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About b2tharizzad

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  1. Thank you for the info! I did the steps you provided and was able to make my own ESP with the desired fix. I know this is something simple to the casual modder but it is a big deal for me. Thank you again.
  2. Is it possible to edit the New Vegas.esm asset values through FNVEdit? I know I have been able to edit other mod's esp files but never attempted with New Vegas.esm and can't seem to get it to work. What I am trying to accomplish is to change the ammo type on the Trail Carbine over to .357mag. This seems like something extremely easy but for some reason, I'm having trouble editng the esm. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  3. Sorry, I must be spoiled by using WMX in my play throughs. The point is, I have seen things like this done before with other weapons by starting with a blued version and then adding a mod to make it stainless (check out some of Millenia's weapons) so I know this is completely possible. The gun doesn't have to function like I was describing but I was merely adding my own ideas to the project to further add diversity to the weapon and please multiple people's tastes.
  4. This is going to be one slow @ss companion haha. Maybe make a quest line where you have to upgrade his damn legs before recruiting him. :smile:
  5. Yeah, I would have listed that for him but that one only retextures the bandages and his skin, not the actual outfit he is wearing. Great mod though, I totally recommend it.
  6. Have you checked out the one on the Nexus called Joshuah Graham Armor Retextured (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41905)? It doesn't look as detailed as the CR-HD one you are referring but it seems to be a step up from the original.
  7. I agree that the model / texture work isn't what I was hoping for but have had to make due since nobody else seems interested in making a hi-res version of the Python. I would totally learn how to mod if I actually had the time but it would just cut too much into everything else. If we could get someone like Millenia (obviously doesn't have to be him but was including as he has done most of the awesome weapon textures lately) to do a version, that would be great. Could start it as a 4" Python and include mod kits such as Extended 6" Barrel, Improved Parts, Revolver Scope, and Nickel plated frame (I know you can normally only do 3 kits per weapon but I was just including my ideas).
  8. I know devinpatterson has made a file with the armor you requested but I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as well. Have you looked at the 2 versions of the riot armor made by Geonox on the Nexus? Geonox Riot Armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38887 (basically the riot armor with a different coat) Geonox Restored Riot Armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39625 (a full body version of the riot armor without the coat) If these aren't what you are looking for, then disregard my comment. Just thought it was relevant to the subject.
  9. If I read the comment correctly, I think he meant a new version you can obtain upon completing Lonesome Road that gives new stats to the player and would have a unique faction based picture on the back. There's already ones for NCR, Legion, Yesman, and Mr. House. I could be completely wrong in guessing at what he said but that is just what I took from the comment.
  10. I would also like to see this happen. I have been using Xzax's version in my current play through but would like to see a nice nickel plated 6" Colt Python with the original wood grips. I downloaded the mod for the Fallout 3 version of it (King County Sheriff Uniform and Colt Python) and was able to modify the ESP to work in New Vegas but as you stated, the first-person iron-sights won't work without possibly adding a new nif model to the ESP.
  11. Maybe a dumb question but how do you get a .gif file set as your avatar image to actually play its animation? I have seen other .gif's do this but mine will not work for some reason.
  12. Ah, thanks for the link. I'll try this out to see how I like it.
  13. Just requesting a simple mod importing over the Henry Repeaters from FO3 over to NV and actually being able to use the True Iron Sights. Hell, if you can, bring over the Point Lookout ones as well as Lincoln's for variety.
  14. I'm a big resident evil aficionado myself and would love to see more weapons / npcs implemented into FO3. Glad to see there are others who share my love of this series. =P
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