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Everything posted by Shadeybladey

  1. Well, it says DLC1TechXbowSteelChanceNone == 0.00 which implies to me that I have no chance, but it says 0.00, which means that I do. Wouldn't it be set to 1.00 if I had no chance of crafing the bolts? I can console them in, anyway, and I could add that COBJ to my Silver and Mithril smithing mod. The irony is that I made a silver crossbow and two silver scimitars to kill the undead boss I had placed at Alftand, tempered up to Legendary, and when I got there he was already dead! I think the Dwemer Spheres had bashed him up and then he walked into one of the traps! It's like Skyrim is an actual living world, sometimes. But now I read his journal I can make Mithril weapons, which are even better against Undead and Lycanthropes, and do damage between Elven and Glass. I probably should have made it between Glass and Dragonbone, but when made Legendary with my 6 pieces of clothing and jewellery that add 20% each to tempering, they do huge damage, anyway. Even without a Flask of the Blacksmith. Was it you in another thread that said that sometimes making a skill Legendary can cause bugs? I decided I didn't need the Dragon Armour perk, so I made Smithing Legendary and consoled my scores back up to 100. I wondered if that might be affecting my game? Cheers! :)
  2. Ah, OK, Cheers! So that's what the global value means, I have not joined the Dawnguard? :)
  3. Yes, I'm familar with the console and use it a lot when cheating skills up to test mods etc. I just don't know what will happen later on, whether it will continue as normal after I change their Magicka, Health and Stamina stats. But in this case, it doesn't matter as the character is level 100 anyway. Cheers! :)
  4. My last character could, but my latest one cannot. I CAN smith Silver Bolts from my own mod, for my Silver Crossbow, but that is a waste of silver. I specialise in Light Smithing, not Heavy, so I don't know whether I'd be able to make Dwarven Bolts and Crossbows. It's a bit annoying as I just got the 2nd Quest Tome from my own mod so I can make Legendary Mithril ingots and smith mithril weapons, but making Mithril bolts is DEFINITELY a waste of Mithril ingots, as the hidden perks for extra damage vs Undead and Lycanthropes are applied to the launcher, not the missile. The relevant COBJ is: DLC1RecipeTechBoltSteel Target Function Name Function Info Comp Value S GetGlobalValue Global 'DLC1TechXbowSteelChanceNone' == 0.00 S HasPerk Perk: 'SteelSmithing' == 1.00I have a 3rd party mod that changes Steel Smithing to Basic Smithing, but it's the same form ID as Vanilla. My own mod also needs Steel Smithing, plus other crafting perks, in order to make Silver and Mithril weapons, so that doesn't matter as it's just a cosmetic change to the Form ID name. I don't understand that global value. I turned down the Dawnguard when he asked me to join and slay vampires, and I have not been to any of the Dawnguard or Dragonborn locations, but I have no idea if that matters. One thing, I trained Smithing up to 100 and made it Legendary and then trained it up again. Could it be that? Cheers! :)
  5. Yes, possibly too many mods for your system, if not mod conflicts. Also, don't try entering Whiterun when it's raining.
  6. My latest character is a level 100 Thief, and I realised I gave her far too much Stamina and not quite enough Health and Magicka. Is there any way to safely change these values to what they should be, without screwing things up? Cheers!
  7. Should Update.esm ever be used as a mod master? Most mods I have do not, but a few do. Cheers!
  8. Oh, OK, you need your mod to check if an end-user has that dll installed? I still cannot help, unfortunately, but I subbed this thread in the hope of learning something! :)
  9. It's a long time since I wrote scripts, but one thing I do know is that you MUST test the script on a saved game file that has never seen your mod. Trying to fix a script and re-testing on a save that has the old version baked in won't work. I learned this at a great cost of time and frustration and several clumps of hair! :smile:
