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Everything posted by raymondNZdnd
Remember the first time you played oblivion ?
raymondNZdnd replied to Maddy21's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Oh dear - first time out of the sewers, looking around - not noticing the ruins in front of me - or the Imperial City behind me. Walking by the waters observed someone attacking a crab, and was unprepared for when they suddenly turned on me. So, didn't last too long the first time. -
If you check the codes for any added mod you will see the codes for a mod start with a double hex value for the mod or expansion. So the game is 00......., Dawnguard 01......, HearthFire 02......, DragonBorn 03......, ... etc depending on the load order of your mods/expansions. Any mod that includes the code for any item should say something like: Squirrel Hat code xx000e2f41 where xx depends on your load order. Since Skyrim uses two hex values to identify the mod -- that's a maximum of the Base Game + 255 additions (expansions + mod esps). Hopefully this makes sense!
I was level 58, completed both the main quest and Dawnguard. After installing DragonBorn, I made immediately for the boat to go to Solstheim where I enjoyed exploring about three quarters of the island before the main DragonBorn quest began. On the other hand, my son was initiated into the main quest as soon as he restarted his game.
apparently 40.5 cm (16 inches), blurb from the email ad:
Just got an email about the statue from the local company I deal with, ... they titled email: "MUS-OR-DAH" (sadly a tad to pricy, so I'm not quite sure what effect their shout has) Needless to say, I enjoy their customer support.
Aura Whisper -- information is your strongest weapon
Pay the fine (in whichever hold it is; Solitude, ...), and see if that makes any difference. On the legion side - I think we were attacked mainly by Legate Rikke in the Imperial Camp preparing to storm Windhelm, until the Windhelm bounty (also 40 Septim) was paid. (This was about 11 months ago - so no certainty of the details) (Edit:: typo - 'Wildhelm' !!)
Don't know if it's related to a similar situation we faced when the main person in the Imperial camp attacked my son's character before the final battle against Windhelm. Turned out he had a minor fine/bounty in Windhelm that he had to clear before he could attack the city!
From memory Vilja suggests you try at an alchemists - it was in the second store I tried.
Which of the dragon shouts you like and use more ?
raymondNZdnd replied to Misakichun's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Information is your strongest weapon: Aura Whisper -
Just adding to the "it's happened to me" .. with Shadowmere. I found no problems when just walking away and 'letting them sort it out' between them. Moving to a new location (through a loading door, fast travel) usually had them quiet again (until the next bandits).
Remove experienced from Enchanting & Smithing?
raymondNZdnd replied to Bladecatcher's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I see the original request being that they don't want these 'non-adventuring'/'crafting' skills to effect their levelling ... in the same way that you don't gain levels through cooking. The suggested mod sounds like the thing they were after. (wondering how my character knowns how to expertly cook fabulous fondues from the start of the game) -
Who is this woman and what kind of hair she has?
raymondNZdnd replied to RoboTECH's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So ... this sounds like it could be a good mod request for some people (Although the angle that's she's at with the broom makes it hard to see her eye colour ... ; ) ) -
An interesting/good argument -- and in reality I don't think there's a definitive answer unless Bethesda writes one. Elf guide (from a dummy): Altmer: sophisticated true elves Bosmer: country cousins Dunmer: cursed cousins (.. allowed in the family, looked on with sympathy) Osimer: really cursed cousins (.. are they still elves? not allowed in the house) Dwemer: dead cousins (.. as far as we know) Falmer: extremely cursed cousins (.. are they still elves? do they have souls? (ordinary soul gems work on them, c.f. black soul gem)) Menmeri: distant half cousins that have barely any magic traits left. (.. best forgotten - treat them as men, and let the men pick on them too).
Breton's are half elf? How do you get that? They are the shortest race, have no similar features to elves at all. Taking a leaf from StormKat33: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Breton Bretons are the human descendants who hail from the province of High Rock. According to the Third Pocket Guide to the Empire, they have descended from the people of Nede and Aldmer. The Aldmer thought of making a superior race with their own "Elder", or "Superior", blood, by mating with other races. The Bretons are sometimes called "Manmeri" because of this.
I posted it really quickly just to see if there was any debate. I had seen a few people try to argue that they weren't on a workshop mod comment section before, and then yesterday I read someone had wanted the Orc to be included in Elven Overhaul, and the mod author down rep'd them (-100) and said... "Because it says 'elven', not 'orcish' or 'orcish and elven'. Yes, before someone swoops in, I know they're Mer, but that's just being obtuse." First time I noticed that you can no longer down rep a mod author in their own thread. Anyways, it seems everyone agrees that they are elven, so I wonder why they are never included. I noticed the mod author's comment, and wondered if it was a question about game assets -- maybe easy to change all 'elf' assets; but 'orc' assets would mean having to do most of it all again. (will say I haven't looked into the depths of the data file structure). The mod author has created an orc face mod that doesn't deal with mesh changes. Of course, I'm someone who questioned a 'half-elf' mod, since Breton are half-elf ; ) ((and I think they're my favourite race)) Many Tamriel inhabitants probably think that orcs are a beast race (as some of their literature says).
