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Everything posted by Beflire

  1. I'm honestly just really bored of this conversation. You're not changing my mind, I'm not changing yours. Your arguments mean absolutely nothing to me as mine don't to you. If you really want this to change, go out and do something about it. Ineffectually wingeing about it on a forum will do zero to make any real difference. I don't care, I believe the victims, I want them to have justice. Keep complaining, or don't, but I'm not going to come back.
  2. I'm not putting words into your mouth. The thing is you're operating on the thought that 'These are just accusations'. Even if you think that they may be telling the truth, the logic of 'These are just accusations' means nothing gets done about them, and the cycle continues. Most of the time, you cannot prove that there was any wrong-doing, whether there actually was or not. But if everyone worked with your logic, then nothing would be done about anything and the predators who prey on people and harass, abuse, and intimidate them into sex would go unpunished. That's why it's important to know and understand credibility of the accuser. As I stated, a lot can be gained from just looking into both the accuser and the accused history. It's not that big of a leap to believe someone has done something wrong if there has been multiple reports about this over multiple years. The problem with today's society is that it's not important until it makes the news. How many times do you think that someone has spoken out against someone and the higher ups just said 'Eh, that's just an accusation. We can't do anything.' You are hoisting that 'Ruining career' flag over and over again. No matter if we're talking about celebs or not, the idea of this ruining a career being the end of the world is stupid. If we're talking about celebs, then they wait a few years and make a comeback. If it's a big businessman, they barely get reprimanded at all. If we're talking about average Joe Shmo, then they can get a new job. it's better than letting these people repeatedly hurt others. It's not a question of getting convicted of a crime, but they should lose their jobs. You cannot just sweep it under the rug and pretend like nothing is there. Also, you give ONE case about a screwed up person trying to get at another. That doesn't prove my statistic inaccurate. Multiple case studies are not ruled out because one person was wrongly convicted, which would fall into the statistic. Also, you give ONE case about a screwed up person trying to get at another. That doesn't prove my statistic inaccurate. Multiple case studies are not ruled out because one person was wrongly convicted, which would fall into the statistic.
  3. It's not one person though. And no, I don't think that it should be done if just one person accuses someone. I think if someone accuses someone of something, it should be looked into. The thing is that you're still assuming that these people are just accusing to get back at someone. You're not taking into account the statistics of falsely reported sexual harassment, which is 2% to 6% of all reports in the country. Credibility is another factor. Are these people saying things that are likely? Are they credible witnesses with no background of lying or making things up? Do they have a previous relationship with the accused? Are they of sound mind and body? Does the accused have a history of these actions? These are things that need to be looked into. But you're going the exact opposite route of 'Well, since it can't be proven, you can't punish these people.' If you were a teacher, and you came back to your classroom to find someone had drawn a dick all over the chalkboard, and three different people said 'Timmy did it!' would you say 'Well, I can't prove it, so you get away with it.' Even when Timmy has a penchant for trouble?
  4. I'm not proposing we throw people in jail over accusations. I'm saying that you absolutely cannot make me feel pity for people who are taking advantage of their position to hurt others. Of this most recent bout of accusations, hardly any have resulted in an actual conviction. You seem to think that Hollywood blacklisting the people who are being accused means they instantly go to jail, have their life ruined, and are left penniless. That's not it at all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the people accused get away without even facing much repercussion. They'll get Blacklisted for a few years, then make some sort of triumphant return stating 'I've changed. I'm a new person.' and that will be that. Meanwhile, they'll get to live off the millions they have saved, and if they haven't got savings then that's their problem. We've got a person running for senator who has been accused of molesting several young girls, and he's still running for a seat. Someone saying 'he grabbed my ass' isn't going to result in someone going to prison. But they still deserve blacklisting. Here's the thing about it, you can't prove it when it's 'he said she said', and if there's one side I'd rather be on, it's the victims, because statistics state that they are usually telling the truth.
  5. They're getting accused so their careers are being damaged, that is your justification for attacking the victims? How about the fact that at least 90% of what people are being accused of they actually committed. Maybe if they didn't want their career to be destroyed they shouldn't have harassed those people in the first place? They're getting their just rewards. And besides, cry not for the accused, they have literally millions they can fall back on and live the rest of their lives comfortably. And if they have to sell their multimillion dollar houses, boohoo. The fact of the matter is that you're giving sympathy for people who have committed atrocious acts against other people simply because they felt they deserved to grope or intimidate others who aren't as powerful. Oh, and we didn't leave England to escape persecution. We left so we could have the power to persecute whom we wanted. It wasn't about freedom for everyone, it was about how we wanted to be able to make the rules on what was freedom.