  10. I have no idea, but wouldn't it be easier to search your Skyrim folder for that dll? Or even your hard drtive?
  11. Also, a hacked or cracked illegal copy will not work with mods, and you'll get no help here or anywhere else. Another thing to note is that sites that offer illegal, "free" copies of any games with fill your PC with viruses, trojans and worms, so best to steer clear. SLE is about £10, SSE £30. Better to pay that than have your bank details hacked. :pirate:
  12. Oh, it works if you have a lot of scrolls! I use UFO for followers, and I can say You Know... ...You are important which tags them as essential, so they go down for a while but do not die. Actually, in this play through I find that they do more than 80% of the killing for me. I spend so much time trying to avoid hitting them with an arrow! I shot Varkas or Farkas or whatever he's called in the back of the head from a balcony thinking he was a Silver Hand, and he just said: "Huh? What was that?" and took like 2% Max hp in damage! He does seem to wander the dungeon a lot, getting ahead or lagging behind. When I unlocked the Adept level lock, he was the other side of the door! I wonder what would have happened if I'd use a silver arrow? I like to make Daggerfall-type classes when I can. I made outlines for most of them, limiting the level of Perks they can get in Secondary, Tertiary and Miscellaneous skills. There has to be a difference between a Ranger, a Pickpocket, an Assassin and a Thief. A Ranger can Sneak, but not as well as an Assassin, and can do Sneak shots with a bow, but not Backstab like a Thief. A Ranger can make healng potions from things he harvests in the wilderrness, but not as well as an Assassin who specialises in poisons and venom. A Nightblade has better One-Handed and Illusion skills than a Thief, a Spellsword has better destruction magick and so on, while neither a Nightblade or a Spellsword can Block like a Sword and Shield Warrior. It's a lot of fun. Skyrim was very "dumbed-down" in terms of character skills compared with Daggerfall and Morrowind, but has that perk system to make up for it. All the Best! :D
  13. Thanks for taking the time to reply with that. That would be a great strategy for a high level Fire Magick Mage, but I am a Thief! And my followers are two Thieves, an Assassin and the Companion, who is a Warrior. LOL! "Challenging"? I think the word you are looking for is IMPOSSIBLE! And I am only on Adept difficulty! :D Yes, they came in waves, but only a few seconds apart. I used to use a mod for better undead, but not on this character, as Draugr kept resurrecting a ridiculous number of times. The door out was locked and needed a key. Once they are all dead it's just an Adept level lock that I can pick easily. I am not sure if that is Vanilla or due to some mod hanging around. Ah, that's the thing. I did not speak to the Jarl and most of my activity is in Riften, trying to join the Thieve's Guild. So I have seen no dragons and only have that one shout, but cannot use it as I have no souls to power it. I only went to Whiterun to sell loot, and joined the Companions for their One-Handed training, then met the guy wandering round who lost his father's sword, and he trained my One-Handed some more. So far I have the first Perk and some of the Dual-Wielding ones. But none in Archery. Ooh, the irony! I use my own Alchemy mod for Herbalists, Healers and Poisoners which allows better potions of both, and makes their strength more equal to ach other. I even have a portable pestle and mortar, so I could have made that potion in the dungeon. But I have no perks in it and didn't even think of making a useful potion. If I were an Assassin, I would have almost all the perks. And I have only the one Flame Destruction spell that you start with, as Destruction is not even a Tertiary skill for me. I recall doing this one time with a Ranger, who had a lot more Perk points in Archery and could sneak shoot with the Zoom-In Eagle Eye Feat. But it was still impossible, so I cheated in scrolls of Bane of Undead or something. As I am playing a Thief this time, I have role-playing rules I must stick to, like AD&D classes to mimic the old Daggerfall classes. I have to take a Perk in a Primary skill if I can, before any in a Secondary Skill, and must take a Perk in a Secondary skill if I can before I take any in a Tertiary skill. Thief 45 Sneak 96 All but last Lockpick 93 All but last Pickpockets 23 1 Feat (need to join Thieve's Guild) Speech 77 8 Feats One-Handed 77 5 Light Armour 91 5 Archery 94 0 feats Alchemy 92 0 Smithing 90 0 Enchanting 35 0 Illusion 20 0 Alteration 20 0 My Khajiit can still 1-Shot a Silver Hand from stealth, though, due to Sneak perks, even with no Archery perks. For a Pickpocket I would swap Lockpicking with Speech and for a Burglar I'd swap Pickpockets with Speech. Shame there's no Climbing skill no more! My Ranger was much better at Archery, of course, as that was a Primary skill for him (a Bosmer) and my Assassin was much better at Alchemy. Assassin Ranger Bard Sneak