I'm new to this stuff, so go easy! The latest OBMM, OBSE, Python (+ wxPython) and Wrye Bash are all installed and working, as well as Oblivion, SI, latest official OB-SI update, all DLCs, and unofficial updates for OB, SI and all DLCs. Also, full QTP + updates, SI retex, etc. TES4LodGen is ready to go. Then there's the other mods... I've got a whole bunch of these in mind - with lots already installed - plus some ini tweaks and so on. The only issue so far is with trying to figure out what Bashed Patch tags to give which mods before I rebuild it, and which ones need (special) tags - other than simply 'merge', that is - in the first place. Apparently, there are even cases sometimes where you merge, say, some graphics from a mod, but leave it checked, or full active as well, in other words. Even though the general rule, as I understand it, is to uncheck mods if you're going to merge them. Gah. A bit lost now. How on Earth do you figure out which mods are the exception - and in what ways - especially if they don't necessarily tell you that they could be? Is there just a simple rule or formula that always applies, and if so, what is it?! :confused: Or maybe a comprehensive list online? Thanks in advance.