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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. You did get it right granny was absolutely my idea. Now you did take away the fig leave of the topic and so it stands naked as Adam and Eve. :-)
  2. A society is not only judged by the means of punishment. but by the means how it treats the innocent and the victims of crimes as well as the weak of a society, who face discrimination every day. So since "What would be the best way to punish criminals?" is so popular in debates, I raise a simple question What if this topic don't gets as much response than "What would be the best way to punish criminals?" ? Are People fast to dish out punishments as long as it is not themselves that gets punished and is the engagement the same when to rehabilitate an innocent a victim of a crime or the weak of society. What can we do better in rehabilitate the innocent, the victims and the weak? Is what society is doing enough or not? Could there be improvements? I ask myself every time i hear of better punishments for criminals. and then this sentence surfaces in my mind over and over again.
  3. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/80f00de4-9432-4c1b-88d7-37fbad255a57.jpg Gratulation 1500 Posts Zap!
  4. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/3dcafe6e-d3ab-42b9-b415-69778cc2fe7e.jpg Freeze Zap
  5. ... dropping by and giving you a hug .. :-)
  6. Inadequate.... it violates the human rights and would give the criminals the accessible right for the UN disability treaty.
  7. May your offspring share and like these recipes to eternity,,,,xD
  8. My personal Favorite is the following: The US IRS will get same status as the CIA and diplomatic immunity to hunt even business partners of US. companies down for Taxes . This will make most other countries that do not approve very unhappy and cause a economic breakdown and atmosphere of distrust that will lead directly to a world wide war with mass destruction weapons. Now use your imagination on how much dept the US. Government is and how desperate measures thy will make before they can do this ? But this is only one possible vision of the beginning of WW3 that I have. I have a more detailed one, but i save this for later. :laugh:
  9. Nice new GIF Sly http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/346fa544-bc62-42ee-9f59-1c2466bb10f2.jpg
  10. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/2/13/ad5ca36d-738b-4faf-b144-0eafe5ae30a3.jpg Zero! Need I say More ?
  11. Great thats what i wanted to do give you some great recipes . if been busy like a bee. he he
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-vrx9qExek&feature=related Otto Waalkes says invalid argument, therefore zero points! (No need for translation devices this is multilingual language.)
  13. True Thor but your win goes as well.
  14. Donald Trump for President ? Honestly thats .... http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/political-pictures-hillary-clinton-funny.jpg Now if America would take a view to Italy and to Silvio Berlusconi then the out come of this Idea can be imagined. If America wants to be ignorant of the duplicity and the joke of the world. ...I cant help it, nor prevent it.
  15. Great post Granny! Thank you very much. :-)
  16. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/demotivational-posters-the-shadow-squad.jpg 15 ? oh I got carried away by the shadow squad. Sorry it is Zero again!
  17. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/demotivational-posters-starbucks-in-starbucks1.jpg N0pe!
  18. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/demotivational-posters-the-eye.jpg Zero!
  19. Hello Sly, I hope you are well and happy. 1024 x1024 texture size of my Ayleid Ruins Jungle Resource is out you might want to improve your statue with it. Have fun and take care.
  20. Hello Rebel. I hope you are well. You might want to look at my Ayleid Ruins Jungle Resource mod for Oblivion to see if i can improve something.
  21. No...they have the same obligation to KEEP it. If as a society we wait til people earn the respect they are shown things would be insane...as is the point of kids acting like idiots. When you no longer have cause to respect someone, then you offer your civility and nothing more. What I meant by "gain" was that a lot of authoritarian figures always say that others have to gain their respect. It would be great if everyone would respect everyone though without any issues... It must be earned through good actions that are appreciated or a very reasonable words. ( but actions speak louder) And what somebody can earn somebody may can lose by bad word and actions that are interpreted as non good by others . So if soemone cant keep his word he mostly loses respect a bit. Behaves a bit like money. So if respect is the only moral concept all here know or are there others that are good for children teenagers ?
  22. .. I winz i winz ... The beat goes on 10000
  23. Sorry to corrupt this ... Granted ... now windows task manager works but ... after the next boot, windows fails and need a reinstall after each use of the task manager until reinstalled again. I wish for more bacon on our plate!
  24. http://hackedirl.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/epic-win-photos-photographic-art-win.jpg :whistling:
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