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About Bishiboy

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    South Africa
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    LoL, Skyrim, XCOM, with myself.
  • Favourite Game
    Mass Effect 1-3

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  1. Weird! Have you tried to re-download the file? Otherwise, I really don't know what to suggest. I use WinRAR, and that seems to work with everything, otherwise, I don't know, sorry!
  2. Hi there, I'm pretty new to this myself, but I recommend using Nexus Mod Manager to install your mods. That way, you don't have to unzip anything. Simply click on the "Add mod from file" button at the top of the left-hand column and select the zipped mod, NMM will do the rest. Hope that helps.
  3. Whoa, I'm a little taken aback with the prompt and friendly response! Thank you so much, what a great forum this is. :)
  4. Hi there, forgive my noobness, I did a search on the forum to try and find a solution but I haven't found anything specific to my query. I've installed the above-mentioned Apachii Skyhair mod, and I'm pleased with the results... where they apply. However, I had been under the impression that the mod would replace ALL hair in the game. I still see the old hairstyles everywhere. IS there a way to disable all the vanilla hairstyles and have only the Apachii ones running? I realise it's not exactly going to alter my play style, but it's just a small aesthetic choice I rather fancy. Any help would be most appreciated.
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