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Everything posted by mewfii

  1. http://nvse.silverlock.org/ go here and get NVSE then go here http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262 to get FONV4GB ^Once above is done, put NVSE stuff in same folder as the EXE to the program, then load FONV4GB, get to the launcher (Have Steam off to do that), config everything there, but only load the game once then exit...then go to your task manager and find if FONV is still loaded, end the tree, then find the FONV4GB possess and end tree it...then go back to using either FOMM and/or NMM to load your game...
  2. Oh and if you want to use NMM as well, there is some way you could use both but only load the game with just one of the loaders, just maybe have FONV4GB/|Can work together|/NVSE...
  3. If you use FOMM or NMM, they tell you how much is loaded, both in a syntax (<numbers and letters) and normal line...
  4. And knowing Friendship Is Magic is half the battle! MLP!!!!!! Note: Sorry...just had to do it...
  5. No load order...no problem... That is all... ^Means you ether don't have mods, other the dlc, or your a faker...
  6. This post is manly for people that play both Minecraft and Fallout, and/or other programs that execute through a Java file not a EXE file... Most poeple know in Minecraft how to use more memory...is there something similer to this that one can use for Fallout? Minecraft, Java, .Bat files, all have things in common...is there some way you can use a .bat file...or something similer...to boost memory for Fallout...3 or NV...and in turn boost how many mods you can use? And no I'm not talking about FO3-SE or NVSE or FO3-4BG or FONV-4GB, I'm talking about either .Bat files or some other way to boost performence/memory...
  7. Still crashes... I need to know where all the NMM program folders are so when I do a re install of NMM, it's clean. I have just upped it to 0.40.0 but still crashes on download.. So what else I need is, if I do things manually but I still want to use NMM to install...it can still do that... What folder do I put it in? Cache, Downloads, or the folder the last two were in, Mods? Why? Because I put zipped/rared/7zed mods in all those folders and they showed up in the mods tab of NMM...so I just need to know which one to put them in...
  8. But then how do you run NVSE with 4GBFONV?
  9. PS: I've tried Wrye Bash but never understood it...how is one suppose to use it...please, if there are tutorials for it, text would work for me, not just video... Ok so if I want to download my files, what should I sort the downloads in? I mean when going through the site, which search method should I use? Basically I want mods that have been updated recently, downloaded a lot, and has a bunch of endorsements...oh and adult mods first...
  10. OK so I have been looking at everyone elses problems with NMM right now, even posts with a link to the "PROBLEM Q&A THREAD" and did all the numbers...........................still does not work!!! So is it still safe, say, not to use NMM right now to download and install files, but maybe just to launch FONV? Maybe because you have NVSE and/or FONV4GB installed? And FOMM...you can't log in to update FOMODS, but you can still look for conflicts and use the built in BOSS function that actually works...BOSS the stand alone just shows you the right sort order, FOMM BOSS actually fixes the sort order, but you can't use it to load FONV...something is making it go to error... Oh and FONVEDIT...DO NOT ("DISABLE" "UNDELETE") OR ("DELETE IDENTICAL TO MASTER")...because if you think you can just go "Oh I'll go to the game properties in Steam and verify the files"...People are just trolling you....it will destroy your game! I just use FONVEDIT to load my files, it also has a sort function...it will crash if your files are not in the right place...but...last few lines it will tell you, at just two files at a time, where these two files should be, either before or after one of them... Now here it's safe to say you should right now load mods like this: Manual install each mod -> Run through stand alone BOSS -> Then load up FOMM -> Check for new load order updates under the help menu -> check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Check for conflicts -> BOSS auto sort, then check Sort report -> Close FOMM, load NMM -> Again check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Then finally load the game through NVSE...should work...barely... So my real question is, should you add things manually, then get NVSE and/or FONV4GBand run through them
  11. OK so I have been looking at everyone elses problems with NMM right now, even posts with a link to the "PROBLEM Q&A THREAD" and did all the numbers...........................still does not work!!! So is it still safe, say, not to use NMM right now to download and install files, but maybe just to launch FONV? Maybe because you have NVSE and/or FONV4GB installed? And FOMM...you can't log in to update FOMODS, but you can still look for conflicts and use the built in BOSS function that actually works...BOSS the stand alone just shows you the right sort order, FOMM BOSS actually fixes the sort order, but you can't use it to load FONV...something is making it go to error... Oh and FONVEDIT...DO NOT ("DISABLE" "UNDELETE") OR ("DELETE IDENTICAL TO MASTER")...because if you think you can just go "Oh I'll go to the game properties in Steam and verify the files"...People are just trolling you....it will destroy your game! I just use FONVEDIT to load my files, it also has a sort function...it will crash if your files are not in the right place...but...last few lines it will tell you, at just two files at a time, where these two files should be, either before or after one of them... Now here it's safe to say you should right now load mods like this: Manual install each mod -> Run through stand alone BOSS -> Then load up FOMM -> Check for new load order updates under the help menu -> check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Check for conflicts -> BOSS auto sort, then check Sort report -> Close FOMM, load NMM -> Again check if Archive Invalidation is on, turn it off then on -> Then finally load the game through NVSE...should work...barely... So my real question is, should you add things manually, then get NVSE and/or FONV4GBand run through them
  12. *WARNING* DO NOT USE THE "UNDELETE" "DISABLE" OR "REMOVE IDENTICAL TO MASTER" commands, they screw with your game, even verifying files with Steam won't work after that... What I just do is "Apply filters for cleaning" and kill all the "conflict losers" and keep everything else... Oh and Boss doesn't sort everything, I use this just so it can tell me if something needs sorting...
