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Everything posted by tullinjr

  1. I wish everyone best of luck! =)
  2. how did you do this? i would like to know because i am confused on how to remove HDT from hair.
  3. where is the update for the 6.5 F4se at?? its not on the official website yet, so where did you download the F4SE 6.5 at Hlp????
  4. I am having a issue with face and body skins showing up shaded or shadowed. can anyone help me with this? its affecting male and female skins of both standard NPC's and most of my followers are darker in skin as well as some of the faces show up blacked out while some of the NPC's such as camila shows up perfectly fine with no errors to here skin at all. an example is here http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab305/tullinjr-wow/slyrim%20body%20bugs%201.jpg
  5. I would like someone to make some hair styles that are used in the today times, such as having the side of there heads shaved while the hair on top is buzz cut, medium or even long hair. I am asking this cause all the characters I make in skyrim are male and i roleplay that the char is me and gets sucked into skyrim to help escape reality for a while when I play. its a good stress relief for me and I love a great deal of mods out that are in line with what I wanted in skyrim. The only hard part i have right now is getting the character to look like me and i have nothing in my mods for the hair style that is what i currently use. Is there anyone out there who could do this? if need be i can post pics of what my hair and my face looks like so if someone can create a character for me and make a preset for it and let me know the details on what mods i would need for it and such I would be one MAJOR happy skyrim player. =)
  6. actually if you think about it in THAT way then the population would be lessened. whats the main desire in a human being? that being is to procreate. the women in my game do there thing and the men do there thing. Its like a basic instinct. In ancient times before the written language the women used to make them selves look pretty or do things to look attractive to the opposite sex while the men were extremely protective of them and they did all the fighting. in this what it reveals about me is that if i could i would not have anyone fight but me to protect those who have no stains on there souls and such and i would fight for them. If you learn about yourself and those around you then with the knowledge of how history was and how things have changed over time you learn more about your self and others. there will always be poeple or things that try to push the people down into submission, and then there are those who fight back against that to protect others from being pushed around. does this answer your question better? To put it simply, If i could choose a world to live in i would stain my soul with the blood of evil to protect the good ones, thuis in skyrim kill the bandits, the dragons, and evil spirits roaming the world. when good hearts are hit with a stain of diffrent degrees they change in some way, like a person killing someone changes, but that would be based on what side there heart is on, good or evil, the good hearts never forget the pain they have caused or the look in the eyes of the life they took and it haunts them. like the miltiary veterans of the wars they fought in. the evil hearts relish in the pain and suffering of others and look to do more to feel that power. such as an example the way a mad man would destroy things or people around him to build an empire. I hope this helps you understand the world i am trying to create in skyrim. in the real world things are never black and white, only diffrent shades of gray. i wanted to make a world more of pure white or black.
  7. well we all roleplay the games we love to play in our own way. plus i have the nasty habit of when a women gets hurt by a guy around me i beat the crap out of the guy. i was raised to never hit a women and i expect people around me to do that same thing. If they don't then i get really pissed off. i got into trouble a few times in school growing up because of it.
  8. ok i have the XP32 system in place. all i need now is a mod to remove scars for the women. to me in skyrim, the men get all the scars, the women take pride in looking good to attract the men. even the ones that fight along side them lol. i got my game to load but i had to drop the ENB series to get it to play. it seems my PC can't handle the power drain that it requires me to use. untill i get a 1k power supply i can't do much with the 8 gigs of ram or even use my overcloak functions. not to mention i have to get a better graphics card later as well. my onboard graphics card is a ATI 8750 HD but i have to use the 5450 HD card for now since it WAS better then my OLD pc before it craped out on me. after 11 years of having that PC it finally died on me. I custom built my new one and had to use what i had on hand in order to build my new one and what i didnt have i had to buy online using a relatives PC from a website at a decent price. over all i spent about $700 just for a half built PC since i had the rest but i had to go out and buy a new power supply cause my 650 watt wasn't enough lol. right now i have a 850 watt in.