  6. It's not about convicting. It's about speaking out against people who feel entitled to do whatever they want no matter the feelings of other people. It's about alerting people to predatory actions famous people repeat over and over again without ever getting any repercussion. What I don't get is why so many people seem to think they're doing it for attention or that they're making it up. As someone who studied psychology for 5 years, specifically the psychological effects of sexual assault and harassment, I know how hard it is to come out and say 'yes, this man hurt me.'. And as a victim of molestation myself, it disgusts me how much people harass the victims. You're wondering why they came out with it years later? It's because of people like you who say they're making it up, diminishing them by claiming it doesn't matter.
  7. I'm sorry, are we just glossing over the fact that Kevin Spacey made sexual advances on a 14 year old boy? And there is a difference between waking up with a friend's head on your stomach and waking up with someone acting pushy and trying to coerce you into sex with their head on your stomach. Also, way to dehumanize him by calling him a bimbo, even though nothing supports that claim. You seem to have blind hatred when it comes to the victims. You have no idea the courage it takes to speak out about sexual harassment and assault, even years after the fact. And just because you think that it doesn't seem like much doesn't make it nothing.
  8. Shades of Grey, by Jasper Fford. Third time I've read it. Extremely excellent and hilarious book. Feels a lot like a long lost Douglas Adams book. Jasper Fford is an entirely underrated writer.
  9. Saw Justice League last Friday. Liked it more than I thought I would and less than I hoped I would. Aquaman was good. Flash made me what to cut my ears off. Action was really really average. The villain was completely forgettable.
  10. So after spending literally a day working on it, I figured it out, at least for me. The problem stemmed not from Horizon, but from an ESM called Workshop Rearranged. The problem disappeared if its not enabled and doesnt cause any problems or conflicts. I don't know if this will work for you, nor do I know what mod this comes from, but give it a try if you have it.
  11. One thing I dislike about Fallout 4 is the lack of variety of enemies. I remember the monster mod for NV which added tons of new monsters and enemies to the game, most of them lore friendly. There seems to be a huge hole in the F4 mod scene with the lack of enemies. There was one mod that added new enemies, but not many and I wasn't a fan of some of the designs. Is it because the graphical upgrade makes it too difficult to model/port enemies in the game?
  12. Not so much interested in porting old mods as I am in new mods. If theres not many interesting new ones I don't really feel like paying to rebuy Skyrim for slightly prettier graphics. I like my old mod setup, and better textures aren't a selling point for me...
  13. I've been wondering if it's worth getting the new Skyrim. I have the old one on PC and it's one of my most played games, but is there a major difference between the old one and the new one? How does the mod selection look?
  14. Back in the day, I loved playing Oblivion and Fallout 3 on the PS3. Getting immersed in their worlds, coming up with a story of my own for my characters and replaying them all the time just to see what new characters I could make. I like Fallout 4 well enough, but it's just not a Fallout game anymore. I'm one of those fans who discovered the series through FO3 and then went back to the older, still brilliant, Black Isle games. As much as I've played FO4, it pales in comparison to the older games. The tone is off, the role-playing elements are basically nonexistent, and the game feels less free, despite being open world. I keep hearing rumors of a new Fallout game on the horizon, (which I take with a grain of salt) but if there is one that is coming, do you think Bethesda would return to the old ways of making the player shape the character, or do you think we'll be saddled with another 'Nate' or 'Nora'? What are the chances that Bethesda takes a look at what made New Vegas great (inarguably the best of the modern Fallouts) and learns from it? And if it sticks with Fallout 4's style, how many of you would still play it?
  15. I would put my money on the mod that started the MOBA craze LoL? DOTA? I'm not very familiar with the genre, so I don't know the name, but as far as I know it was super popular.
  16. I never played WoW, I didn't know it had mods. What kind of mods can WoW support? It being an MMO, I guess it never occurred to me that it had mods.