  13. Ok so what if I jacked up my game to have more then 140 loaded and less then that actually activated...will I be able to add more mods if I have around 140 mods merged into one mod file, and can I have more then one merged mod file with around 140 mods for each of them? Let just say, I use NMM with NVSE(/W)4GFONV and I have a pretty powerful computer... I was having problems before, still using Fomm, now I'm using NMM...but still using Boss and FONVEDIT...FONVEDIT, I don't "undelete" or "disable" or "Remove identical to masters", that just screws with the program code and then I can't load saved games, so does verifying it with Steam...I also use FONVEDIT to help the sort order where Boss fails...you see, when it's loading up the mods, if there is a mod that needs to go before or after another mod, it will stop it's process and crash...then I can look at the last line and fix the two conflicting mods...then keep doing it until it all loads...
  14. Most people use FONVEDIT on their game to try and fix things...well don't use all the functions, at least the ones that remove files... Two things I can think up right now you can use this for is... 1. The right load order: it craps out when the load order is not right, you can still use Fomm and Boss to fix that... 2. When you hit "Apply filter for cleaning"...before or after you hit "Check for errors"...just start at the bottom and look at the red color mods and then go to Fomm and delete them there...keep doing this until FONVEDIT show no more red color mods Basically, I use Nmm to install, Fomm and Boss to sort, and FONVEDIT to shave un-used mods...
  15. Isn't there an easier way...I don't want to have the doc asking me the same questions over and over when i activate each mod...
  16. Ok so here is my setup... I install mods through NMM, sort them with BOSS and FOMM-B-BOSS, FNVEDIT is not used right now...then I use FOMM W/NVSE to load the game, usually have Steam closed to be safe at first, then I can get into the game easy. I start a new game and go through the things with the doc and then once I get to the place where I can chose to go hardcore or not, I chose no hardcore and it CTD!!
  17. [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] CFWNV.esm [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm [X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] wsex.esm [X] cortexscrambler.esm [X] MikotoBeauty.esm [X] DFB - Random Encounters.esm [X] IWS-Core.esm [X] More Challenges.esm [X] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] RenamonNV.esm [X] Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp [X] CASM.esp [X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp [X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [X] XFO - 1ab - Accuracy Revamp - hard.esp [X] XFO - 1bd - Dmg - Non-Var - 5x.esp [X] XFO - 1bg - Dmg - Skill-Var - 5x.esp [X] XFO - 2ac - Armor - DR+DT - revamp - high.esp [X] XFO - 2bc - Armor - DR+DT - simple - high.esp [X] XFO - 2dc - Bleedthrough - 0% (Full DT).esp [X] XFO - 3ae - rarity - ammo - easier.esp [X] XFO - 3be - rarity - caps - easier.esp [X] XFO - 3ce - rarity - meds - easier.esp [X] XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp [X] XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two Perks Per Level.esp [X] XFO - 5a - SPECIAL & Stats Rebalance.esp [X] XFO - 5b - Skills - SP Formula Rebalance.esp [X] XFO - 5c - Skills - Better Med Surv Repair.esp [X] XFO - 5db - Skills - Sneak - hard.esp [X] XFO - 5ea - Skills - Barter - Mild.esp [X] XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp [X] XFO - 6bd - Pacing - Faster (No Cap).esp [X] XFO - 7a - UnMSG - Empty.esp [X] XFO - 7b - UnMSG - Karma (Incl Sounds).esp [X] XFO - 7c - UnMSG - Sneak Status.esp [X] XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp [X] XFO - 8b - Speed Increases.esp [X] XFO - 8c - Karma Rebalance.esp [X] XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp [X] XFO - 9bb - Enemies - NPC Health + high.esp [X] XFO - 9cb - Enemies - NPC Aim + high.esp [X] XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp [X] XFO - 10ad - Hardcore - Hunger&Thirst - Easier (Half).esp [X] PN_Cyborg_Trait.esp [X] wsexInnuendoAnims.esp [X] wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp [X] More Challenges - Original Challenges Overhaul.esp [X] mcbm_armorsSafe1.esp [X] NVCE Main - Companions.esp [X] Animated Prostitution.esp [X] wsex-DSI.esp [X] DFB - Random Encounters - Update - MCM.esp [X] DFB - Random Encounters - Dead Money Additions.esp [X] DFB - Random Encounters - Honest Hearts Additions.esp [X] DFB - Random Encounters - Old World Blues Additions.esp [X] iAssist.esp [X] IWS-Core-Patrols.esp [X] IWS-Core-Guards.esp [X] IWS-Core-Civilians.esp [X] IWS-DM.esp [X] IWS-HH.esp [X] IWS-OWB.esp [X] IWS-LR.esp [X] MusclegirlMetalArmorFixed.esp [X] NVCE DLC01.esp [X] NVCE DLC02.esp [X] NVCE DLC03.esp [X] NVCE DLC04.esp [X] MuscleGirlFNV.