  9. ok for the ENB series stuff i am gona have to do ALOT of sitting down and reading of this instead of a plain just copy and paste install which is what i normally do when i download mods to install them in my skyrim/data folder.
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22126/? this is the mannequin mod i am using. it works great. =D
  11. i found a decent mod to use for mannequins. just had to find a mod to replace the skin texture or mesh was all. now when i look at a dummy i see real skin and it looks like alva. =)
  12. yes i have the unofficial patches for all the download content, also i had to turn off the textures dlc and the patch for that cause it seems that was causing me some issues as well. I also had to turn off my Mannequin mod to make them look female instead of male with a nord female preset with blond hair. what i may have to do is see if i can find someone who can make a mod for them that will make them look female and have dark red hair. both of the mods i would have used uses CBBE and i don't use that anymore for right now. i am using UNPB+BBP and so far my game is working again. i did uninstall UFO and am using AFT now. its LOADS better then UFO. but i am reading still on if it can be used with MY is your home mod or if its in the AFT mod i can do that.
  13. I would like suggestions or at least a deffinate links for a set of mods that will work great of followers with the UNP BBP, walk animations for females, armors for the BBP, i have a home mods i like best and thats levelers tower. I can give a basic idea of what i would like to have set up in a example load order if its ok. basically when i play this game i try to imagine i am there in real life and it helps me to get rid of my stress and have fun. been having real life issues and this game is one of the 2 i play to help me get rid of that stress. if anyone can help me i would be eternally greatfull and will use the mods you help to make or design and will help to spread the word of those mods. * = I have it downloaded # = need a decent install and mod link. Skyrim update- * Dawnguard * Dawnguard update * hearthfire * hearthfire update * Dragonborn * Dragonborn update * Levelers tower * Apachii's sky hair * Coverwomen * Real life eyes # Etheral elven overhaul */# one that makes the elves look human somewhat or at least there faces UNPB + BBP/ CBBE + BBP # Body meshes/textures for realism # sexy female walk animations for BBP # Followers with BBP # - would like to use famous people like angelina jolie and such or redheads. Armors BBP # weapons # multiple folowers mod * i use U.F.O. for this. mods for Realism for landscapes, towns and such like ENB but easy to install with out a installer. i know how to do a manual install of most of these mods, like copy and past to textures and meshes basically. but the ENB stuff i can't figure out for a manul install. if anyone can help with this it would be very helpfull for me.
  14. @publius i have tried it but i was looking for a Replacer basically. now with the CBBE 3.2 version i am having CTD issues and have tried to change things around and such and for some reason i can't get my game to load even when i do a fresh install with CBBE. i tried changing to UNPB and am doing better but it seems some mods are still messing up. =( i may have to go with out any followers except 2-3 of the ones i REALLY love and see if i can get the tera armors only for UNPB. just run with those and have leveler's tower which i LOVE that mod. the design is FANTASTIC & the best player home i have seen around to my tastes. i will have to make a list of what mods i have and see if anyone can help me fix this. i used to do my own modding back when morrowind came out at first but after that i kinda left off there. now with the new version of the CK, i am just too old to learn the new stuff for my play style and time to play the game. i will basically need a teacher to help me through the training of the programs and such out there to fix or edit some of the mods to work together that i love lol.
  15. is there a skimpy armor mod i can use that has the CBBE body for some of the best companion mods i have seen for my likes, red heads and such, but the killerkeo's mod doesn't work that well with the current CBBE 3.2 version. i keep getting CTD when i have those loaded.
