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Pagafyr last won the day on March 2

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About Pagafyr

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    United States
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    with what to do with my free time
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind um ah finding good food

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  1. If I watched them again will I always be in the present future leaving the past behind?
  2. I am forever changing my mind, while my body just keeps getting older. It's just a fact of life that we all are children doing what we want making something out of life. The knowledge of the Universe's and the Universities makes us aware of just how much we know and how little that it is we have learned about all the scholastic learning, including Arts and Crafts. Just getting a little big headed at times only reminds me of how little I already have learned. I am aware I am just a child in the vast expanse of it all. So I wonder if anyone who is aware of the enormous amount of knowledge that the Universe holds knows just how I feel; most of the time?
  3. Wow! If it wasn't so hard to find a storage drive with over 100 GB of storage I would have paid the full price back when the game became available. Steam showed me another game that was up for sale I had the previous version for I got at the Electronic Arts site. I decided to buy the latest version of Dragon Age at EA instead since I had all Dragaon Age games already from EA. While I was checking out the Dragon Age The Veilgaurd I saw that Mass Effect Legendary was on sale for under $6.00. Including that it has all the working mods included too. For only a few cents more the $5.00. Now I have an SSD storage device that can handle the 106.3 GB and Video Card that can really play it GOOD. Just played last night and... Wow! I hope you gamers that like that game can get it too for under $6.00. Now, I am going to go and continue to enjoy the Great Quality that having a good video card and a SSD storage device make it play Great Too!
  4. Is it okay that I watched all three of the Back to the Future movies already awhile back in the past?
  5. Do you mean those everyone in your RL? You know: family, friends, and real people in your neighborhood? I would like not having to wait to heal up from various health conditions. Six to eight weeks being hospitalized or unable to go out to a nice restaurant to eat. Had surgery on two teeth. I just want to be a so sweet old man and have some fun in the sun, play in the Sun. It isn't fair! It just doesn't make me feel like I'm ever going to have a great time with others. Video Games keep me from getting Cabin Fever. Ever met a body builder with muscles most people don't even know exist; all built up for outdoor fun, whose been couped up for six weeks away from other people of their kind? I would be like a happy gorilla that escaped from the Zoo. Three more weeks, no crunchy potato chips. Three more weeks!!! I don't know if I am going to make it this time???
  6. Amazing! I have had a couple of mornings awaking from board meetings. All the people in my dream sleep were discussing the daily planner.
  7. I ban @Drakefell01 for not following an agenda. (!tsrif erohC)
  8. Out: a wrinkled piece of paper with smeared crayon that might have been words. In: A class of cool fresh water to help keep the body temperature down for an hour or two. One cup of water for everyone while we wait for the video game Oblivion remake; which may be out soon.
  9. .ecnetnes eritne eht si ti sselnu sdrawkcab delleps sdrow nab I
  10. I am never changing my mind, while my body just keeps getting older. It's just a fact of life that we all are children doing what we want making something out of life.
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