Air filled pockets or passages though water?
raymondNZdnd replied to Rustle32's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Would be nice to have a 'water lift' -- at the bottom of a shaft press a button which 'releases water' raising the water plane, so you can swim to an upper level. Does anyone have this? Haven't modded, so don't know if a water plane could be made in a small column (as I think Rustle32 would want), or if it's an 'infinite plane. -
The Nerevarine vs The Hero of Kvatch vs Dovahkin
raymondNZdnd replied to Sanbru's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmmn -- my son plays as the same character for all three games (khajit vampire, has a very long life ...) So, for him, they are the same - so no battle. Luckily I didn't add "Hulk smash dragon" -
My 14yo son loves playing Skyrim -- and I guess he's lucky he is 14, as Skyrim is rated R13 here !!?? (Taken from mightyape store: Restricted 13. Contains violence and offensive language) He likes playing as a Khajit vampire (it's the same character he has used since Morrowind). Age restriction is always a tricky beast, as different people have different levels of maturity in things -- still don't know when I'll be grown up! ; ) Best wishes to k's adventures
A science-fiction author has sued Ubisoft over the alleged similarities between the Assassin's Creed series and his 2003 book, Link. [snip] Beiswenger also seeks to stop the release of Assassin's Creed III. Article: link to story
Not quite the same topic, a couple of weeks ago (after updating to version 1.4.wotnot) my son was wandering around and came across a dragon skeleton (not too uncommon) .. but then he started absorbing the dragon soul (??) .. followed by the skeleton springing to life and attacking him !! Picture battling a now soulless dragon skeleton ... that appeared to be immune to damage. After a while he decided it was easier to just run away. ((Tried taking some screen shots while he was fighting it, so should look to see what we got))
Playing the game - I was interested by the 'possible revival' of the Falmer, but then puzzled by the implications with soul gems. The Falmer are a well crafted 'goblin' race for Skyrim ... I have been wondering if the Oblivion goblins have ever been explained. (Was surprised to read one of the in-game books that suggested Orcs were goblin-kin; and was relieved to read other sources that that view is misguided, and they truly are elves with no goblin link). (Also hadn't realised Breton were 'half-breeds', as they downplay their elven origins - in the racially divided Tamriel, they are not in a safe position)
Just adding to general discussion: When you access the resources for a mod, the first two hex values indicate which mod it is in the load order, In the game GOLD can be accessed using 0000000F (with the leading '0's not needed) since the main game itself is first in the load order (position '0') Items from the first mod loaded after the main game would be (eg), 01000001 The last value for a mod position is FF (255 in decimal), so eg, FF001C8A would indicate something from your 255th added mod (Official DLC should be considered mods for the purposes of this mindless rambling). ((mod == something with an esp file, simply altering DATA values doesn't count suddenly unsure of bsa and esm effects on number of 'mods'))
Haven't seen this posted on nexus forum yet - but found a topic elsewhere, well here actually. Description: In Sungard, there's an annex, with a door back to Skyrim, which leads to a forging 'patio' area. The only way back being the door you got there through. Lydia says that she can't go through the door -- so she's stuck there! Tried masses of things -- even blasted/shouted her off the tower onto the ground below, but then couldn't get her passed the surrounding rocks. Made a copy of her elsewhere -- but the copy didn't respond to instructions. Solution: Since you're outside -- fast travel is your friend (... and took me ages to think of, sigh! ... ) - Miryks
I accidently reinstalled my game< now I have to download it
raymondNZdnd replied to ducky181's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This is a copy paste of something someone else posted (and I forget who sorry!!) ---------------------- Posted 02 November 2011 - 09:29 PM I thought it worth posting this before peoples disks start dropping through the letterbox. As we know from New Vegas having the game on DVD doesn't mean that Steam will actually use the DVD to install the game, you put the DVD in, Steam then ignores it and downloads the thing instead. This is fine for most of us but no good for those with limited bandwidth or a crappy connection. This is how you force Steam to install from the DVD...... ----- Using Steam launch options to install retail games from disc * Log in to Steam and click on Library. * Right-click on the game, select Delete local content, and confirm. Insert the first disc into your computer. Close Steam (Steam > Exit). Press Windows Key + R to open Run In the Run window type: "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -install E: Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive you are installing from if is not correct. Replace C:\Program Files\Steam if your Steam installation is not in the default location. Press OK. Steam will launch and ask you to sign in if you do not have your password saved. Your installation should continue from the disc. ----- *(The first two lines are for those reinstalling a game, ignore those.) https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5357-FSQM-0382 For me that line would be "F:\Steam\Steam.exe" -install D: ---------------------- I followed the Steam support page instructions when I had to reinstall Civ V recently, and there were no issues with reinstalling from disk. (Had to change the drive letter, that's all)