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Pagafyr last won the day on February 17

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About Pagafyr

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    United States
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    with what to do with my free time
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind um ah finding good food

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  1. Try this. Open the game with a Save that is one prior to when you started the game up and discovered your game got messed? If the previous Save doesn't cause the problems then the last Save you restarted the game with is a Dirty Save. If I played for a half an hour before I Saved once or twice that caused the Save I made aft playing for so long to cause the problem. I was furious because I had to start the game in the Save a half an earlier. I learned to save every ten minutes after that.
  2. Maybe? Maybe a lot of the previous players from the start of this game all got aboard that Time Traveling Train the Doc has in Back to the Future 3?
  3. It is important that mods are stacked in a load order. If they are mods that adjusts graphics they must be placed in the area for them. Look in Morrowind WiKi information for mixing mods. Installing then in a random order stack can cause conflicts among the mods all meant to control one part, Graphics. Too many mods that adjust graphics can often be the cause of the problem. You really only need one mod to control the graphics cards function. Or learned to adjust the settings in the games ini files. Read about how to adjust the games graphics and other settings in the games Main INI file. Morrowind has two main INI files and a Backup INI that you can learn to adjust the settings in to improve your graphics, video card res 1920x1080/3080x2061 or such can be changed in the INI file. @.ini For newbs learning about the ini files it is important that when you find out which ini files you can make simple changes to for a much greater effect, you must, I mean this, make a copy of the ini pages to your desktop. Then you can play around changing the files with Notepad or Notepad++ to your hearts content. If you mess up, no problem. Delete the messy ini file in the game. Then just copy and paste the original ini files and put them back in the folder where they belong. After you have put copies of the ini files you saved copies of to your desktop you can restart the game with the originals again. Practice practice practice and you'll be setting the ini setting to your hearts and eyes content in no time.
  4. When you post two vids and I discover I only like one, and giving you a like for the post suggests i liked both. Can't say I like both every time. If you only share one vid in a post you know I like it. Decadesthétique – Veins Paralysed Age - Evelyne gets a like. Out of todays collection RedHeadAngels Motionless In White - Masterpiece [Official Video] .
  5. You own a store now. You either operate like it is an uptown shop and open it for business every day except weekends and holidays or you have a box you can keep your ideas in for your own, yours only, personal use.
  6. What kind of video card? Reinstall your video cards drivers to see if it helps.. If you got an upgrade to the drivers recently, you may need to use the previous drivers, and reinstalling the last drivers before you got the news ones. Restoring those older drivers might fix it too.
  7. @Drakefell01 You spread your legs when anyone tosses a coin at your lap when you are sitting down.
  8. You are practicing? Slow boat to Japan kind of practicing?
  9. @Drakefell01 you just describe yourself. Just remove the parts about the bunny and it is your own reflection coming back at you in the Cyberspace mirror.
  10. Some pain relievers for a month.
  11. One Step Closer [Official HD Music Video] - Linkin Park
  12. Bet cha you didn't know that the Famous Elvira: Mistress of the Dark made a video game. You could have become a bit of a Herbologist. Maybe you could even got a start when you discovered the plants of the video game Elvira : Mistress of the Dark were known to really exist. That could have led to taking Herbology in college or at least studying more at Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards. Making potions in a video game most likely is as close as most video gamers get to involving themself in Herbology though.
  13. There for; You won. Even though you didn't type the words. So; I WIN!
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