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Posts posted by Beefyh

  1. I don't know if someone answered this, and if they did I am sorry. Ushnar's dog. I think 5 aggression is still too much. I didn't realize why until I read this, but whenever I started a Shivering Isles game the townspeople would just MURDER that thing. I think it chases the Khajiits around and always get killed somehow. This is unmodded Oblivion btw. Just thought I'd throw it out there :)
  2. I like the idea but I dont like the whole technology part i doesnt make much sense


    I mean the yare holed up underground with limited resources so how could they have created such advanced weaponry


    I agree, if this is done, it might be better to just leave swordplay and bows in. 200 of living underground doesn't do much for technology.

  3. @Devjiro You're welcome feel free to ask anything, and somebody will most likely help you.


    @SaintAnon I have TweakOblivion. It works pretty good, but I have seen no options for cores, only ram. I might be a complete noob and not know if these are intersecting in the ini or not.

  4. Well, it makes sense it a sort of twisted way. If you steal something, that item is considered "hot" property and people probably will report you if they see it. This would only make sense for recognizable weapons, armors, etc.. However how would they know that your fork is stolen?
  5. The keychain one :)

    Other "easy ones" are basically anything you can get your hands on that aren't deadly reflex or something in the top 20 files maybe? Sometimes the higher up they are the more user friendly they are.

    No it does not change them all. Only your unique ID.

  6. Thanks anyways, I'll think up some nice fun twisted evil demented happy torturing solution :)


    Im going to make you a tribute website with all your mods and pictures and EVERY SINGLE COMMENT. :) It is coming along nicely


    Edit: Kinda off topic but this thread is done anyways... What if I bump this BUT THEN REALLY FAST delete the post. Is it still at the top? :P

  7. I figured it was hotkeys, but it never hurts to check ;) . Anyways, this is making more sense to me now that I think about it. Who stores all their weapons in their (... idk, what do Oblivion characters store their loot in? 0.o) fantasy storage backpack of magic (nailed it) and then has to get them out every time they change weapons mid-combat? Unfortunately I don't think this exists and would only exist if you wanted to wear one as an amulet. Correct me if I am wrong, as I would love this as well.
  8. Really? I had no idea... So you can sell stolen items to anyone at level 50? :wallbash: A year of Oblivion and still not figured it out. I think this makes mercantile skill a little more valuable now... it's like a .2 instead of a .15 on a scale of 1 - 100
  9. So this will be easy? I am not sure it would produce any bugs at all. Dropping the weapon has nothing to do with obtaining the weapon does it? If required by a quest to retrieve a weapon, it doesn't care how you got it. In my little tiny itty bitty knowledge center up in my head, it is telling me that activating a weapon on the ground would be the same as getting it out of inventory. I might be wrong, I've never looked into what the difference was. Maybe on the ground it has some different scripts? (idk what they would be :) )
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