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About desicantia

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  1. Hi, long time no talk! Also, long time no Oblivion. I seem to recall there were some good sites back when, that detailed the processes in the thread title. Particularly regarding some of the bigger mods, trickier ones, compatibility issues, and so on. Yes, I can - and will, if it comes to this - simply read all the readme files ever, cross-reference, search this forum, and so forth. However, if there is (still) a guide or two of quality, that would be fantastic. Thank you! :wub: edit: I do believe I've found one of the good ones. Yay. And oh my, 70GB of Oblivion mod files on this PC, lol. Could be I had a problem...
  2. Ooh, I like this idea. And as soon as I can get Oblivion installed, modded and tweaked to my liking again, after a very long break indeed, I'll have to see if some screenshots can't be got.
  3. It looks lovely, from what I can see there. I also remember helping somewhat with testing and troubleshooting OBGE, back in the day. And even that alone, a "lesser" version of OR, could make Oblivion quite stunning, given its age and frankly subpar engine. Hope that helps, but if you have any specific questions, I'm sure someone can assist.
  4. I've tried playing it - I really have! :D But until at the very least there is something like the DarNified UI (that saved both Oblivion and Fallout 3), i literally can't continue with it. :( I hope those who do put up with the UI enjoy the game anyway, however. :)
  5. DarnUI, Alternative Beginnings, OOO, MMM, TIE, Duke Patrick's mods, AmpolX's and InsanitySorrow's and Brittainy's textures, and OBGE for Skyrim. :) That would make for a nice start, I think. For the most part though, I'm looking forward to being surprised, in a good way. Bring 'em on! :D
  6. Sorry to say, but the old version is *so* much more pleasant to look at and to deal with. :( Please, if you can - and would be so good - set it back to how it was (i.e., a perfectly good design). Regards, Desi
  7. Thanks, I'll have a look at those. Anything else that would complement those?
  8. Is there anything like QTP3 etc., for Fallout 3? Total overhauls of that insane level of detail and quality? If not, what's the closest thing? THanks.
  9. Want load order done for you, whenever you need it done? Get BOSS. :)
  10. I did it this order: MEAT (choose 'customise install - using body replacer'), EVE HGEC Stock Body and Clothing Replacer, Armamentarium, EVE for Armamentarium. ANd it looks fine to me. :)
  11. Armamentarium Complete? Same again? :) HGEC (the EVE kind) has a texture pack for this too. EVE HGEC also has a hi-res face textures package, that works for all races I've ever used. Before installing that one, I generally install Natural Faces, then Enayla's Facial textures as well. That covers otehr stuff (guys, I suppose!) Cybiades sounds just right for you. I like All Natural, using its integrated Enhanced Weather. RAEVWD makes vistas far more pretty.
  12. How about good old steel? I am a newbie when it comes to screenshots, but I put some up on imageshack here, so you can see how this basic armour is actually very protective - and this is the HGEC version! So not exactly 'discreet' by default, you could say. :D It is still the basic steel armour anyway, so you get the idea. There are four without helms, and three with. These were taken at very different times, so there is a bit of variation in some ways. The armour is the reason for them though. Hope that helps!
  13. Yeah, I know they're not all mergeable! I just ask it to tag such for me. But thanks for that suggestion - looks like just the thing! Exactly what I had in mind, even. I'm also completely fine with trial and error, by the way. I just prefer a bit less of both, where possible. ;) I don't have limitless hours for all this.
  14. I'm new to this stuff, so go easy! The latest OBMM, OBSE, Python (+ wxPython) and Wrye Bash are all installed and working, as well as Oblivion, SI, latest official OB-SI update, all DLCs, and unofficial updates for OB, SI and all DLCs. Also, full QTP + updates, SI retex, etc. TES4LodGen is ready to go. Then there's the other mods... I've got a whole bunch of these in mind - with lots already installed - plus some ini tweaks and so on. The only issue so far is with trying to figure out what Bashed Patch tags to give which mods before I rebuild it, and which ones need (special) tags - other than simply 'merge', that is - in the first place. Apparently, there are even cases sometimes where you merge, say, some graphics from a mod, but leave it checked, or full active as well, in other words. Even though the general rule, as I understand it, is to uncheck mods if you're going to merge them. Gah. A bit lost now. How on Earth do you figure out which mods are the exception - and in what ways - especially if they don't necessarily tell you that they could be? Is there just a simple rule or formula that always applies, and if so, what is it?! :confused: Or maybe a comprehensive list online? Thanks in advance.
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