Archery Speech One-Handed One-Handed Illusion Alchemy Light Armour Pickpocket Pickpocket Sneak 1-Handed Archery Smithing Archery Light Armour Alchemy Light Armour Lockpick Alteration Alteration Destruction Conjuration Lockpick Smithing Illusion Smithing Enchanting Enchanting Enchanting Illusion Two-Handed Alchemy Speech Block Sneak There are other rules as well about how much Magicka, Health and Stamina they gain, which perks are disallowed, whether they can do Heavy Smithing etc. EG a Ranger can use Illusions to Calm Animals, Conjuration for Summon Animals and Elemental Atronachs, Alteration for Water Breathing, Transmute Ore and any survival things, but cannot Summon or control Undead of any sort, or take Assassin type Sneak Perks. So, in the end, my Khajiit Thief was either going to have to abandon that quest for now, or cheat. So I used TGM in the console and killed them all dual-wielding my Elven Sword and Dagger! And it was still a hell of a battle! :D Next time, if I am playing a Mage, I will prepare better and use your strategy! :D
  14. Am I hallucinating or is Dustman's Cairn impossible to complete without console-cheating in some major scrolls to destroy undead? Shouldn't the Companion go werewolf? He did to kill three measely Silver Hand, so why not the 47-odd major Draugr? It's supposed to be a low-level quest to join the Companions and prove my honour. My Khajiit Thief is level 45 with 3 decent followers, plus what's-his-face Valik or Falik the Companion. My Sneak is so high the Draugr ignore me until everyone else is bleeding on the ground (they are all marked as essential). But they basically ignore my poisoned arrows as well! Then I get shouted to smithereens. I very rarely bother with the Companions, but i wanted access to their trainers, but I thought the Unoffical Patch fixed this sort of thing? Cheers!
  15. Oh, thanks for that! I built a little camp outside Whiterun near Battleborn Farm, but it's not a very good place for a large stronghold. Now I can pick and chose the best place! Cheers!
  16. Does anyone know of a map of all the surface ore veins in Skyrim, outside of mines etc? Plus, if anyone can tell me of a fairly nice wilderness location that has a Quicksilver ore vein, I'd be very grateful. I want to build a Pocket Empires stockade, like the one I used to have near Riverwood. When I told some companions to relax and went off on adventures, they would sweep the porch, use the forge, drink and carouse, chop wood and dig ore. When I got back they would be overloaded with fire wood and iron ore from the ore vein there. But I need quicksilver for one of my mods, rather than iron ore! Cheers!
  17. Oh, by the way, are they for SLE, SSE or does it not mater with texture mods? Cheers!
  18. As far as I am aware, you get all the feat points to spend again and continue levelling. I think the Legendary skill drops to the base 15, though, plus racial modifier. I don't know if you keep the benefits of the feats you had. I have rarey done it. But say you make Archery legendary, you get those feat points back and your skill drops, but you still have that Smithied Ebony Bow that does hundreds of points of damage. oO
  19. There are files accessible in the CK which govern all forms of movement. I made an unpublished mod to make the speeds of walk, run, sprint, sneak walk and sneak run more similar to the values in AD&D. But this was quite a few years ago, I'll have to dig them up. If there is an MGEF that increases movement speed, you could try using a copy of that. If not, you could make copies of the Sprint Speed and, say, double it and have that take effect according to a script, or perhaps a hidden perk when you equip something in your favourites menu. Morrowind had the Blinding Boots of Speed, I forget if there is a similar item in Skyrim :smile: Oh, I just realised this is for NPCs. But making the AI package use a Double Sprint Speed file should work. I don't know much about AI packages, though. :(
  20. Yes, my motherboard will not take DDR4 RAM, only 4x 8GB DDR3. It cannot take 64 GB and apparently they don't make DDR3 anymore, so I am having trouble finding new RAM. So at the moment I am stuck with the original 2x 4GB. I just installed the Skyrim HD 2k graphics overhaul. I don't know if it will work for SSE as it was made for SLE. But things look much better already. I also got a few others I have not installed yet. I do notice slightly longer loading times and longer pauses sometimes when changing cells. But I am running the game off the 2TB IDE E:\ drive, and have only a 3 GB graphics card. You shouldn't have any problems. I suppose it would be possible to have hundreds of 8k texture mods and overload your system, and cooling is very important. My Radeon burned out in a Neverwinter dungeon, so I have the Nvidia GTX 1060 now and a utility that has 0% fan speed at 0 to 20ºC and increments by +1% fan speed per +1ºC temp rise, to a max of 100% at 100ºC. It usually runs at 53ºC, rising to maybe 60º to 65ºC+. :smile:
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