  17. So after adding a bunch of mods to my load order (I'm an addict sent help), I wanted to start a new character. When I went to level up for the first time however, the perk I go for first, Local Leader, is represented as a generic white Vault Boy, and it says its Local Leader III with a strange tooltip about building advanced guard towers and something else. As you're all probably aware, Local Leader is traditionally only 2 levels, but I can't select any of the earlier levels of the perk and I know I don't have them. After hours of loading and unloading mods to check which is causing the problem, I discovered that for some reason something has the gone wrong with Horizon. Ive used Horizon for months now and never had any trouble with it, so something that I added recently must have caused this hiccup. There were a few patches for compatibility that I added for the mods, but even with every patch and optional esm that comes with Horizon off, I still can't get this to go away without turning Horizon off. Does this mean that Horizon itself has somehow been corrupted and I need to reinstall? I was hoping someone else has come across this problem and could offer some clarity.
  18. I'm genuinely curious, which games have you installed the most mods on? How many mods do you have on them? Is there a game you want to be able to mod but can't for some reason? My most modded game is by far Fallout 4 with, no joke here, 300 mods and still growing. I wish that we could mod a couple of Assassin's Creed games, but thanks to Ubisoft that's not happening.
  19. So I'm not gonna lie, I have over a hundred (my mod loader load order says 200 esps, but some of those are from the same ones) mods running at any given time across three different game set ups. This includes weapon mods, gameplay tweaks, add-on companions, settlement objects, and fixes. One thing I've noticed is that across my three set ups, there is an item that I can build in my settlements that feels like it's important for some mod, but I can't figure out what it does or which mod it belongs to. It's called Lucas's Armor workbench, but it's found under a miscellaneous category in the structures section. (It actually takes up its own section, as I have a second miscellaneous section right next to it.) It even comes with a tooltip that says 'Lucas will use this while sandboxing'. Now, I don't memorize every bit of detail to every mod I load, but I'm positive I don't have a companion mod for someone called Lucas. When I put it down it isn't usable, settlers don't seem to notice it, and I can't assign anyone to it. Now, I could hypothetically turn off my mods one by one to figure out where it comes from, but I thought I'd ask here first to see if anyone knows where this comes from or what it does. It doesn't particularly bother me in any way other than its a mystery I'd like to have solved. Any answers would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  20. I recently downloaded Pilgrim, the shader mod, and I was thinking how much fun it would be to use it in a much more brutal and violent Fallout. I feel like Fallout 4 as it stands doesn't really fit the theme of Pilgrim, and would be a better fit for a world where there are no friendly NPCs. I know that Frost does something similar as far as I can tell, but I only played about ten minutes of it before becoming frustrated at the constant deaths inside the underground spawn point and the 'Outside always hurts you' when starting in the wilderness. So I was wondering if there was a mod that achieves the same state of everyone hostile to the player without the pointless rad damage on the outside. If anyone has any recommendations, that would be great.
  21. The absolute main reason I bought a PS4 was the promise of Fallout 4 eventually being released. When it was finally announced, I practically screamed with excitement. Then they said consoles would get mod support the same way PCs do, that took the cake. 2 years later, Xbone has full mod support, but PS4 has the 'no external assets' ban on their mods. I get that this is probably mostly to Sony's blame, but it's disappointing. Roll on to E3 2017, and Bethesda announces their new system for 'addons' for apparently all systems. This raises so many questions for me, one big one being if this will bridge the gap that was created by Sony ruining mods for PS4, but mostly... ...Doesn't this feel like the 'Bethesda charging for mods' debacle that happened a few years ago on Steam?
  22. So I'm a practicing 3D artist. I like to make models in Blender, pose them, light them, and make images. They're mostly for my friends, and I have a grand old time with it as a hobby. I'm not going to say I'm very good at making my own models (I in fact mostly suck at it), but it's just a fun thing I do on the weekends. Recently, however, I was looking through the interwebz, and found Nifskope. Since I own and love both Fallout 3 and New Vegas (I can't play 4 on my crappy lappy, but I would totally do it if I could), I thought it might be fun to make some action scenes, maybe even a small comic, by exporting the models from NV and posing and lighting them in Blender. Before I go on, I am well aware that this isn't really what Nifskope is made for, it's mostly for editing for mods and stuff, but I was wondering if there was a way to turn off dismemberment stuff on outfits and things, and also if there is a location where the heads of premade NPCs, (Boone, Veronica, Caeser, Benny, etc.) were saved, since all I could find were a generic male and a generic female head. If anyone can help me with this, I would be really appreciative of it. I also don't really know if this belongs in this section of the forum, but since it's not really about modding itself, the Off Topic section felt like the best fit. If it belongs somewhere else, please let me know and I can fix it or a mod can move the topic. Thanks in advance.
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