So two separate ideas: Mass Effect style armors. Pretty self explanatory as to where this idea came from. I've searched for these in a few places, but I wasn't able to find much in this category. Maybe I searched wrong? Think it would be a cool idea, especially if give options to craft, and have variants (ME game colors or Skyim game colors (steel, ebony, dragonbone, etc). Dialogue patching ideas: I'm not really sure how to eloquently explain myself, but it's like this.. No matter how I play, and no matter if one uses alternate starts or vanilla starts, one thing always bugs me.. You're usually bound to become the Dragonborn, and people react accordingly, even if you don't choose that route (via skyrim unbound). Barring that, whenever you talk to important NPC's or other quest related people, it seems the character dialoge it still pretty fixed in some ways. There's also the point of the character agreeing too readily to begin quests with some frankly lame dialogue choices. I'm thinking there needs to be some dialogue option overhauls. Give us some sassy remarks, some hesitant thoughts, even some sarcasm would be nice. Instead of automatically agreeing to a quest, give us a way to tell the jarl of whatchahoozit that he's off his rocker if he thinks we're going to run some stupid errand for him (when in vanilla we'd happily comply). Something along those lines.. I mean, I like playing a hapless wanderer who's not too thrilled with this new life of adventuring, but reluctantly goes about it because of (insert various reasonings here).