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