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp [X] Project Nevada - All DLC.esp [X] NVCE Main.esp [X] Sexy_Muscle_Girl_Outfit_DLC2.esp [X] Sexy_Sleepwear_MuscleGirl_DLC.esp [X] Sexy_Outfits_DLC.esp [X] Sexy_Stripper_Dresses_DLC.esp [X] PN_Cyborg_OWB.esp [X] SunnyCompanion.esp [X] Bikini_Armor_TYPE3.esp [X] Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp [X] LevelCap100.esp [X] Performance Of The Gods.esp [X] Roleplayers_Actor.esp [X] Roleplayers_Econ.esp [X] Roleplayers_Equipment.esp [X] Roleplayers_XP.esp [X] ExtraSPECIAL.esp [X] GameSettings.esp [X] SPECIALer.esp [X] Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp [X] Custom Laser Rifle.esp [X] MojaveDelighted.esp [X] AsharasHairConversionNV.esp [X] NovaMod.esp [X] 1pipboy5000.esp [X] Predatory Affinity.esp [X] Predatory Affinity V1.esp [X] Advanced Character Setting.esp [X] C93 - Intelligence Based XP.esp [X] C93 - Static Skill Rate.esp [X] Mephane Skunk.esp [X] MikotoBeauty.esp [X] Foxraces.esp [X] StartNewGameAlmostPerfectNoOWB.esp [X] StartNewGameAlmostPerfectOWB.esp [X] vigor 10.esp [X] vigor 13.esp
  18. All the Doc's questions get through, but after the door, before you go out of it, when he is asking to turn on Hardcore or not...I hit no in most cases...CTD with a Windows error report box...
  19. *What's your load order?* Can't be a mod, happens even just with normal DLC and even without them activated, which is vanilla when no ESM or ESP are active...CRASH!! *What's the error FNVEdit is throwing up?* When I hit "Filter for cleaning" this comes up: Warning: Comparing sorted and unsorted entrie for "FLST \ FormIDs" in "PNxCVisorOverlay05CSAOrderedList [FLST:1D00847E]" *People can't help if they don't have any details* Ya like I have not got an answer for the graphics card, Nvidia, and the UAC setting...
  20. Well some people think it the graphics card, which I'm having a problem with right now...updated my Nvidia card, but I have a GF 640 GT, FONV thinks I have a 8000 series...I tried using one of those d3d9 fixes, but it's for other peoples series, not mine... Other people say it's the UAC thingy that Win Vista and 7 have...so lets say you have FOMM...there is a box on the right that says "Settings" then there is a setting to disable UAC checks...checked = disabled, not checked = not disabled...what is that suppose to be if you don't want to move your Steam from the secure folder, "Program(X86)" Another thing that is a bother right now is FONVEdit...it comes up with a "WARNING" not and "ERROR" and I can't figure out if it's a mod, because I've tried running it both with mods, just DLC, and then just vanilla and it keeps giving me the same warning... WHAT IS GOING ON???! Are the modders and such being incompetent until Xmas and New Years is over? Or are we...the people with FONV problems...going to have to blame ourselves and be labeled as morons, I say moron as in the context of Weasley from Portal 2, and say that things are user error and we are all noobs...is that what is happening? All of the above begot the outcome of a CTD...(Begot is the right word...right?)
  21. Well what about the UAC setting in the FOMM "SETTING" area? I have it un-checked right now...
  22. Ok so I have Fallout New Vegas Ultimate, I have no mods active, just waiting to be put in the folder, the activation files like ESM and ESP files as well and I have the latest Steam version from verifying it, and it's just vanilla...load it up without Fomm and/or Nvse, CRASH...Load with Fomm and/or Nvse, CRASH...Run through BOSS and/or FNVEdit, CRASH!!! WHAT!? THE!!?? XMAS FRUIT CAKE!!!???
  23. Verifing your file cashe sometimes help fix problems...
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