  16. I am requesting a mod be made or if possible someone list me a compilation of mods i can use together for skimpy outfits, a decent body model or mesh (been trying CBBE) because i seem to be getting more CTD issues now with the new CBBE 3.2 version, a nude texture or mesh for the body, have all the followers in the game be female EXCEPT 1 person to be the sacrifical lamb for that daedric quest, as well as have Leveler's Tower in that mix. so far as i can tell i have no issues or problems with this mod and it works great. i just seem to be having a serious issue with the body mod mostly and the armors "KillerKeo's" has been compiling to fit the CBBE body for the 3.2 version. also if possible can they list a mod or program to reduce the files size of the meshes or texures to reduce the lag in loading them up? i know there is a program for it out there since a few friends told me of it but i can't remember the name of it. Basically what i want to do is this. Make the game look as real as possible with graphics running at either medium low since my power core can't handle the drain in power for my graphics card to keep up and i end up with a PC restart. too much power gets drained and my PC auto restarts on me like a reboot.
  17. (1) You are almost certainly going to need to install Wrye Bash, and learn how to use it to help the mods play nice. TJ - this much i kinda figured on but was hopeing i wouldn't have to. i have a hard time as it is trying to get my mods to work. =/ (2) There aren't currently any pregnancy/childbirth/babies/kids mods as the potential for abuse is considered too high. There's a pregnant body and pregnant dress mod for HGEC but that's more or less it. There are also a few sex mods, such as Claudia's Little Secret, which can be downloaded here, but the ones from Japanese/Russian sites often contain content taken from other mods without permission and are not supported here. TJ - well i did find a mod that allows you to have a NPC pregnant but i got too many glitches with it. th ekind of mod i would like help in making is basicaly a mod that lets you raise a family and do quests for it to give a active roleplaying to it. i think its kind of fun when the wife in game tells you to go find some milk when the kid is hungry to last a few days and some herbs in case th echild gets sick, which when they grow up they can join you on your quest along with the wife for the finaly end game bit if you wanted. i didn't know about claudia's little secret though. i knew about sexlivion and sexdarkness though and they work somewhat ok but are still buggy here and there. =/ primarily i usally play 3 kinds of chars, the standards of D&D would be neutral, lawful good and chatoic/lawful evil (the chaotic evil would just kill anyone who pisses him off or fails to pay him or if the pay isn't goo enough. lol), those are the main roles i play on games like these. but in heart i am more of a lawful neutral with good tendancys. lol as i see it anyone who makes a mod where you can rape kids should be dragged out in the street with a scyth through there ankles and then shot in each joint making them beg for death. thats what i would do in my chaotic evil side (for just the pure pleasure of torturing those SOB's who hurt kids in real life.) cause its more easier and safer for me to deal with that kind of s*** cause i had a best friend who was abused like that who later took his life. thats one thing i wont' tolerate anyone doing to my kids if i ever find out. the law will never find his/her body.
  18. Ok this is the problem that I have, and its a bit hard for me to do. I have some experiances with mods but only in regards to installing them. I have OMOD & OBSE. NOW to main problem i have is i need to get CM partners, sexlivion, sexdarkness, belda elysium, Gonzo's angelina jolie mod, adult book store, cernasites oracle and dragon eyes, reznod mannequin's, Harts boners, classic books, and elaborate eyes to all work together, as well as a mod that will allow children into the game so when your (female either as NPC or PC) partner gets pregnant you will have a kid in the game. now i can see the kid as a baby being stuck in a crib and such for a period of time till they can walk and such. then the kid mod takes over from that and you got a rugrat running around lol. What i need to know is there any serious modder out there who can combine these mods as well as allow other NPC mods like the CM partners to be able to be added in it as well, or just the angelina mod. i like her as the vampire bit cause it makes her look more sexy. I have all these mods installed and loaded right, but i am having trouble with the sex part (doesn't quite work right and the views are messed up) and the messed up part is that my char doesn't even move from standing to the other positions. he just stands there and does nothing. If ANYONE can help me please let me know or how to load these mods in a certain order so i can get them to work right. I am also having certain terrains around the world show 2 diffrent levels of view. the actuall level i walk on no problem but there is a no clipp terrain on some parts of the world and in the citys and i just walk through those. any help would be GREATLY appreciated and i would go to you for mods and such from here on. I would become a DIE HARD fan of your work. =) yuo can message me here or at Srhill78 at yahho. i look forward to your response.
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